A) 4 Min TC Ladder - Run 100m 1 wall climb. run 100m 2 wall climb etc etc
Intermediate 15 Mins to find 3 position Snatch - High Hang, hang (just below the knee), deck
Beginners 15 mins snatch tekkers
C) WoD
10 Min Amrap
Thruster 50/40, Plus Size Cindy(5 C2B pull up, 10 HR Press ups 15 Squats) ladder
1 thruster, 1 Round of Cindy
2 thuster , 1 Round of Cindy etc
Strength is a choice…choose to be strong
A) In 3 Team
row max distance & accumulate as many burpees in 8 mins
Your score is distance and burpees as a team
B) Back Squats 1×5@65%, 3×5@75% – rest 2 minutes between sets
C) WoD
12 min AMRAP
21 KB Swing
12 S2OH 50/40
21 OH Lunges 20/15
Strength is a choice…choose to be strong
A) Run 200m then
2 rounds
10 wall balls
10 burpees
then run 450
B) 15 Mins to find heavy push jerk x2 ( take bar from the deck)
C) WoD
Double Unders
Sit Ups
Strength is a choice…choose to be strong
A) Run 100m 10 Burpees Run 200m 10 Burpees Run450m 10 Burpees
B) Back Squat 2x4@85% 1x2@90% 1x2@95%
C) WoD
3 x 4 min AMRAP
10 G2OH
10 Sit ups
10Press Ups
rest 60 seconds between rounds
Strength is a choice…choose to be strong
A) 4 Min Time cap KB WB ladder…..
B) OMEM 12 minutes 3 position clean high hang/hang/deck
C) WoD
7 Rounds
8 Deadlift 70/50
8 T2B
8 OHL 20/15
Strength is a choice…choose to be strong
20131002 Wednesday
A) 4 x 200m run 1:1 work rest ratio
B) OHS find 3 RM for the day
C) WoD
4 rounds
15 Push Press
30 double unders
Strength is a choice…choose to be strong
A) Time cap 4 Mins run 200m single arm KB swings
B) Snatch 15 mins to find heavy 2xsnatch pull (hang) 1x snatch (hang)
C) WoD
12 min AMRAP
5 clean 60/45
10 box jumps
10 bar jump burpees
Strength is a choice…choose to be strong
A) 4min amrap 30 DU , 15 sit ups
B) Deadlift 5,5,3,3,3
C) WoD
Pull Ups
Strength is a choice…choose to be strong
A) 4 min run 450m then AMRAP Pull Ups
B)15 mins personal skill work
C) WoD
5 rounds
15 kb swing
10 box jumps
5 burpees
Strength is a choice…choose to be strong
Olympic Lifting Totals night
Strength is a choice…choose to be strong
A) tabata DU
B) 15mins - Find heavy Thruster for the day
C) WoD
3 rounds
30 Wall balls
15 Pull ups
Strength is a choice…choose to be strong
A) Team type flip burpee accumulator 1 flip 1 Burpee (as a team) 2 flips 2 Burpees 3 etc etc
B) Skill - Bar Work
C) WoD
Run 5 K
Strength is a choice…choose to be strong
A) run 200m then 3 rounds 10 Squats 5 Burpees 10 Sit ups then run 200m
B) BS 1x6@80% 2x4@85% 2@90%
C) WoD
6min TC
Partner Grace
in remainder of the time AMRAP
Pistol Burpees
F) Prowler shuttles
Strength is a choice…choose to be strong
A) Ladder & Hurdle drills
B) HSPU Skill Work
C) WoD
10 PC 60/45
30 DU
8 PC 60/45
30 DU
6 PC 60/45
30 DU
4 PC 60/45
30 DU
2 PC 60/45
30 DU
Strength is a choice…choose to be strong
A) Knee tag
B) BS 1x6@70%, 1x4@80% 2x4@80%
C) WoD
8 min AMRAP
15 Front Squats 60/50
12 T2B
9 KB Swing 24/16
Strength is a choice…choose to be strong
A) Row or Run 1 mile
B) 15 mins - Push Press 5,5,5,3,3,3
C) WoD
3 Rounds
Run 450m
25 Burpees
Strength is a choice…choose to be strong
A) 3 min TC - 90 DU, AMRAP DB snatches
B) 15Mins 5x10 each leg - Single leg Squats
C) WoD
5 Rounds
Box Jump
Strength is a choice…choose to be strong
A) i) Run 450m
ii) 1 min ME pistols
iii) 1 min ME flutter kicks
B) 10 mins to find heavy double snatch from the hang, then for 5 mins OMEM snatch (full) at that weight
C) WoD
Sit Ups
Strength is a choice…choose to be strong
A) Accumilate 2 rounds
90 secs Plank
60 secs L sit
30 secs invert
B) Muscle Up Friday - Progressions!
C) WoD
3 x 3 min AMRAPS
10 Wall Balls
10 Down n Ups
10 Pistols
*Rest 1 minute between rounds - pick up where your last round finished
Strength is a choice…choose to be strong
A) AMRAP 3 mins 5 Burpees 2 Strict Pull Ups
B) 15 Mins to find heavy Clean x 2 and Jerk for the day
C) WoD
3 Rounds
3 minutes each round 1 minutes rest
Run 450 then in remained of time ring dips
Strength is a choice…choose to be strong