Week 4 - P1


Monday 28thJan 


6 Min AMRAP 

10 Scap Pulls 

5 Beat Swings 

10 Power Bugs 


Gymnastics Complex -  


6 Sets - Rest As Needed 


Adv - 5 Pull Ups + 3 C2B + 2 MU

Int - 5 Pull Ups + 3 C2B + 2 V UP

Beg - 5 Band PU + 3 Eccen PU + 2 V Up


50 KB Devil Press For Time



Tuesday 29thJanuary


8 Mins To Complete 

Accumulate 50 Box Step Ups EL

Every Break 

12 Goblet Squats 


Every 4 mins x 6


Back Squat 4 - Aim is 80%


Between Sets 


8 Double HPC+PP


In Pairs I Go You Go 

2 rounds each 

Run 200m 

Plank Hold Whilst Partner Runs


50 Syncro Thrusters 

Every Break 

10 Burpee Box Jump IGYG



Wednesday 30thJanuary 


3 Sets - Build Load


3 HH Cleans + 3 Front Squats

2 Hang Cleans + 2 Front Squats

1 Power Clean + 1 Front Squat


Go Every 3 Mins x 6


Run 200m 

2 Power Clean + 2 Front Squat




EMOM - 15


1- 18/14 Cal Row 

2 - Max HSPU 

3 - Min Rest


Thursday 31stJanuary  


In 3 Teams 


20 Min Move 


200ft Front Rack Carry 

50ft Sled Pull 

30 Sec Active Hang 


Rest 5 Mins 


In 3 Teams 


20 Min Move 


100 ft Box Push 

200ft Farmers Carry 

30 Sec HS Hold



Friday 1stFebruary 


6 Min 

50 ft Walking Lunge 

50 ft Bear Crawl 

15 Ball Slam 

Emom 3 Burpees 


Every 4 Mins x 7 


Deadlift x 4


2 min AMRAP


5 Pull Ups 

10 Press Ups 

15 Squats  


In remaining time of 4 Mins 

Build deadlift 


In 3 Teams 

10 Mins Max Cals on AD

Every Time you come off the AD

10 Med Ball Cleans

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong

Week 2 - P1

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Monday 14thJan 


6 Min AMRAP 

10 Scap Pulls 

5 Beat Swings 

10 Power Bugs 


Gymnastics Complex -  


6 Sets - Rest As Needed 


Adv - 5 Pull Ups + 3 C2B + 2 MU

Int - 5 Pull Ups + 3 C2B + 2 V UP

Beg - 5 Band PU + 3 Eccen PU + 2 V Up


Run 200m - With KB or DB


Pull Ups 

KB or DB Snatch



Tuesday 15thJan 



1 - 12 KB SDHP + 10 Hollow Rocks 

2 - 16 Latteral Lunges 

3 - 10 Burpees Over KB 


Every 5 mins x 6 


Sumo Dead x 8 - Build Over Sets 


2 Min Amrap 


5 T2B+ 5 Push Up + 5 Squats


In remaining time Build Sumo DL



Wednesday 16thJan 


3 Rounds 

10 Cross Body RDL

20 Sec Russian Twist Hold + 10 Twists

Bear Crawl 100ft 


Row and Swing Ladder 



Plank Row 

Double KB Swing 

20 Mountain Climbers Between Sets


In Pairs 14 Mins 


I Go You Go 

Row 7-10 Cals 

10 Plate GTOH 

2 Wall Climbs



Thursday 17thJan 


3 x 

6 Kang Squat 

5 Single High Box Jump 

5 Seated Arnold Press ES


Every 4 Mins 


Back Squat 6x8

Aim is 70-72.5%


5 Strict See Saw KB Press +

5 Double Push Press 


In Teams of 4 


3 Sets 

12-15 Cal AD

100ft of Each 

Farmers Carry + FR Carry + OH Carry



Friday 18thJan


Go Every 3 Mins x 5


Run 200m 

3 Power Clean + 1 Front Squat




10 Min 

Min Macho Man 

3 Power Cleans + 3 Front Squats 

@ 70% of Above


100 Reverse Flies 

Every Break 

10 SA Ring Rows

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong

Week 51 - Fun Time


Monday 17.12.18


To Be voted for by the 6am class! 


30’s in 30mins (pairs)


30 cal row

30 burpees

30 air squats

30 HR press ups

30 BJ overs

30 thrusters @50/30 - aim is unnroken




30 Min Amrap 

 In Pairs

60 cal row

50 Wall Balls 

40 Power Cleans at 60/40

30 Burpees Over The Box 

20 Chest To Bar Pull ups



Tuesday 18.12.18

10 Min EMOM 

5 Toes To Bar 

5 Burpee Bar Touch 

10 Air Squats 


Rest 3-5 Mins


15 mIn Skill Work 


Skin the cats 



Rest 3-5 Mins 


Every 2 MIns x 6

Alternate Between 

1 - Run 200m 

2 - Row 250m



Wednesday 19.12.18

Kettlebell Work by Tom Bainbridge 


Tom will be guest coaching the 6am and 7am Class. He has recently completed his SFG Level 1 which is one of the toughest KB courses to get through and promotes and extremely high standard of coaching. Follow him at tomfkt on Instagram. 


Clean technique drills


Clean ladder

2, 3, 5, 2, 3, 5, 2, 3, 5 x2


10mins IGYG

3 Swings

3 Cleans

3 Squats 

3 Cleans



Thursday 20.12.18

In 20 Mins Complete 


Clean ladder.







Between Each Set

12 Burpees Over The Bar

12 Goblet Squats


At the 20 min mark :-


10 Mins to find a max clean.



Friday 21.12.18


12 Days of Christmas 


We will be opening up the numbers for this class and it will be a 6pm class only in the evening but normal classes in the morning and at lunch time. We shall aim to start the workout at 6.30pm after a warm up and have some drinks and mince pies after. Please do come down and bring in the festive period with everyone at the gym.


12 Hand Release push ups

11 Thrusters 40/20

10 KB Swings

9 OH Lunge Walk 20/10

8 Wall Balls

7 OH Squat 40/20

6 Pull ups


4 Burpees please

3 Toes to bar or V-sit Ups

2 Deadlifts 

And a Wall Climb

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong

Week 50 - Test Week


Monday 10.12.18


3 Rounds 

5 Kang Squats - Increase load

5 SL Step Ups 

10 Plank Reaches Each Side


Back Squat

20 Mins 

Build To a Heavy Single 

Every 3 Mins x 5 


10 Burpees Over the KB 

50 DU's




Tuesday 11.12.18

6 Mins Work 

10 Half Kneeling KB Press EA 

30 Sec Side Plank ES 

5 Broad Jumps

Floor Press

20 Mins 

Build To a Heavy Single 


12 Min Amrap 

100m FR carry - Partner 1

10 BJO              Partner 2

10 air squats


(Partner carries on from previous)




Wednesday 12.12.18

3 Rounds 

15 KB Swings 

15 Hollow Rocks 

5 Box Jump Overs 


20 Mins 

Build To a Heavy Single 


1 - 15-20 Cal Row 

2 - 15 Burpees 

3 – Rest




Thursday 13.12.18

6 mins Work 

20 Shoulder Taps 

5 Kneeling Ball Slams ES

10 Behind The Neck Press 

Strict Press 

10 Mins To A Heavy Single 

Rest 2 Mins 

Push Press 

10 Mins To A Heavy Single 

4 Rounds 

30 Hollow Rocks 

20 KB Floor Press 

15 Strict Pull Ups




Friday 14.12.18


2 Rounds 

10 Front Rack Revers Lunges 

10 Side Plank Rotations ES

30 Front Rack Stretch EA


Front Squat

20 Mins 

Build To a Heavy Single 


7 Min EMOM

7 Thrusters 

7 Box Jumps

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong

Week 49 - Build To Test

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Monday 03.12.18


10 Min EMOM 

5 Pull Ups 

5 Press Ups 

10 KB Swings 


Floor Press

6 x 4


15 Min EMOM 

1 - 8-10 KB Hang Clean and Jerk 

2 - 10-15 Box Jump Overs 

3 - 10-15 Toes To Bar



Tuesday 04.12.18

3 Rounds 

5 Barbell Reverse Lunges 

5 Back Squats 

10 Plank Reaches ES

Back Squat

Heavy 2

Cluster 1,1,1 x 3 - 10 sec rest

@82.5% of heavy 2

3 Rounds

90 Sec Wall Squat

30 Secs Max Goblet Squats 

Rest 2 Mins Between Rounds 

100 Sit Ups for time



Wednesday 05.12.18

5 Mins 

5 Behind The Neck Strict Press 

30 Sec Bottom UP KB Hold ES

30 Sec Side Plank

Strict + Push Press

2 + 4 

In Pairs 

15 Min Row For Max Cals 

One person must row whilst the other completes 

2 Rounds 

2 Bar MU's 

4 Bar Touch Burpees

8 Double KB Snatch 

Swop after the 2 rounds



Thursday 06.12.18

3 Rounds 

10 Cross Body RDL

10 Kneeling KB Press 

5 Box Jumps 


Heavy 2

Cluster 1,1,1 x 3 - 10 sec rest

@82.5% of heavy 2


SA OH Lunge Each Arm 


Sit Ups 

Every 2 Mins 

50 Du's



Friday 07.12.18


5 Mins Turkish Get Ups 

Alternate Arms With No Break 


Front Squat 

Heavy 2


Cluster 1,1,1 x 3 - 10 sec rest

@82.5% of heavy 2


15 Min Time Cap 

5 Rounds

Run 200m 

18 Burpees Over The Box

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong

Week 48 - Build To Test

WhatsApp Image 2018-09-09 at 20.32.18.jpeg

Monday 26.11.18

6 Mins Work 

10 Good Mornings - add load

10 Suitcase Deadlifts ES

20 Hollow Rocks 


Heavy 3

Cluster 2,2,2 x 3 - 15 sec rest

@80% of heavy 3

In pairs (4 rounds each)

Row 30 cals each YGIO for time

These are hard out sets

Tuesday 27.11.18


3 Rounds 

20 Shoulder Taps 

30 Sec Handstand Hold 

30 Sec Side Plank ES


Strict + Push Press

3 + 6 

Every 3 Mins by 5

20 Alternating KB/DB Snatch 

15 Toes To Bar 

10 Burpees Over The KB or DB

Wednesday 28.11.18

6 Mins Work 

10 Latteral Goblet Lunges ES

3 KB Windmills ES


Front Squat 

Heavy 3


Cluster 2,2,2 x 3 - 15 sec rest

@80% of heavy 3



1 - 60 DU

2- 22 Wallballs

3- 15 deadlifts @60/40 

Thursday 29.11.18


2 Rounds 

10 SL Glute Bridge Press

5 Strict Pull Ups 

15 Russian Twist 


Floor Press

5 x 6



200m run

10 STOH 60/40

20 Bar Facing Burpees

Friday 30.11.18


3 Rounds 

5 Kang Squats - Add Load 

10 Strict Toes To Bar


Back Squat

Heavy 3


Cluster 2,2,2 x 3 - 15 sec rest

@80% of heavy 3

In Teams of 3

3 Mins Per Station for max Reps 

1 - Airdyne

2 - Burpee Box Overs

3 - OH Lunges 

4 - Wall Climbs 

Winning team gets a Barbell Bar Each 

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong

Week 47 - Build To Test


Monday 19.11.18


6 min work 

5 Sl Glute Bridge EL

30 Sec Side Plank 

10 Goblet Squats 


Back Squat

Heavy 4


Cluster 3,3,3 x 3 - 10 sec rest

@77.5% of heavy 4

3 x 3 Min Amrap 

18 Sit Ups 

12 Farmers Lunges 

6 Burpees 

Tuesday 20.11.18


3 Rounds 

30 Sec Bottom Up KB Hold ES

10 Behind The Neck Press 

1 Min High Plank Hold 


Strict + Push Press

4 + 8 


1 - 5 Burpee Box Overs + 6- 10 Pull Ups  

2 - 12-15 Cal Row 

3 - 5 Burpee Box Overs + 6-10 HSPU

4 - 12-15 Cal AD

Wednesday 21.11.18


6 Mins Work 

5 Staggered Stance RDL EL - Add Load

5 Broad Jumps 

Run 100m 



Heavy 4


Cluster 3,3,3 x 3 - 10 sec rest

@77.5% of heavy 4


In Pairs 

50 Double KB Hang Clean Thrusters 

Every Break Run 200m 

Thursday 22.11.18


2 Rounds 

10 SA Glute Bridge Press 

10 SA Bent Over Row 

20 Side Plank Dips ES


Floor Press

4 x 8


3 x 

10 Ring Dips 

10 Press Ups 

50 Du's 

3 x 

10 Bent Over Row 

5-10 Pull Ups 

Run 100m

Friday 23.11.18


6 Mins Work 

12 Goblet Latteral Lunges 

20 Hollow Rocks 

5 Burpees


Front Squat 

Heavy 4


Cluster 3,3,3 x 3 - 10 sec rest

@77.5% of heavy 4


12 Min Amrap 

16 DB or KB Alt Snatch 

8 Burpees Over The KB/DB

4 Bar Mu's or 8 Pulls Ups 

10 Cal Row/AD If you brake MU

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong

Week 46 - De Load


Monday 12.11.18



6 Rounds 

1 Min on Each 

1 - 8-15 cal AD

2 - 6-10 Burpee Box Overs 

3 - 12-15 Cal Row 

4 - 20 KB Swings + 15 Sit Ups 

5 – Rest



Tuesday 13.11.18



3 min row

30 rest

3 min amrap

3 clean and jerk 60/40


30 rest



Wednesday 14.11.18


5 x 4 min rounds 

3 Min Work 1 Min Rest 


Buy In 

60 DU's

16 DB Step Overs

In Remaining Time 

Max Burpees Over The Bar



Thursday 15.11.18


In Pairs 

30 Min Amrap 

Run 200m

20 KB/DB Snatches  

200ft Box Push



Friday 16.11.18


7 Min Amrap 


27 Hang Power Cleans 50/35

27 Wall Balls 

54 DU's


Rest 2 Mins


6 Min Amrap 


21 Hang Power Cleans 50/30

21 Wall Balls 

42 Du's


Rest 2 Mins 


5 Min Amrap 


15 Hang Power Cleans 50/30

15 Wall Balls 

30 DU's




Strength is a choice…choose to be strong

Week 45 - Cluster W5


Monday 05.11.18


6 Mins Work 

10 RDL

10 Hollow Rocks 

Run 100m 



Heavy 2


Cluster 1,1,1 x 3 - 15 sec rest

@80% of heavy 2


100 Clean and Jerk @ 40/25

Every Break 10 Box Jumps 

Every 3 Mins 10 Burpees



Tuesday 06.11.18


In Pairs 3 x 

10 Lying Med Ball Throw Each 

20 Russian Twists

5 Strict Pull Ups 


Floor Press

6 x 4


1 - 30-50 Du's

2 - 8-12 HSPU


100 Sit Ups For Time



Wednesday 07.11.18


5 Mins Movement

20 KB Swings 

5 Goblet Latteral Lunges ES

5 Empty Bar Front Squats


Front Squat 

Heavy 2


Cluster 1,1,1 x 3 - 15 sec rest

@80% of heavy 2


100 Toes To Bar

Every Break 10 Cal Row / AD / SKI Erg




Thursday 08.11.18



Strict Pull Up

Press Up 

Sit Ups Between Sets 



Barbell Bent Over Row

KB Floor Press



KB Swing


SA KB Thrusters Each Arm




Friday 09.11.18


7 Min Amrap 

Run 100m 

10 Ball Slams 

3 Wall Climbs 


30 Min AMRAP

I Go You Go 

Row 12 Cals 

12 KB Clean and Jerk 

Run 200m 

Your partner can start after the C and J

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong

Week 44 - Cluster W4


Monday 29.10.18


2 x

40 Sec KB Arm Bar ES

20 Hollow Rocks 

10 Sl Glute Bridge EL


Floor Press

5 x 6


5 Rounds 

10 Double KB Deadlifts 

12 Toes To Bar 

16 KB Swings 

18 Press Ups



Tuesday 30.10.18


9 Min Emom 

3 Min 3 Clean Pulls 

3 Min 2 Power Cleans 

3 Min 2 Squat Cleans


Front Squat 

Heavy 3


Cluster 2,2,2 x 3 - 10 sec rest

@77.5% of heavy 3


For Time 15 Min TC

10-15-20 KB Thrusters

20-30-40 Pull Ups 

200-400-600m Run



Wednesday 31.10.18


3 x

10 Scap Pull Ups 

10 Scap Kneeling Press

30 Sec Handstand Hold



Barbell Bent Over Row


Ring Dips


3 x

10 Arnold Press EA

50 Unbroken Du’s

If you brake 5 Burpee 


3 x

10 Doube KB Snatch 

50 Unbroken Du’s

If you brake 5 Burpee



Thursday 01.11.18


6 Min EMOM 

1 - 5 Kang Squats 

2 - 5 Box Jumps


Back Squat

Heavy 2


Cluster 1,1,1 x 3 - 10 sec rest

@80% of heavy 2


I Go You Go

10 Rounds 

Row 10 Cals 

10,12,14,16,18 etc Air Squats



Friday 02.11.18


5 Mins Work 

50ft Bottom Up KB Carry EA

100ft Bear Crawl 


Strict + Push Press

2 + 4 


18 Min EMOM

1 - 4 Burpee Box Overs + 3 Bar MU/6 Pull Ups 

2 - 4 Burpee Box Overs + 10 KB Snatch

3 - 4 Burpee Box Overs + 10 Toes To Bar 

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong

Week 43 - Cluster W3


Monday 22.10.18


In Pairs - 7 min work 

Row 250m whilst parter completes

10 Goblet Squats - 100ft SA Carry 


Front Squat 

Heavy 4


Cluster 3,3,3 x 3 - 15 sec rest

@75% of heavy 4


In Pairs I Go You Go 

1 min on 1 min off x 6 each 

8 KB Snatch

4 Burpee Box Overs

Once the 6 are complete 

4 Mins Max Cal Row 

Pairs Score is 

total rounds and max cals

Tuesday 23.10.18


3 Rounds 

Row 12 Cals 

20 Hollow Rocks 

10 Back Extensions 

30 Sec Handstand hold 


For Quality 

100 Plank Support KB Row 

100 Deficit Press Ups 


Every 3 Mins Alternate Between 

1 - Run 200m 

2 - 50-75 Double Unders



In 2 Teams

10 Mins Max Cals Assault Bike 

Wednesday 24.10.18


5 Mins Movement

10 Strict T2B

5 Goblet Latteral Lunges ES

5 Empty Bar Back Squat


Back Squat

Heavy 3


Cluster 2,2,2 x 3 - 15 sec rest

@77.5% of heavy 4



Wall Balls 

Sit Ups 

Box Jump Overs

Thursday 25.10.18


3 x 

10 Plank Reaches ES

5 Drunken Spiders

30 Sec Side Plank ES


Strict + Push Press

3 + 6 



Power Cleans @60/40

Toes To Bar 

Rest 2 Mins 


STOH @60/40

Burpees Over The Bar

Friday 26.10.18


3 x 

10 Adductor Rock Backs EL

5 Staggered Stance RDL EL

5 Box jumps 



Heavy 3


Cluster 2,2,2 x 3 - 15 sec rest

@77.5% of heavy 3


In Pairs 

3 Rounds Each IGYG

While Partner Runs 200m 

1 - Max KB Swings 

2 - Max KB Taters

3 - Max KB Swings 

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong

Week 42 - Cluster W2


Monday 15.10.18


3 x 

45 Sec KB Arm Bar 

15 Face Pulls 

Row 250m



Chin Up 

BW or Weighted 


Glute Bridge Floor Press 


3 Rounds

Run 200m 

25 Hollow Rocks 




Sit Ups 

Tuesday 16.10.18


6 MIn Amrap 

10 Wall Balls 

10 Side Plank Rotations ES

10 Back Extensions 


Back Squat

Heavy 4


Cluster 3,3,3 x 3 - 15 sec rest

@75% of heavy 4


In Pairs 

Row 1000m


200 Plate GTOH @20/10

*Every Swop Run 100m 


Row 1000m

Wednesday 17.10.18

2 x 

5 Wall Climbs 

50ft Broad Jump 


Strict + Push Press

4 + 8 


2 rounds

5 TGU right arm

10 push press right arm

10 hang snatch right arm

5 TGU left arm

10 push press left arm

10 hang snatch left arm


50-75 Tricep Push Downs 

50-75 Barbell Curls 

Every Break 15 Burpees Over Bar

Thursday 18.10.18


Power Clean 

6 Min EMOM 




Heavy 4


Cluster 3,3,3 x 3 - 15 sec rest

@75% of heavy 4


3 rounds for time 

10 KB Walking Lunge 

10 KB RDL 

10 KB Walking Lunges

10 KB Goblet Squats 


Run 800m AFAP

Friday 19.10.18



Strict Pull Ups 

Press Ups 


Floor Press

4 x 8

3 x 5 Min Amrap 

3 Bar Mu or 6 Pull Ups 


40 Du's

At the 3mins Row 15 Cals 

Rest the remainder of the 5 mins 

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong

Week 41 - Cluster W2


Monday 08.10.18


6 Min Amrap 

5 Kang Squats - add load

20 Robot Planks


Back Squat

Heavy 5


Cluster 4,4,4 x 3 @ - 15 sec rest

@72.5% of heavy 5 


12 Min AMRAP 

5-10 Strict Pull Ups 

10 RDL

20 Hollow Hold Flutter Kicks 

50 DU's 

Tuesday 09.10.18


2 x

10 SL Hip Bridge Press

3 Turkish Get Ups Each Arm 


Strict + Push Press

5 + 10 


3 Rounds 

18 Min TC

30 KB Hang Clean and Jerks 

30 Burpees 

30 Goblet Squats 

Wednesday 10.10.18


5 Min Amrap 

10 KB Swings 

5 Box Jumps 

10 Sit Ups 



Heavy 5 - Deadstop 


Cluster 4,4,4 x 3 - 15 sec rest

@72.5% of heavy 5 


16 Min EMOM 

Alternating Between 

1 - 

5 pull-ups

10 push-up

15 squats

2 - 

10 cal row

3-7 burpee over rower

Thursday 11.10.18


2 Rounds 

10 SA Push Press ES

15 Hollow Rocks 

30 Sec high tempo row


Floor Press



Move with purpose 

50ft Front Rack + OH Carry EA

20-18-16-14-10 Toes To Bar 

Once Complete 

50 HSPU for time 

Friday 12.10.18


6 Min Amrap 

20 SA Goblet Lat Lunge 

5 Burpee Broad Jumps 


Front Squat 

Heavy 5


Cluster 4,4,4 x 3 - 15 sec rest

@72.5% of heavy 5 


2 Rounds 

6 KB Split Squats EL

10 KB RDL 

6 Jumping Squats 

3 Rounds 

100ft Box Push 

Run 200m 

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong

Week 40 - De Load


Monday 01.10.18


30 min EMOM 

1 - 12-15 Cal Row

2 - 10 Thrusters @50/35

3 - 12 Toes To Bar 

Tuesday 02.10.18



Run 1 Mile 

75 Wall Balls 

30 Burpees Over Wall Ball 



In Teams of 3

KB Clean and Carry - 1 matt carry

Every Break in motion 

The people not working complete 2 Burpees



Run 1 Mile 

75 Wall Balls 

30 Burpees Over Wall Ball 

Wednesday 03.10.18


In Teams of 3

10km Row 

One person must be doing a 200m Carry At All Times 

What you carry will be given to you before you start.

Thursday 04.10.18


5 Min Amrap 

10 Shoulder Taps 

5 Ring Rows 

10 Sit Ups 


5 Rounds for Quality 

10 KB Floor Press 

10 Strict Pull Ups or 12 KB Bent Over row 

10 Ring Dips or Box Dips 

10 KB Close Grip Bicep Curls 


Then Into 

3 Rounds 

Run 200m 

30 Sec HS Hold 

10 Strict Toes To Bar 

Friday 05.10.18


In Pairs 


10 Burpee Box Overs

Partner Deadlift Hold

Swop after every 10 burpee box overs.


10 Min Amrap 

100ft Box Push 

100 Ft Front Rack Carry 



10 Burpee Box Overs

Partner Deadlift Hold

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong

Week 39 - Cluster


Monday 24.09.18


2 x 5 Barbell RDL

25ft Plank Walk 

25ft Broad Jump


6 Min EMOM 

3,3,2,2,1,1,Power Clean

Buid Load



Heavy 2


Cluster 1,1,1 x 3 - 15 sec rest

@77.5% of heavy 2


50 Front Rack Lunges 

50 Sit Ups 

50 Farmers Lunges 


Every Break on the lunges 3 burpees

Tuesday 25.09.18


6 Min Amrap 

30 Sec KB Arm Bar 

50ft Walking Lunge 

50ft Bear Crawl 


Floor Press

6 x 4


Between Sets 5 Rotation Slams ES


15 Min EMOM 

8 KB Hang Clean and Jerk 

7 Burpees

Wednesday 26.09.18


3 x 5 Staggered Stance Good Morning 

10 Cross Body Kneeling Twist 

5 KB Latteral Lunge EL


Front Squat 

Heavy 2


Cluster 1,1,1 x 3 - 15 sec rest

@77.5% of heavy 2



KB Thrusters 

Box Jump Overs 

Run 200m 

Thursday 27.09.18


10 Scap Pull

10 Scap Kneeling Press

10 KB Shrug

30 Sec Sl Hip Bridge Hold EL



Barbell Bent Over Row - Add Load Over Sets


Hand Stand Push Ups


3 x

6 Bar Mu's or 10-12 Pull ups 

50 Unbroken Du’s

If you brake 10 cal row 


3 x

10 KB or DB Snatch EA

50 Unbroken Du’s

If you brake 10 cal row 

Friday 28.09.18



High Hang Snatch 

Hang Snatch 

Snatch Balance 


Build To a Heavy/Technical for the day

Hang Snatch


Over Head Squat 


15 Min Amrap 

12 Barbell Front Rack Lunge 

20 Hollow Rocks 

Row 12-15 Cals 

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong

Week 38 - Cluster


Monday 16.09.18


100ft OH KB Carry EA

10 Inch Worms 

20 Glute Bridge 


Floor Press5 x 6


Between Sets 20 BW Russian Twists 


In Pairs I Go You Go 

Run 100m 

9 KB Deadlifts 

6 KB Cleans 


Aim is unbroken sets 

Tuesday 17.09.18


2 x 

50 ft Front Rack Lunge EA

45 Sec Shoulder Opener

45 Sec High Plank 


Front Squat Heavy 3


Cluster 2,2,2 x 3 - 15 sec rest@75%


12 Min Amrap 


12 Chest To Bar or 10 Pulls Ups 

10 Ring Dips / Press Ups 

8 Burpees Over The Bar

25 Du's Every Break the Pull Ups or Dips 

Wednesday 18.09.18



Hang Snatch 

Snatch Balance



Build To a Heavy/Technical

3 Pos Snatch

High Hang Snatch

Hang Snatch



3 x 

20 KB See Saw Row 

20 KB Alternating Floor Press

20 Sit Ups


3 x

15 Ring Row 

15 Press Ups 

15 Back Extensions 

Thursday 19.09.18


5 Mins Movement

10 Strict T2B

5 High Step Up ES

5 Empty Bar Back Squat


Back Squat - Heavy 2


Cluster 1,1,1 x 3 - 15 sec rest@77.5% of heavy 2


3 x 

8 Each Leg Barbell Reverse Lunges


20 Hollow Rocks 

Run 200m Steady Pace 

Friday 20.09.18


6 Mins Turkish Get Ups 

Every 90 secs 5 Burpees


Go Every 2 Mins 

Strict + Push Press

2 + 4


Every 2 Mins x 5 Sets 

1 - 3 Hang Cleans - Build Load 

2 - 10 Toes To Bar + 50 Du's + Amrap HSPU

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong

Week 37 - Cluster

DSC_6434 2.jpg


Monday 10.09.18


2 x 

10 SA 1 1/4 Front Rack Squats ES

20 Back Extensions 

Run 200m 


Front Squat 

12 Mins To Find A Heavy 4

Cluster 3,3,3 x 3 - 10 sec rest

@ 75% of Heavy 3


12 Min Amrap 

16 DB or KB Alt Snatch 

8 Burpees Over The KB/DB

4 Bar Mu's or 8 Pulls Ups 

10 Cal Row If you brake MU


Tuesday 11.09.18


2 x 

12 Seated Band Row + 12 OH Ext Rot

45 Second KB Arm Bar 

30 Sec High Plank Hold 


Chin Ups 


Load if possible 

Ring Dips or Box Dips 



3 x 

12 Barbell Roll Outs 

40 Unbroken Du's


3 x 

100ft Front Rack Carry 

10-15 Cal Row/Bike/Ski Erg 


3 x 

20 Hollow Rocks 

40 Unbroken Du's 


Wednesday 12.09.18


6 Min Amrap 

10 Wall Squats 

10 RDL

5 Broad Jumps 


Back Squat

12 Mins To Find A Heavy 3


Cluster 2,2,2 x 3 - 10 sec rest

@ 75% of Heavy 3


50 Thrusters @ 40/25

Every Break 

5 Burpees To Target

100 Sit Ups 

Every Break 

5 Burpees To Target


Thursday 13.09.18


2 x 

30 Sec HS Hold 

20 Banded Oysters ES

30 Sec Lat Stretch EA


Strict + Push Press

3 + 6 



1 - 10 Alternating Leg Raises 

2 - 20 KB Swings 

3 - 6-10 High Box Jumps 


Friday 14.09.18


6 Min Amrap 

10 SA KB Cleans ES

10 Reverse Lunges ES



12 Mins To Find A Heavy 3

Deadstop reps 


Cluster 2,2,2 x 3 - 10 sec rest

@ 75% of Heavy 3


4 Rounds for form 

10 Front Foot Raised Lunges EL 

Dual Front Rack Hold 30 Secs 

Dual OH Hold 30 Seconds 

Row 100m FAFP

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong

Week 36 - Cluster

Monday 03/09/18 


2 x


10 Scap Pull 

10 Scap Kneeling Press 

10 KB Shrug 

30 Sec Sl Hip Bridge Hold EL 




Barbell Bent Over Row  

KB Floor Press


Add Load Over Sets 


3 x 

10 Arnold Press 

50 Unbroken Du’s 

If you brake 5 Burpee Pull Ups 


3 x 

10 SDHP 

50 Unbroken Du’s 

If you brake 5 Burpee Pull Ups 



Tuesday 04/09/18 


2 x 

6 Kang Squat 

20 X Band Walks R/L

10 Back Extensions - 2 Sec Pause


Back Squat 

12 Mins to find Heavy 4 for the day 


Rest 2 Mins 


Cluster 3,3,3 x 3 - 15 sec rest

@72.5% of Heavy 4



KB Goblet Lunge - OH If You Can 

Toes To bar 

12-15 Cal Row Between Sets 



Wednesday 05/09/18 


6 in Amrap 

2 Wall Climbs 

6 Box Jump Overs 

12 Sit Ups 


5 x 

Strict Press + Push Press

4 + 8 


5-4-3-2-1 Turkish Get Ups R and L

Between Each Set 

5 Bar Mu’s / 8-10 Chest To Bar Pull Ups 

10 RDL 



Thursday 06/09/18 


6 Min Amrap 

5 Suitcase Deadlift EA

5 Burpee Broad Jumps 

10 Side Plank Dips ES



12 Mins to find Heavy 4 for the day 


Rest 2 Mins 


Cluster 3,3,3 x 3 - 15 sec rest

@72.5% of Heavy 4


3 x 2 Min Amrap 

10 Wall Balls 

5 Burpees 

2 Min rest between AMRAPS



Friday 07/09/18 


3 x 

5 Slow Press Ups 

10 Shoulder Taps 

5 Strict Pull Ups 


Floor Press 


Build to a heavy for the day


9 Min Ladder


2-4-6-8-10 …….



Power Cleans @ 70/50

Pull Ups 


Strength is a choice…choose to be strong

Week 35 - Cluster

Monday 27th August


Bank Holiday - Closed


Tueday 28th August 


5 Mins Movement

10 Strict T2B

5 High Step Up ES

5 Empty Bar Back Squat


In 12 Mins Back Squat

Heavy 5

Rest 2 Mins 

Every 3 mins x 3

Cluster 4,4,4 - 15 sec rest between 4's

@70% of Heavy 5


12 Min Amrap 

10 HSPU 

5-10 Strict Pull Ups 

10 KB Front Rack Lunges 

50 Du's 

Grind it out. 


Wednesday 29th August 



BHN Push Press 

Snatch Balance 

High Hang 


Strict + Push Press

5 x 5 + 10 - As one large set - 15 reps total 

Rest 2 Mins 

Superset x 3

10 Ring Dips or Press Ups 

10 Barbell Glute Bridges



1 - 10-15 Toes To Bar 

2 - 20 Russian Twists - Body weight and controlled 

3 - 15 Heavy KB swings 


Thursday 30th August 


6 Min Emom 

3 Power Cleans 

Increase Load Over Sets 


In 12 MIns Deadlift

Heavy 5 - Deadstop (no touch and go reps but keep hold of the bar) 

Rest 2 Mins 

Every 3 mins x 3

Cluster 4,4,4 - 15 sec rest between 4's

@70% of Heavy 5


Superset 3 x 

10 KB Step Ups EL

20 Hollow Rocks - Unbroken

Superset x 3 

20 Wall Balls - unbroken

30 Sec Side Plank Band Pull ES


Friday 31st August 


Bear Crawl + Wall Climb 

4 Lengths Bear Crawl 

8 Wall Climbs 


Floor Press

5 x 10 

Find a heavy 10 for the day 


Rest 2 Mins 


5 Rounds

10-15 Window Wipers 

2 Turkish Get Ups EA

10 Chin Ups 


Rest 2 Mins When Finished Then Complete 


30 Hanging Hip Taps 

50 Sit Ups 

50 Back Extensions 

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong

Week 34 - De Load


Monday 20.08.18


6 Min Amrap 

5 High Step Ups EL

10 Hollow Rocks 

5 Burpees 

In 3 Teams 

17 Min Amrap 

1000ft Box Push 

600m Farmers Carry 

60 Burpees Over The Box

Rest 3 Mins 

3 Wheels 

In your 3 teams 

5 mins per stattion for max cals 

AD Bike 


Ski Erg

Winning Team gets a Barbells Bar Each 


Tuesday 21.08.18


In Pairs 

Row 5km 

Every 2 Mins 

100ft OH KB Carry 


Winning Pairs Gets a Nocco Each 


Wednesday 22.08.18


In Pairs 


75 cal row buy-in

remaining time amrap

20 KB Swings

20 Box Jump Overs


75 cal row buy-in

remaining time amrap

10 Clean and Jerk @60/40

30 Wall balls


75 cal buy-in 

remaining time amrap 

100 Du's 

30 HSPU 


Winning Team gets a hug from Chase 


Thursday 23.08.18


Run 1 Mile 

50 Slam Balls 

Run 1 mile 

2-4-6-8-10-12-14-18 etc 

KB Complex 

KB Swings 

Goblet Squat + KB Curl 

Bent Over Row 

50 Ft Front Rack Carry 

22 Mins Work Time 

Complete As Much As You Can 


Most Reps Gets a Free T-shirt or Vest 


Friday 24.08.18


12 Min Emom 

1 - 10 KB Farmers Lunge

2 - 30-50 Du's

Rest 2 Mins 

12 Min EMOM 

1 - Run 200m 

2 - 10-14 Burpees

Rest 2 Mins 

12 Min Emom 

1 - 10 KB Farmers Lunge

2 - 30-50 Du's


If you complete every round of Du's Unbroken you get a free bag of coffee.



Strength is a choice…choose to be strong