Week 39 - Cluster


Monday 24.09.18


2 x 5 Barbell RDL

25ft Plank Walk 

25ft Broad Jump


6 Min EMOM 

3,3,2,2,1,1,Power Clean

Buid Load



Heavy 2


Cluster 1,1,1 x 3 - 15 sec rest

@77.5% of heavy 2


50 Front Rack Lunges 

50 Sit Ups 

50 Farmers Lunges 


Every Break on the lunges 3 burpees

Tuesday 25.09.18


6 Min Amrap 

30 Sec KB Arm Bar 

50ft Walking Lunge 

50ft Bear Crawl 


Floor Press

6 x 4


Between Sets 5 Rotation Slams ES


15 Min EMOM 

8 KB Hang Clean and Jerk 

7 Burpees

Wednesday 26.09.18


3 x 5 Staggered Stance Good Morning 

10 Cross Body Kneeling Twist 

5 KB Latteral Lunge EL


Front Squat 

Heavy 2


Cluster 1,1,1 x 3 - 15 sec rest

@77.5% of heavy 2



KB Thrusters 

Box Jump Overs 

Run 200m 

Thursday 27.09.18


10 Scap Pull

10 Scap Kneeling Press

10 KB Shrug

30 Sec Sl Hip Bridge Hold EL



Barbell Bent Over Row - Add Load Over Sets


Hand Stand Push Ups


3 x

6 Bar Mu's or 10-12 Pull ups 

50 Unbroken Du’s

If you brake 10 cal row 


3 x

10 KB or DB Snatch EA

50 Unbroken Du’s

If you brake 10 cal row 

Friday 28.09.18



High Hang Snatch 

Hang Snatch 

Snatch Balance 


Build To a Heavy/Technical for the day

Hang Snatch


Over Head Squat 


15 Min Amrap 

12 Barbell Front Rack Lunge 

20 Hollow Rocks 

Row 12-15 Cals 

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong