Week 50 - Test Week


Monday 10.12.18


3 Rounds 

5 Kang Squats - Increase load

5 SL Step Ups 

10 Plank Reaches Each Side


Back Squat

20 Mins 

Build To a Heavy Single 

Every 3 Mins x 5 


10 Burpees Over the KB 

50 DU's




Tuesday 11.12.18

6 Mins Work 

10 Half Kneeling KB Press EA 

30 Sec Side Plank ES 

5 Broad Jumps

Floor Press

20 Mins 

Build To a Heavy Single 


12 Min Amrap 

100m FR carry - Partner 1

10 BJO              Partner 2

10 air squats


(Partner carries on from previous)




Wednesday 12.12.18

3 Rounds 

15 KB Swings 

15 Hollow Rocks 

5 Box Jump Overs 


20 Mins 

Build To a Heavy Single 


1 - 15-20 Cal Row 

2 - 15 Burpees 

3 – Rest




Thursday 13.12.18

6 mins Work 

20 Shoulder Taps 

5 Kneeling Ball Slams ES

10 Behind The Neck Press 

Strict Press 

10 Mins To A Heavy Single 

Rest 2 Mins 

Push Press 

10 Mins To A Heavy Single 

4 Rounds 

30 Hollow Rocks 

20 KB Floor Press 

15 Strict Pull Ups




Friday 14.12.18


2 Rounds 

10 Front Rack Revers Lunges 

10 Side Plank Rotations ES

30 Front Rack Stretch EA


Front Squat

20 Mins 

Build To a Heavy Single 


7 Min EMOM

7 Thrusters 

7 Box Jumps

Andy Ruddick

Rudds is Co-owner of director of training at CrossFit HG3. He is a Level 2 Olympic Weightlifting Coach, Crossfit Trainer and Personal Trainer. He also runs HG3 Kids programme from their Strength and Conditioning facility in Pannal, Harrogate.

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong