Week 51 - Fun Time


Monday 17.12.18


To Be voted for by the 6am class! 


30’s in 30mins (pairs)


30 cal row

30 burpees

30 air squats

30 HR press ups

30 BJ overs

30 thrusters @50/30 - aim is unnroken




30 Min Amrap 

 In Pairs

60 cal row

50 Wall Balls 

40 Power Cleans at 60/40

30 Burpees Over The Box 

20 Chest To Bar Pull ups



Tuesday 18.12.18

10 Min EMOM 

5 Toes To Bar 

5 Burpee Bar Touch 

10 Air Squats 


Rest 3-5 Mins


15 mIn Skill Work 


Skin the cats 



Rest 3-5 Mins 


Every 2 MIns x 6

Alternate Between 

1 - Run 200m 

2 - Row 250m



Wednesday 19.12.18

Kettlebell Work by Tom Bainbridge 


Tom will be guest coaching the 6am and 7am Class. He has recently completed his SFG Level 1 which is one of the toughest KB courses to get through and promotes and extremely high standard of coaching. Follow him at tomfkt on Instagram. 


Clean technique drills


Clean ladder

2, 3, 5, 2, 3, 5, 2, 3, 5 x2


10mins IGYG

3 Swings

3 Cleans

3 Squats 

3 Cleans



Thursday 20.12.18

In 20 Mins Complete 


Clean ladder.







Between Each Set

12 Burpees Over The Bar

12 Goblet Squats


At the 20 min mark :-


10 Mins to find a max clean.



Friday 21.12.18


12 Days of Christmas 


We will be opening up the numbers for this class and it will be a 6pm class only in the evening but normal classes in the morning and at lunch time. We shall aim to start the workout at 6.30pm after a warm up and have some drinks and mince pies after. Please do come down and bring in the festive period with everyone at the gym.


12 Hand Release push ups

11 Thrusters 40/20

10 KB Swings

9 OH Lunge Walk 20/10

8 Wall Balls

7 OH Squat 40/20

6 Pull ups


4 Burpees please

3 Toes to bar or V-sit Ups

2 Deadlifts 

And a Wall Climb

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong