Week 45 - Cluster W5


Monday 05.11.18


6 Mins Work 

10 RDL

10 Hollow Rocks 

Run 100m 



Heavy 2


Cluster 1,1,1 x 3 - 15 sec rest

@80% of heavy 2


100 Clean and Jerk @ 40/25

Every Break 10 Box Jumps 

Every 3 Mins 10 Burpees



Tuesday 06.11.18


In Pairs 3 x 

10 Lying Med Ball Throw Each 

20 Russian Twists

5 Strict Pull Ups 


Floor Press

6 x 4


1 - 30-50 Du's

2 - 8-12 HSPU


100 Sit Ups For Time



Wednesday 07.11.18


5 Mins Movement

20 KB Swings 

5 Goblet Latteral Lunges ES

5 Empty Bar Front Squats


Front Squat 

Heavy 2


Cluster 1,1,1 x 3 - 15 sec rest

@80% of heavy 2


100 Toes To Bar

Every Break 10 Cal Row / AD / SKI Erg




Thursday 08.11.18



Strict Pull Up

Press Up 

Sit Ups Between Sets 



Barbell Bent Over Row

KB Floor Press



KB Swing


SA KB Thrusters Each Arm




Friday 09.11.18


7 Min Amrap 

Run 100m 

10 Ball Slams 

3 Wall Climbs 


30 Min AMRAP

I Go You Go 

Row 12 Cals 

12 KB Clean and Jerk 

Run 200m 

Your partner can start after the C and J

Andy Ruddick

Rudds is Co-owner of director of training at CrossFit HG3. He is a Level 2 Olympic Weightlifting Coach, Crossfit Trainer and Personal Trainer. He also runs HG3 Kids programme from their Strength and Conditioning facility in Pannal, Harrogate.

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong