Monday 29.10.18
2 x
40 Sec KB Arm Bar ES
20 Hollow Rocks
10 Sl Glute Bridge EL
Floor Press
5 x 6
5 Rounds
10 Double KB Deadlifts
12 Toes To Bar
16 KB Swings
18 Press Ups
Tuesday 30.10.18
9 Min Emom
3 Min 3 Clean Pulls
3 Min 2 Power Cleans
3 Min 2 Squat Cleans
Front Squat
Heavy 3
Cluster 2,2,2 x 3 - 10 sec rest
@77.5% of heavy 3
For Time 15 Min TC
10-15-20 KB Thrusters
20-30-40 Pull Ups
200-400-600m Run
Wednesday 31.10.18
3 x
10 Scap Pull Ups
10 Scap Kneeling Press
30 Sec Handstand Hold
Barbell Bent Over Row
Ring Dips
3 x
10 Arnold Press EA
50 Unbroken Du’s
If you brake 5 Burpee
3 x
10 Doube KB Snatch
50 Unbroken Du’s
If you brake 5 Burpee
Thursday 01.11.18
6 Min EMOM
1 - 5 Kang Squats
2 - 5 Box Jumps
Back Squat
Heavy 2
Cluster 1,1,1 x 3 - 10 sec rest
@80% of heavy 2
I Go You Go
10 Rounds
Row 10 Cals
10,12,14,16,18 etc Air Squats
Friday 02.11.18
5 Mins Work
50ft Bottom Up KB Carry EA
100ft Bear Crawl
Strict + Push Press
2 + 4
18 Min EMOM
1 - 4 Burpee Box Overs + 3 Bar MU/6 Pull Ups
2 - 4 Burpee Box Overs + 10 KB Snatch
3 - 4 Burpee Box Overs + 10 Toes To Bar