Week 33 - Test Week 2


Monday 13.08.18


3 x 

6 Good Mornings - Increase Load

6 Box Jumps

12 Hollow Rocks 

In 20 Mins Find 

Test - 

1RM Deadlift

Test - 

2 Mins ME Burpees 


50 Hollow Rocks

100 Sit Ups


Tuesday 14.08.18


25 Min EMOM

1- 10-15 Wall Balls

2- 10-15 KB Swings

3- 10-15 Cal Row

4- 10-15 Burpees

5- Rest

Test - 

5 x 200m Run 

Record Each Time 


Wednesday 15.08.18


Test -

In 15 Mins 

3 Attempts 

Max Time Hang

Max Time Ring Support

Test - 

Turkish Get Ups

3x2 Heavy Reps Each Arm

Record Load Used 

Test - 

2 Mins Max Air Squats

Rest 2 Mins

2 Mins Max Double Unders


Thursday 16.08.18


Overhead Warm Up 

3 x 

10 OH Squats PVC/Empty Bar 

Test - 

20 Mins 

OH Squat 

If you are new - build for form

If you are regular - build for load

Test -

4 Mins Max KB swings

Rest 2 mins 

Recovery - 

6 Min Amrap 

10 Box Jumps 

10 Burpee Box Overs 


Friday 17.08.18


3 Rounds

Clock Lunge-weighted/unweighted

Med Ball Plank 

Med Ball Rotation Throws

Test - 

20 Mins 

Max Kipping Pull Ups 

3 Attempts 

Max Toes To Bar 

3 Attempts 

Recovery - 

5 Rounds, 2 Mins Rest

Run 200m

15 Thrusters 

Pick a load you can go unbroken

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong

Week 32 - Test Week 1


Monday 06.08.18


6 Mins

Clock Lunge - No Weight/Weight

3 Broad Jumps

Test -

20 Mins 

1RM Back Squat

Test -

1 KM Row Test


Tuesday 07.08.18


3 Rounds

2 Turkish Get Ups EA

3 Push Press EA

30 Sec Side Plank ES

Test -

20 Mins 

1RM Push Press

Test -


20 min Amrap

5 Pull Ups

10 Press Ups

15 Squats


Wednesday 08.08.18


3 Rounds

20 Lateral Lunges

10 Dead Bugs

Run 200m 

Test - 

6 x 

30 sec on 30 sec off

Row for max meters

Recovery - 

7 Min EMOM

7 Thrusters at 40/25

7 Box Jumps


Thursday 09.08.18


Barbell Warm Up 

5 Front Squats 

5 Power or Squat Clean

5 Jerks

Increase load over 3 sets 

Test - 

20 Mins 

1 RM Front Squat

Recovery - 

10 Min Amrap

60 Bar Facing Burpees

30 Front Squats @50/30

10 Pull Ups


Friday 10.08.18


5 Rounds

50ft Bear Walk

50ft Lunge Walk

Test - 

20 Mins 

Max Rep Push-Ups 3 Attempts

Rest 3 Mins after last attempt then

Max Rep Pull Ups 3 Attempts

Test - 


3 Rounds 

Run 400m 

21 KB swings

12 Pull Ups

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong

Week 31 - 6/6 Cycle 2 - Deload


Monday 30.07.18


6 Min EMOM

1 - 3 Hang Power Cleans @75%

2 - 30 Sec HS Hold 

6 Min EMOM 

1 - 2 Power Cleans @80%

2 - 5 Strict HSPU or 5 Negative

6 Min EMOM 

1- 1 Squat Clean @ 85% 

2 - 10 HSPU or Pike HSPU 


KB Clean and Jerk 


Ring Dips 


Tuesday 31.07.18


Front Rack KB Lunges 

5 x 10 

Between Sets 

10 Bent Over Row 

45 Sec Side Plank ES

Run 800m 

10 Down Ups 

Rest 60 Secs

Run 400m 

20 Down Ups 

Rest 60 Secs 

Run 200m 

30 Down Ups 


Wednesday 01.08.18


6 Min EMOM

1 - 3 Hang Power Snatches @75%

2 - 10 Toes To Bar 

6 Min EMOM 

1 - 2 Power Snatch @80%

2 - 10 Pull Ups 

6 Min EMOM 

1- 1 Snatch @ 85% 

2 - 5 Muscle Ups 


1- Cal Row 

2 - Sit Ups 

3 - Air Squats 


Thursday 02.08.18


KB Work 

50ft Carry 

5 Strict Press

50ft Carry 

5 Push Press

50ft Carry 

5 Push Jerk 

The aim is to find a max without breaking

3-5 sets

15 Min EMOM 

1 - 1 Min High Plank 

2 - 10 Hollow Rocks 

3 - 30 Sec Side Plank ES


Friday 03.08.18


In Pairs - 33 Min Time Cap 

Run 1200m 

100 Wall Balls 

100 Down Ups 

Row 1500m 

100 KB swings 

100 Box Jumps

300 Double Unders 

100 Wall Balls 

100 Down Ups 

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong

Week 30 - 6/6 Cycle 2


Monday 23.07.18


Push Press 5x2

10 Farmers Lunges

10 SL Glute Bridge - Knee Pulled in 


E2OM x 5 Each 

1 - 20 Alternating KB Floor Press 

2 - 10 Bent Over Row 

3 - 150ft Front Rack Carry 


Tuesday 24.07.18


Clean and Jerk Warm Up 



Clean Pull + Power Clean + Push Press

Rest 2 Mins

6-10 Mins 

Hang Clean Pull + Hang Clean + Push Jerk

Rest 2 Mins

12-16 Mins 

Clean and Jerk 


For time 

30 Thrusters @ 35/22.5

30 Burpees Over The Bar


Every drop of the bar accumulates 10 cals on the airdyne


Wednesday 25.07.18


Front Squat 5x2

5 Strict or 10 Kipping HSPU

10 Kneeling Slam Ball Rotations 


5 Min 

Run 400m 

Then Amrap 


Wall Balls 

KB Swings 

Rest 2 Mins 

5 Min 

Row 400m 


Box Jump Overs


Thursday 26.07.18


Snatch Warm Up 


0-4 Mins 

Snatch Pull + Power Snatch + OH Squat

Rest 2 Mins

6-10 Mins 

Hang Snatch Pull + Hang Snatch 

Rest 2 Mins

12-16 Mins 



In Pairs - 22 Min Time Cap 

Row 5000m AFAP


Friday 27.07.18


Bulgarian 5x4

5-10 Strict or Weighted Pull Ups 

45 Sec Chinese Plank 


E2OM x 5 Each 

1 - 10 RDL 

2 - 12 KB Step Ups 

3 - 30 Sit Ups 

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong

Week 29 - 6/6 Cycle 2

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Monday 16.07.18


3 x + load over sets

High Hang Clean, Front Squat, Push Jerk

Hang Clean, Front Squat, Split Jerk

Clean, Front Squat, Split Jerk

12 Mins

Max Squat Clean and Jerk


In Pairs

For Time :

42 Deadlifts 100KG/65KG

42 Toe To Bar

1000m Row

30 Deadlifts 100KG/65KG

30 Toes To Bar

750m Row

18 Deadlifts 100KG/65KG

18 Toes To Bar

500M Row


Tuesday 17.07.18


Bulgarian 5x4

10 See Saw Bent Over Row

30 Secs BW Russian Twists

Every 2 Mins x 6

10 Burpees Over The Bar

10 Farmers Lunges 


Wednesday 18.07.18


Every 3 Mins x 3

2 x Behind the neck Push Press

2 x OH Squat

2 x Snatch Balance

2 x High Hang snatch

2 Breathes at the bottom of each

Every 2 Mins x 3

2 x Snatch High Pull


12 Mins

Max Snatch or Hang Snatch

3 Rounds

10 KB Sots Press Each Arm

10 RDL

1 Min PLank 


Thursday 19.07.18


Front Squat 5x2

10 Alternating KB Floor Press - Tempo

10 Back Extensions

In Pairs - 10 Round For Time

4 Strict HSPU or 8 Kipping

8 KB swings @32/24

12 Cal Row 


Friday 20.07.18

Pairs Jackie

For time ;

Row 2000m

100 thrusters (bar)

60 pull-ups




Pairs Jackie

For time ;

Row 2000m

100 thrusters (bar)

60 pull-ups

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong

Week 28 - 6/6 Cycle 2


Monday 09.07.18


Bulgarian 5x4

3-5 Weighted Pull Ups

5 Slam Ball Rotations Each Side

Every 3 Mins x 3

50 Du's

12-15 Cal Row

In Remaining Time

Max KB Swings

Once you reach 100 swings, you are finished 


Tuesday 10.07.18


5 x + load over sets

High Hang Clean and Push Press

Hang Clean and Push Jerk

Clean and Split Jerk

12 Mins

Max Power Clean and Jerk

Rest 3 Mins

Every 3 Mins x 5

12-15 Burpees Over The Bar

2 Power Clean and Jerk @ 85% of above


50 Hollow Rocks 


Wednesday 11.07.18


Front Squat 5x4

10 KB Arnold Press

30 Sec Side Plank


Run 800m

Run 600m

Run 400m

Run 200m

Rest 90 Secs Between Efforts 


Thursday 12.07.18


2 x Snatch High Pull

2 x Muscle Snatch

2 x Hang Power or Hang Snatch

Every 90 Secs x 5

3 Pos Snatch + OH Squat

12 Mins

Max Snatch or Hang Snatch


1 - 10-15 Toes To Bar

2 - 20 Walking Lunges 


Friday 13.07.18


Push Press 5x2

10 Suitcase Deadlifts ES

5 Broad Jumps

For time


Cleans 60kg

Ring Dips

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong

Week 27 - 6/6 Cycle 2


Monday 02.07.18



2 x OH Squat - 2 Sec Pause

2 x 2 Snatch Balance

Complex Warm Up

Every 90 Secs x 10 - Build To Heavy

1 x Snatch High Pull

1 x Hang Snatch - Power or Full

1 x Snatch - Power or Full

Build load if you hit a clean set

For Time

30 DB or Kb Snatch

15 Burpees Over The Box

50 DU's

30 DB or Kb Snatch

15 Burpees Over The Box

50 Du's

30 DB or Kb Snatch

15 Burpees Over The Box 


Tuesday 03.07.18


Front Squat 5x4

Between Sets

8-10 HSPU or 3-5 Strict HSPU

12 Back Extension Ext Rotation

15 Min Time Cap

In Pairs

300 Wall Balls

Every 100 Wall Balls

20 Synchro Down Ups

If the ball hits the floor Run 200m


Wednesday 04.07.18


5 x + load over sets

High Hang Clean and Push Press

Hang Clean and Push Jerk

Clean and Split Jerk

Every 2 x 7

2 x

1 Clean + Hang Clean

2 Jerks

3 Sec Pause at the knee

Every 3 Mins x 4

Rw 250

2 Clean and Jerk @87.5% of Above

For Quality

50 Strict Toes To Bar


Thursday 05.07.18


Push Press 5x4

Between Sets

10 Heavy KB Swings

45 Sec Ring Plank

In Pairs 14 Mins

One Person

Row For Max Cals

One Person

100m KB OH or Front Rack Carry

3 Mins

Max Sit Ups 


Friday 06.07.18


3 Rounds

10 Clean and Jerks @60/40

10 Burpees Over The Bar


3 Rounds

12 Thrusters @50/35

12 Toes To Bar

Run 200m


3 Rounds

14 Power Cleans @40/30

14 Pull Ups

56 Du's 

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong

Week 26 - 6/6/ Cycle 2



Monday 25.06.18


Front Squat 5x6

5-10 Strict Pull Ups

12 Back Extension Ext Rotation



30 Shoulder To Over Head

15 Burpees over the bar

30 Front Squats

15 Burpees over the bar

30 Thrusters

15 Burpees over the bar


Tuesday 26.06.18


3 x

2 x Snatch High Pull

2 x Muscle Snatch

2 x Hang Power or Hang Snatch


Every 90 Secs x 10 - Build To Heavy

2 x Snatch High Pull

1 x Hang Snatch - Power or Full

Build Load Every 2 Sets


Every 3 Mins x 5

90 Sec Amrap

10 Sumo Deadlift High Pull

5 Burpees Over The Bar

Add One Burpee Per Round


Wednesday 27.06.18


Bulgarian 5x4

12 KB Floor Press

12 Suicide Planks


40 Wall Balls

10 Down Ups

50 Du's

20 Pull Ups

20 Down Ups

50 Du's

40 Wall Balls

30 Down Ups

50 Du's

20 Pull Ups

40 Down Ups

50 Du's


Thursday 28.06.18


5 x + load over sets

High Hang Clean and Push Press

Hang Clean and Push Jerk

Clean and Split Jerk


Every 2.30 x 6

2 x

2 Clean

2 Jerks

3 Sec Pause at the knee


Every 3 Mins x 3

Run 300m

2 Clean and Jerk @85% of Above


15 Wall Climbs 


Friday 29.06.18


Push Press 5x4

50ft KB Death March

30 Sec Ring Side Plank



2 Muscle Ups


8 KB Swings

When you fail the min, then complete 3 rounds AFAFP

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong

Week 25 - 6/6/ Cycle 2



Monday 18/06/18


Every 2 Mins x 4

1 x High Hang Snatch

2 x Snatch Balance

2 x OH Squat


Every 3 Mins x 5

Advanced - Build Load

1 Power Snatch

2 Hang Power Snatch

Beginner - Work On Form

2 Hang Power Snatch

1 Snatch Balance

1 OH Squat


In Pairs

3 Rounds

22 KB Clean

22 Box Jump Overs

22 KB Snatch

22 Front Rack Lunge @50/35


Tuesday 19/06/18


Bulgarian 5x6

Between Sets

20 BW Russian Twist

10 See Saw Z Press


Run 800m

10 Down Ups

Run 400m

20 Down Ups

Run 200m

30 Down Ups 


Wednesday 20/06/18


3 x + load over sets

1st Pull - 2 sec pause at knee

knee to high hang - 2 Sec Pause

High Hang Clean - 2 Sec Pause

1 Jerk - 2 Sec Pause


Every 3 Mins x 5

2 x

2 Clean

2 Jerk

3 Sec Pause At The Knee


Every 3 Mins x 3

Row 18/15 Cals

2 Clean and Jerk @80% of Above


3 Rounds

45 Sec Plank

20 Hollow Rocks

Rest 30 Secs Between Rounds


Thursday 21/06/18


Push Press 5x6

Between Sets

10 Staggered Stance RDL

30 Side Plank Dips


100 Du's

50 Air Squats

25 Push Ups

Run 400m

25 Push Ups

50 Air Squats

100 Du's

Every 2 Mins

5 Burpees 


Friday 22/06/18


4 x 8 min EMOM

1 -

2 Min

2 Ring or 3 Bar MU, 4 HSPU 8 KB snatch

2 Min

Row For Cals


rest 2 mins

2 Min

8 KB thrusters 8 T2B

2 Min

Row For Calories


Strength is a choice…choose to be strong

Week 24- 6/6 Cycle 2


Monday 10.06.18


Front Squat 5x8

Upper Press

3-5 Strict HSPU or 8-10 Kipping

3x10 Powell Raise EA


In Pairs

50 Synchro Down Ups

50 Box Jump Overs

50 Wall Balls

50 Pull Ups

50 HR Press Ups

200m Front Rack Carry

5 Burpees Every Time The KB Drops 


Tuesday 11.06.18


5 x + load over sets

1st Pull - 2 sec pause at knee

High Hang Clean - 2 Sec Pause

Hang Clean- 2 Sec Pause

Full Clean

1 Jerk - 2 Sec Pause


Every 3 Mins x 5

2 Pause Power Cleans

1 Pause Squat Clean

1 Jerk

2-3 sec pause at the knee


Alternating EMOM 12

1 - 10 Toes To Bar

2 - 3 Clean and Jerk @ 70% of Above

Aim to go every 15 Seconds 


Wednesday 12.06.18


Push Press 5x8

Lower Posterior

10 Heavy KB Swings

10-15 Hollow Rocks


6 Rounds

In 60 Secs

Row 8-10 Cals

Max KB Hang Clean and Press

Rest 1 Min Between Rounds


Thursday 13.06.18


3 x

5 Barbell Sots Press

3 OH Squats

1 Snatch Balance


Every 2 Mins x 6

1 Hang Snatch

1 OH squat

1 Snatch Balance

Build Load Over Sets But Not Max


15 Min Time Cap

5 Rounds

15 Oh squats @42.5/ 30

Run 200m 


Friday 14.06.18


Bulgarian 5x8

Upper Pull

10 Banded External Rot

30 Sec SA Plank ES





Sit Ups


Wall Climbs Between Each Set 

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong

Week 23 - 6/6 Cycle 1

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Monday 04/06/18


In Pairs

32 Min amrap

I Go You Go

Row 10/8 Cals

6 Burpees Over Plate

100m Plate Carry Run

Every 6 Rounds


30 Pull Ups

30 HSPU 


Tuesday 05/06/18


Bulgarian Split Squat

5 x 10 EL

Rear Foot Raised

Between Each Set

10 KB Z Press

10 Banded Side Plank Rows






Wednesday 06/06/18


Every 2 Mins x 4

2 x BN Push Press

2 x OH Squat

2 x Snatch Balance


Snatch Technique 15 Mins

Build to a daily heavy

Hang Power Snatch



200m run

20 KB swings

30 press ups

40 sit-ups

50 air squats

200m run

20 kb swings

30 press up

40 sit up

50 air squat

200m run


Thursday 07/06/18


Front Squats


Build over sets

Guide %'s will be given

Between Each Set

5-10 Strict Pull Ups 0r 3-5 Weighted

1 TGU Each Arm - Heavy




STOH 10-20-30-40-50 etc...

T2B 10-20-30-40-50 etc....


Friday 08/06/18


5 x + load over sets

1st Pull - 2 sec pause at knee

knee to high hang - 2 Sec Pause

High Hang Clean - 2 Sec Pause

1 Jerk - 2 Sec Pause

Every 3 Mins x 5

3 Pause Squat Cleans

3 Sec pause at the knee


14 Min EMOM

1 - Row 15/12 Cals

2 - 1 Clean at Final Load Above


At min 14 Accumulate 3 Mins Plank 


Strength is a choice…choose to be strong

Week 22 -


Monday 28/06/18 


Bulgarian Split Squat

5 x 10 EL

Front Foot Raised

Between Each Set

8-10 HSPU or 5 Negative HSPU

30 Sec Side Plank Rotations - Weighted


KB or DB DT - 5 Rounds

12 Deadlifts

9 Hang Cleans



Tuesday 29/05/18


5 x + load over sets

1st Pull - 2 sec pause at knee

knee to high hang - 2 Sec Pause

High Hang Clean - 2 Sec Pause

1 Jerk - 2 Sec Pause


14 Mins To Build To Heavy

Squat Clean

Jerk - Push or Split


For time

Run 1 Mile 


Wednesday 30/05/18 


Front Squats


Build over sets

Guide %'s will be given

Between Each Set

5-10 Strict Pull Ups 0r 3-5 Weighted

10 Kneeling Slam Ball Rotation


In Pairs - 10 Rounds

I Go You Go

Run 100m

10 Burpee Bar Touch 


Thursday 31/05/18 


3 x

5 SA Sots press ES

10 KB Snatch EA

50ft Duck Walk

12 Min EMOM

Hang Snatch

Snatch Balance

OH Squat

Progress load


10 Pull Ups or 5 Bar MU

3 wall climbs 30 air squats - 40 squats - 50 squats

30 air squats - 40 squats - 50 squats


Friday 01/06/18 


Push Press


Build over sets

Guide %'s will be given

Between Each Set

10 KB Jefferson Curl

5 Kneeling Rotation Throw


3x 200m Farmers Carry

Every time the KB's Drop

Accumulate 10 wall balls every time you drop

ie 3 drops = 30 wall balls to be done before the next 200

15 Min Time cap 

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong

Week 21 - 6/6 Cycle 1


Monday 21/05/18


Every 2 Mins x 4

2 x BN Push Press

2 x OH Squat

Snatch Technique 15 Mins

Build to a daily heavy

3 Position Snatch

High Hang


Mid Shin/Deck



1 - 10 KB Swings + 4 Burpee Box Overs

2 - 10 KB Push Press R + 4 Burpee Box Overs

3 - 10 KB Push Press L + 4 Burpee Box Overs 


Tuesday 22/05/18


Front Squats


Build over sets

Guide %'s will be given

Between Each Set

5-10 Strict Pull Ups 0r 3-5 Weighted

Side Plank Rotations 30- Sec ES

25 Mins To Complete The Work


4 Rounds

25 Wall Balls

20 Box Jumps

15 HR Press Ups or 15 HSPU


Wednesday 23/05/18


5 x + load over sets

1st Pull - 3 sec pause at knee

knee to high hang - 2 Sec Pause

High Hang Clean - 1 Sec Pause

1 Jerk - 2 Sec Pause

12 Mins To Build To Heavy

Power Clean

Jerk - Push or Split



Clean and Jerk @60/40

Between each set

30 Du's 


Thursday 24/05/18


Push Press


Build over sets

Guide %'s will be given

Between Each Set

10 Double KB RDL

5 Standing Rotation Throw

25 Mins To Complete The Work


In Pairs in 12 Mins

Row 100 Cals

In Remaining Time

AMRAP - Alternating Rounds

5 Pull Ups

5 Press Ups

5 Squats 


Friday 25/05/18


Every minute, on the minute, for 21 minutes (7 sets):

Minute 1 – 20 Alternating Single-Arm Dumbbell Snatches @20/15

Minute 2 – 10 KB Walking Lunges @24/16

Minute 3 – 8-10 Burpee Box Jump-Overs

Immediately followed by…

Three rounds for time of:

20 Alternating Single-Arm Dumbbell Snatches @20/15

10 KB Walking Lunges @24/16

8-10 Burpee Box Jump-Overs 

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong

Week 20 - 6/6 Cycle 1


Monday 14/05/18 


Bulgarian Split Squat

5 x 10 EL

Front Foot Raised

Between Each Set

8-10 Seated Z Press

8-10 Palov Press

25 Mins To Complete The Work


9 MIn Ladder


Hang Power Clean @ 50/35

Burpees Over The Bar 


Tuesday 15/05/18 


3 x

5 SA Sots press ES

10 KB Snatch EA

50ft Duck Walk


12 Min EMOM

High Hang Snatch

Hang Snatch

Snatch Balance


12 Mins For Quality

20 Alternating KB Floor Press

5-10 Strict Pull Ups / Inverted Row

20 Hollow Rocks

10 Double KB RDL 


Wednesday 16/05/18


Front Squats


Build over sets

Guide %'s will be given

Between Each Set

10 KB Bent Over Row

Side Plank Dips 30- Sec ES


2 Rounds

70 Wall Balls

15 Power Snatch or 30 DB Snatch 


Thursday 17/05/18


5 x + load over sets

1st Pull - 3 sec pause at knee

knee to high hang - 2 Sec Pause

High Hang Clean - 1 Sec Pause

1 Jerk - 2 Sec Pause


12 Mins To Build To Heavy

Hang Power Clean

Power Clean

Jerk - Push or Split

2 Min to set the bar


6 Min EMOM

2 Hang Clean 2 sec pause in catch

1 Jerk - 2 Sec Pause in Catch

65-75% of above max


In Pairs - 3 Rounds Each

I Go You Go

Row 200m

Run 200m 


Friday 18/05/18


Push Press


Build over sets

Guide %'s will be given

Between Each Set


10 Banded Wood Chop ES

25 Mins To Complete The Work


3 Rounds

Run 200m

15-20-25 KB Swing

15-20-25 Pull Ups

Run 200m to start each round

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong

Week 19 - 6/6 Cycle 1


Tuesday 08/05/18


Bulgarian Split Squat

5 x 10 EL

Rear Leg Raised

Between Each Set

8-10 Kneeling Arnold Press

8-10 Hollow Band Pull Overs

25 Mins To Complete The Work


3x3 Min Amrap

Run 200m

Then Amrap

1 -

5 Pull Ups

5 Press Ups

10 Squats

2 -

5 Toes To Bar

5 Press Ups

10 Plyo Lunges

3 -

5 Bar MU's

5 Press Ups

10 Squats 


Wednesday 090/05/18


5 x + load over sets

1st Pull - 3 sec pause at knee

knee to high hang - 2 Sec Pause

High Hang Clean - 1 Sec Pause


10 Mins Squat Clean

Build To Heavy

3 Pos Squat Clean

Start at High Hang

Aim to be tight in the catch

6 Min EMOM

3 Pos Squat Clean at 75%


15 Min EMOM

1 - 5 KB Clean EA + 20-30 DU's

2 - 10-12 HSPU

3 - 20 Sit Ups 


Thursday 10/05/18 


Push Press


Build over sets

Guide %'s will be given

Between Each Set

10 SL Glute Bridge EL

10 Kneeling Russian Twists Throw

25 Mins To Complete The Work


In Pairs 8 MIn Amrap

Max Wall Balls


5 Burpees 


Friday 11/05/18 


40 Min EMOM

1 - 12-15 Cal Row

2 - 6 Burpees Over The Box - Double Jump

3 - 10 Thrusters + 30Du's

4 - Rest 

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong

Week 18 - 6/6 Cycle 1


Monday 30-04-18


Front Squats


Build over sets

Guide %'s will be given


Between Each Set

8-10 EA SA KB Bent Over Row

Side Plank 30- Sec ES

25 Mins To Complete The Work


10 Min Amrap

10 KB Snatch L

5 Burpee Box Overs

10 KB Snatch R

5 Burpee Box Overs 


Tuesday 01-05-18 


Cleans 5 x + load over sets

1st Pull - 3 sec pause at knee

knee to high hang - 2 sec pause

High Hang Clean


10 Mins 

Build To Heavy

3 Pos Power Clean

Start at High Hang

Aim to stop in the catch


6 Min EMOM

3 Pos Power Clean at 75%


12 Mins For Quality

20 Alternating KB Floor Press

5-10 Strict Pull Ups / Inverted Row

20 Hollow Rocks

10 Double KB Swings 


Wednesday 02-05-18


Push Press


Build over sets

Guide %'s will be given


Between Each Set

6-8 KB SL RDL - Light

5 Standing Russian Twist Pass ES

25 Mins To Complete The Work


3 Rounds

60 Du's

30 Sit Ups

15 HSPU 


Thursday 03-05-18


Every 2 Mins x 4

2 x BN Push Press

2 x OH Squat


Snatch Technique 10 Min EMOM

OH Squat

Slow Snatch Balance

Snatch Balance


In Pairs

5 Rounds

500m Row

30 SA OH Lunge

30 Box Jumps

20 Min Time Cap 


Friday 04-05-18 


Bulgarian Split Squat

5 x 10 EL

Rear Leg Raised


Between Each Set

8-10 Kneeling KB Seesaw Press

8-10 Strict Leg Raises

25 Mins To Complete The Work


2 x

In 4 mins

Run 400m


2-4-6-8-10 etc

Double KB Deadlift @24/16

Burpees Over KB 

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong

Week 17 - Deload Week


Monday 23/04/18


In Pairs


50 cal row buy in

remaining time amrap

20 KB Swings

20 Box Jump Overs


50 cal row buy in

remaining time amrap

20 KB Clean and Jerk (5 es)

30 Wall balls


50 cal buy in

remaining time amrap

100 Du's

20 HSPU 


Tuesday 24/04/18


20 Min EMOM

1 -15/12 Cal Row

2 - 30 sec Med Ball Clean

Rest 5 Mins

3 Rounds

1 MIn Plank

1 MIn Side Plank (30 Sec L/R)

1 Min Russian Twists 


Wednesday 25/04/18


5 Min Amrap

10 Shoulder Taps

5 Ring Rows

10 Sit Ups


5 Rounds

10 KB Floor Press

10 Strict Pull Ups or 12 KB Bent Over row

10 Ring Dips or Box Dips

10 KB Close Grip Bicep Curls


Then Into

3 Rounds

Run 200m

30 Sec HS Hold

10 Strict Toes To Bar


Thursday 26/04/18


12 Min Emom

1 - 10 KB Farmers Lunge

2 - 30-50 Du's

Rest 2 Mins

12 Min EMOM

1 - Run 200m

2 - 10-14 Burpees

Rest 2 Mins

12 Min Emom

1 - 10 KB Farmers Lunge

2 - 30-50 Du's


Friday 27/04/18


In Teams of 3


Buy In: Run 400m Together

3 rounds

21 Power Cleans

90 Wall Balls

60 Pull Ups

90 Cal Row

Buy Out : 60 Burpees

40 Min Time Cap 

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong

Week 16 - Test Week 2


Monday 16/04/18


3 x

6 Good Mornings - Increase Load

6 Box Jumps

12 Hollow Rocks


In 20 Mins Find

1RM Deadlift


2 Mins ME Burpees


50 Hollow Rocks

100 Sit Ups


Tuesday 17/04/18


25 Min EMOM

1- 10-15 Wall Balls

2- 10-15 KB Swings

3- 10-15 Cal Row

4- 10-15 Burpees

5- Rest


Rest 5 Mins 


5 x 200m Run

Record Each Time 


Wednesday 18/04/18


In 15 Mins

3 Attempts

Max Time Hang

Max Time Ring Support


Turkish Get Ups

3x2 Heavy Reps Each Arm

Record Load Used


2 Mins Max Air Squats

Rest 2 Mins

2 Mins Max Double Unders


Thursday 19/04/18


Overhead Warm Up

3 x

10 OH Squats PVC/Empty Bar


20 Mins

OH Squat

If you are new - build for form

If you are regular - build for load


4 Mins Max KB swings

Rest 2 mins 

6 Miin Amrap 

10 Box Jumps 

10 Burpees Over The Box 


Friday 20/04/18


3 Rounds

Clock Lunge-weighted/unweighted

Med Ball Plank

Med Ball Rotation Throws


20 Mins

Max Kipping Pull Ups

3 Attempts

Max Toes To Bar

3 Attempts


5 Rounds, 2 Mins Rest

Run 200m

15 Thrusters

Pick a load you can go unbroken

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong

Week 15 - Test Week 1



Monday 04/09/18


6 Mins

Clock Lunge - No Weight/Weight

3 Broad Jumps


20 Mins

1RM Back Squat


1 KM Row Test


Big way to start the week with the Back Squat. Atmosphere is HUGE in this and I would love to see as many people down as possible and really get behind each other. Be confident with your squat, you have done the hard work, time under the bar and built the strength you need.

Our second test today is a 1KM row test. This, when done right, is a brutal test and is an amazing way to test both physical and mental capacity. Can you put yourself in a dark place for 4 mins? The key here is to not go out of the gates too hard and blow up. Focus on stroke rate and a smooth but strong pace all the way through. Men should be aiming for around 4.20-3.30 mins
and ladies should be aiming for around 4.50-4 mins. Go hard guys.


Tuesday 04/10/18


3 Rounds

2 Turkish Get Ups EA

3 Push Press EA

30 Sec Side Plank ES


20 Mins

1RM Push Press



20 min Amrap

5 Pull Ups

10 Press Ups

15 Squats


1RM Push press today and this is a chance to transfer some power we have created into a vertical press. Stay tight and explode out of the dip to make sure the power is relative.

Cindy is our capacity test for the week. We have 20 mins to complete as many round as possible.

Please focus on consisitency and pacing throughout the 20 mins and make sure that all reps are clean and with good range of motion. Do not short the reps on this.


Wednesday 04/11/18


3 Rounds

20 Lateral Lunges

10 Dead Bugs

Run 200m


Sale Sharks

6 x

30 sec on 30 sec off

Row for max meters


7 Min EMOM

7 Thrusters at 40/25

7 Box Jumps


Sale Sharks is dark..... it can be really dark..... make it that way. You should go 100% flat out on every single effort here.

The EMOM is really nice and will give you enough time to rest. It is a srpint workout so go as fast as you can each min. once you have finished the box jums rest the remainder of the time. You have to earn your rest.


Thursday 04/12/18


Barbell Warm Up

5 Front Squats

5 Power or Squat Clean

5 Jerks

Increase load over 3 sets


20 Mins

2 Clean + 1 Jerk


10 Min Amrap

60 Bar Facing Burpees

30 Front Squats @50/30

10 Pull Ups


Today you have a chance to find a max complex. Take your time with it and make each attempt count.

You can squat clean, power clean or hang clean dependant on your skill level at the moment. You can either push press, push jerk or split jerk and agin go on your skill level.

Remember we are looking for good form throughout rather than just muscling it up with no regard for form. Any reps that are pretty ugly, will not be counted!!!

This is a tough WOD today so pace your burpees and then go hard on the squats. They are not very heavy so can you go unbroken? That is the question. If not doing pull ups then please scale up to 15 Ring Rows


Friday 04/13/18


5 Rounds

50ft Bear Walk

50ft Lunge Walk


20 Mins

Max Rep Push Ups 3 Attempts

Rest 3 Mins after last attempt then

Max Rep Pull Ups 3 Attempts



3 Rounds

Run 400m

21 KB swings

12 Pull Ups


Today you have push ups and pull up to test.

For the push ups please focus on a tight midline all the way. Once this goes that is when you stop. If you cannot complete a full press up then scale to a box press up or bar press up where you can reach full range of motion (chest to box or bar). Then when we re test you should be stronger and be able to lower the box/bar or do full press ups. For those who can get full press ups, your chest and thighs must touch the floor to count. We will pair you up and you can judge each other. You have three attempts so make them count.

You will the have 3 mins rest when the last person finishes press ups. Your next test is to complete as many Pull Ups as possible. Make sure you reach full extension at the bottom and the chin goes over the bar at the top. The tighter you can be the better, so focus on a good hollow position. 

Our WoD is Helen. A classic test and a favourite at HG3. Go hard as you can on this but make sure you pace the run and stay consisitant. You should aim to finish the last round as close to the first as possible. KB swings should be unbroken and if scalling to Ring Rows then make then as hard as you can with perfect form.

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong

Week 14 - 2018



Monday 04/02/18

Bank Holiday 


Tuesday 04/03/18


In Pairs

0-10 Mins


Thrusters @42.5/30

Pull Ups

Burpess Over The Bar


10-20 Mins


Power Cleans @60/40

Ring Dips or HRPU

Burpees Over The Bar


20-30 Mins


Deadlifts @80/50

HSPU or Hand Release Press Ups

Burpees Over The Bar 


Wednesday 04/04/18


3 x

12 KB Good Mornings

12 SA OH KB Lunge EL


Back Squat

2 x 5 @40%

1 x 20 @ 50%

3 x 10 @ 50%

Add 5-10kg from last week


1x10 @ 20RM weight

3 x 10 @ 80% of above


2 x

10 SLRDL Each Leg

30 Sec Side Plank Dips


In Pairs 4-5 Rounds

30 Sec Banded Romanin Twist ES

10 Toes To Bar

30 Sec Handstand Hold 


Thursday 04/05/18


4 Rounds

5 Strict Pull Ups

5 Strict Press Ups

30 Plate Jumps



1 - 8-10 Pull Ups

2 - 30-50 Du's



1 - 8-10 HSPU

2 - 12-15 Cal Row


3 x 4 Min Amrap

Run 400m

In Remaining Time

AMRAP Wall Balls 


Friday 04/06/18


3 x

10 Wall Squats

10 OH Squats

10 Hollow Rocks



2 x 5 @40%

1 x 20 @ 50%

3 x 10 @ 50%

Add 5-10kg from last week


1x10 @ 20RM weight

3 x 10 @ 80% of above


12 Min Amrap

In Pairs

I Go You Go

8 Cal Row

8 DB Snatch

8 Burpees Over DB


Strength is a choice…choose to be strong