Week 28 - 6/6 Cycle 2


Monday 09.07.18


Bulgarian 5x4

3-5 Weighted Pull Ups

5 Slam Ball Rotations Each Side

Every 3 Mins x 3

50 Du's

12-15 Cal Row

In Remaining Time

Max KB Swings

Once you reach 100 swings, you are finished 


Tuesday 10.07.18


5 x + load over sets

High Hang Clean and Push Press

Hang Clean and Push Jerk

Clean and Split Jerk

12 Mins

Max Power Clean and Jerk

Rest 3 Mins

Every 3 Mins x 5

12-15 Burpees Over The Bar

2 Power Clean and Jerk @ 85% of above


50 Hollow Rocks 


Wednesday 11.07.18


Front Squat 5x4

10 KB Arnold Press

30 Sec Side Plank


Run 800m

Run 600m

Run 400m

Run 200m

Rest 90 Secs Between Efforts 


Thursday 12.07.18


2 x Snatch High Pull

2 x Muscle Snatch

2 x Hang Power or Hang Snatch

Every 90 Secs x 5

3 Pos Snatch + OH Squat

12 Mins

Max Snatch or Hang Snatch


1 - 10-15 Toes To Bar

2 - 20 Walking Lunges 


Friday 13.07.18


Push Press 5x2

10 Suitcase Deadlifts ES

5 Broad Jumps

For time


Cleans 60kg

Ring Dips

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong