Week 27 - 6/6 Cycle 2


Monday 02.07.18



2 x OH Squat - 2 Sec Pause

2 x 2 Snatch Balance

Complex Warm Up

Every 90 Secs x 10 - Build To Heavy

1 x Snatch High Pull

1 x Hang Snatch - Power or Full

1 x Snatch - Power or Full

Build load if you hit a clean set

For Time

30 DB or Kb Snatch

15 Burpees Over The Box

50 DU's

30 DB or Kb Snatch

15 Burpees Over The Box

50 Du's

30 DB or Kb Snatch

15 Burpees Over The Box 


Tuesday 03.07.18


Front Squat 5x4

Between Sets

8-10 HSPU or 3-5 Strict HSPU

12 Back Extension Ext Rotation

15 Min Time Cap

In Pairs

300 Wall Balls

Every 100 Wall Balls

20 Synchro Down Ups

If the ball hits the floor Run 200m


Wednesday 04.07.18


5 x + load over sets

High Hang Clean and Push Press

Hang Clean and Push Jerk

Clean and Split Jerk

Every 2 x 7

2 x

1 Clean + Hang Clean

2 Jerks

3 Sec Pause at the knee

Every 3 Mins x 4

Rw 250

2 Clean and Jerk @87.5% of Above

For Quality

50 Strict Toes To Bar


Thursday 05.07.18


Push Press 5x4

Between Sets

10 Heavy KB Swings

45 Sec Ring Plank

In Pairs 14 Mins

One Person

Row For Max Cals

One Person

100m KB OH or Front Rack Carry

3 Mins

Max Sit Ups 


Friday 06.07.18


3 Rounds

10 Clean and Jerks @60/40

10 Burpees Over The Bar


3 Rounds

12 Thrusters @50/35

12 Toes To Bar

Run 200m


3 Rounds

14 Power Cleans @40/30

14 Pull Ups

56 Du's 

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong