Monday 25.06.18
Front Squat 5x6
5-10 Strict Pull Ups
12 Back Extension Ext Rotation
30 Shoulder To Over Head
15 Burpees over the bar
30 Front Squats
15 Burpees over the bar
30 Thrusters
15 Burpees over the bar
Tuesday 26.06.18
3 x
2 x Snatch High Pull
2 x Muscle Snatch
2 x Hang Power or Hang Snatch
Every 90 Secs x 10 - Build To Heavy
2 x Snatch High Pull
1 x Hang Snatch - Power or Full
Build Load Every 2 Sets
Every 3 Mins x 5
90 Sec Amrap
10 Sumo Deadlift High Pull
5 Burpees Over The Bar
Add One Burpee Per Round
Wednesday 27.06.18
Bulgarian 5x4
12 KB Floor Press
12 Suicide Planks
40 Wall Balls
10 Down Ups
50 Du's
20 Pull Ups
20 Down Ups
50 Du's
40 Wall Balls
30 Down Ups
50 Du's
20 Pull Ups
40 Down Ups
50 Du's
Thursday 28.06.18
5 x + load over sets
High Hang Clean and Push Press
Hang Clean and Push Jerk
Clean and Split Jerk
Every 2.30 x 6
2 x
2 Clean
2 Jerks
3 Sec Pause at the knee
Every 3 Mins x 3
Run 300m
2 Clean and Jerk @85% of Above
15 Wall Climbs
Friday 29.06.18
Push Press 5x4
50ft KB Death March
30 Sec Ring Side Plank
2 Muscle Ups
8 KB Swings
When you fail the min, then complete 3 rounds AFAFP