Week 29 - 6/6 Cycle 2

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Monday 16.07.18


3 x + load over sets

High Hang Clean, Front Squat, Push Jerk

Hang Clean, Front Squat, Split Jerk

Clean, Front Squat, Split Jerk

12 Mins

Max Squat Clean and Jerk


In Pairs

For Time :

42 Deadlifts 100KG/65KG

42 Toe To Bar

1000m Row

30 Deadlifts 100KG/65KG

30 Toes To Bar

750m Row

18 Deadlifts 100KG/65KG

18 Toes To Bar

500M Row


Tuesday 17.07.18


Bulgarian 5x4

10 See Saw Bent Over Row

30 Secs BW Russian Twists

Every 2 Mins x 6

10 Burpees Over The Bar

10 Farmers Lunges 


Wednesday 18.07.18


Every 3 Mins x 3

2 x Behind the neck Push Press

2 x OH Squat

2 x Snatch Balance

2 x High Hang snatch

2 Breathes at the bottom of each

Every 2 Mins x 3

2 x Snatch High Pull


12 Mins

Max Snatch or Hang Snatch

3 Rounds

10 KB Sots Press Each Arm

10 RDL

1 Min PLank 


Thursday 19.07.18


Front Squat 5x2

10 Alternating KB Floor Press - Tempo

10 Back Extensions

In Pairs - 10 Round For Time

4 Strict HSPU or 8 Kipping

8 KB swings @32/24

12 Cal Row 


Friday 20.07.18

Pairs Jackie

For time ;

Row 2000m

100 thrusters (bar)

60 pull-ups




Pairs Jackie

For time ;

Row 2000m

100 thrusters (bar)

60 pull-ups

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong