Week 16 - Test Week 2


Monday 16/04/18


3 x

6 Good Mornings - Increase Load

6 Box Jumps

12 Hollow Rocks


In 20 Mins Find

1RM Deadlift


2 Mins ME Burpees


50 Hollow Rocks

100 Sit Ups


Tuesday 17/04/18


25 Min EMOM

1- 10-15 Wall Balls

2- 10-15 KB Swings

3- 10-15 Cal Row

4- 10-15 Burpees

5- Rest


Rest 5 Mins 


5 x 200m Run

Record Each Time 


Wednesday 18/04/18


In 15 Mins

3 Attempts

Max Time Hang

Max Time Ring Support


Turkish Get Ups

3x2 Heavy Reps Each Arm

Record Load Used


2 Mins Max Air Squats

Rest 2 Mins

2 Mins Max Double Unders


Thursday 19/04/18


Overhead Warm Up

3 x

10 OH Squats PVC/Empty Bar


20 Mins

OH Squat

If you are new - build for form

If you are regular - build for load


4 Mins Max KB swings

Rest 2 mins 

6 Miin Amrap 

10 Box Jumps 

10 Burpees Over The Box 


Friday 20/04/18


3 Rounds

Clock Lunge-weighted/unweighted

Med Ball Plank

Med Ball Rotation Throws


20 Mins

Max Kipping Pull Ups

3 Attempts

Max Toes To Bar

3 Attempts


5 Rounds, 2 Mins Rest

Run 200m

15 Thrusters

Pick a load you can go unbroken

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong