Week 19 - 6/6 Cycle 1


Tuesday 08/05/18


Bulgarian Split Squat

5 x 10 EL

Rear Leg Raised

Between Each Set

8-10 Kneeling Arnold Press

8-10 Hollow Band Pull Overs

25 Mins To Complete The Work


3x3 Min Amrap

Run 200m

Then Amrap

1 -

5 Pull Ups

5 Press Ups

10 Squats

2 -

5 Toes To Bar

5 Press Ups

10 Plyo Lunges

3 -

5 Bar MU's

5 Press Ups

10 Squats 


Wednesday 090/05/18


5 x + load over sets

1st Pull - 3 sec pause at knee

knee to high hang - 2 Sec Pause

High Hang Clean - 1 Sec Pause


10 Mins Squat Clean

Build To Heavy

3 Pos Squat Clean

Start at High Hang

Aim to be tight in the catch

6 Min EMOM

3 Pos Squat Clean at 75%


15 Min EMOM

1 - 5 KB Clean EA + 20-30 DU's

2 - 10-12 HSPU

3 - 20 Sit Ups 


Thursday 10/05/18 


Push Press


Build over sets

Guide %'s will be given

Between Each Set

10 SL Glute Bridge EL

10 Kneeling Russian Twists Throw

25 Mins To Complete The Work


In Pairs 8 MIn Amrap

Max Wall Balls


5 Burpees 


Friday 11/05/18 


40 Min EMOM

1 - 12-15 Cal Row

2 - 6 Burpees Over The Box - Double Jump

3 - 10 Thrusters + 30Du's

4 - Rest 

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong