Monday 10.06.18
Front Squat 5x8
Upper Press
3-5 Strict HSPU or 8-10 Kipping
3x10 Powell Raise EA
In Pairs
50 Synchro Down Ups
50 Box Jump Overs
50 Wall Balls
50 Pull Ups
50 HR Press Ups
200m Front Rack Carry
5 Burpees Every Time The KB Drops
Tuesday 11.06.18
5 x + load over sets
1st Pull - 2 sec pause at knee
High Hang Clean - 2 Sec Pause
Hang Clean- 2 Sec Pause
Full Clean
1 Jerk - 2 Sec Pause
Every 3 Mins x 5
2 Pause Power Cleans
1 Pause Squat Clean
1 Jerk
2-3 sec pause at the knee
Alternating EMOM 12
1 - 10 Toes To Bar
2 - 3 Clean and Jerk @ 70% of Above
Aim to go every 15 Seconds
Wednesday 12.06.18
Push Press 5x8
Lower Posterior
10 Heavy KB Swings
10-15 Hollow Rocks
6 Rounds
In 60 Secs
Row 8-10 Cals
Max KB Hang Clean and Press
Rest 1 Min Between Rounds
Thursday 13.06.18
3 x
5 Barbell Sots Press
3 OH Squats
1 Snatch Balance
Every 2 Mins x 6
1 Hang Snatch
1 OH squat
1 Snatch Balance
Build Load Over Sets But Not Max
15 Min Time Cap
5 Rounds
15 Oh squats @42.5/ 30
Run 200m
Friday 14.06.18
Bulgarian 5x8
Upper Pull
10 Banded External Rot
30 Sec SA Plank ES
Sit Ups
Wall Climbs Between Each Set