Week 36 - Cluster

Monday 03/09/18 


2 x


10 Scap Pull 

10 Scap Kneeling Press 

10 KB Shrug 

30 Sec Sl Hip Bridge Hold EL 




Barbell Bent Over Row  

KB Floor Press


Add Load Over Sets 


3 x 

10 Arnold Press 

50 Unbroken Du’s 

If you brake 5 Burpee Pull Ups 


3 x 

10 SDHP 

50 Unbroken Du’s 

If you brake 5 Burpee Pull Ups 



Tuesday 04/09/18 


2 x 

6 Kang Squat 

20 X Band Walks R/L

10 Back Extensions - 2 Sec Pause


Back Squat 

12 Mins to find Heavy 4 for the day 


Rest 2 Mins 


Cluster 3,3,3 x 3 - 15 sec rest

@72.5% of Heavy 4



KB Goblet Lunge - OH If You Can 

Toes To bar 

12-15 Cal Row Between Sets 



Wednesday 05/09/18 


6 in Amrap 

2 Wall Climbs 

6 Box Jump Overs 

12 Sit Ups 


5 x 

Strict Press + Push Press

4 + 8 


5-4-3-2-1 Turkish Get Ups R and L

Between Each Set 

5 Bar Mu’s / 8-10 Chest To Bar Pull Ups 

10 RDL 



Thursday 06/09/18 


6 Min Amrap 

5 Suitcase Deadlift EA

5 Burpee Broad Jumps 

10 Side Plank Dips ES



12 Mins to find Heavy 4 for the day 


Rest 2 Mins 


Cluster 3,3,3 x 3 - 15 sec rest

@72.5% of Heavy 4


3 x 2 Min Amrap 

10 Wall Balls 

5 Burpees 

2 Min rest between AMRAPS



Friday 07/09/18 


3 x 

5 Slow Press Ups 

10 Shoulder Taps 

5 Strict Pull Ups 


Floor Press 


Build to a heavy for the day


9 Min Ladder


2-4-6-8-10 …….



Power Cleans @ 70/50

Pull Ups 


Strength is a choice…choose to be strong