Monday 27th August
Bank Holiday - Closed
Tueday 28th August
5 Mins Movement
10 Strict T2B
5 High Step Up ES
5 Empty Bar Back Squat
In 12 Mins Back Squat
Heavy 5
Rest 2 Mins
Every 3 mins x 3
Cluster 4,4,4 - 15 sec rest between 4's
@70% of Heavy 5
12 Min Amrap
5-10 Strict Pull Ups
10 KB Front Rack Lunges
50 Du's
Grind it out.
Wednesday 29th August
BHN Push Press
Snatch Balance
High Hang
Strict + Push Press
5 x 5 + 10 - As one large set - 15 reps total
Rest 2 Mins
Superset x 3
10 Ring Dips or Press Ups
10 Barbell Glute Bridges
1 - 10-15 Toes To Bar
2 - 20 Russian Twists - Body weight and controlled
3 - 15 Heavy KB swings
Thursday 30th August
6 Min Emom
3 Power Cleans
Increase Load Over Sets
In 12 MIns Deadlift
Heavy 5 - Deadstop (no touch and go reps but keep hold of the bar)
Rest 2 Mins
Every 3 mins x 3
Cluster 4,4,4 - 15 sec rest between 4's
@70% of Heavy 5
Superset 3 x
10 KB Step Ups EL
20 Hollow Rocks - Unbroken
Superset x 3
20 Wall Balls - unbroken
30 Sec Side Plank Band Pull ES
Friday 31st August
Bear Crawl + Wall Climb
4 Lengths Bear Crawl
8 Wall Climbs
Floor Press
5 x 10
Find a heavy 10 for the day
Rest 2 Mins
5 Rounds
10-15 Window Wipers
2 Turkish Get Ups EA
10 Chin Ups
Rest 2 Mins When Finished Then Complete
30 Hanging Hip Taps
50 Sit Ups
50 Back Extensions