Monday 10.09.18
2 x
10 SA 1 1/4 Front Rack Squats ES
20 Back Extensions
Run 200m
Front Squat
12 Mins To Find A Heavy 4
Cluster 3,3,3 x 3 - 10 sec rest
@ 75% of Heavy 3
12 Min Amrap
16 DB or KB Alt Snatch
8 Burpees Over The KB/DB
4 Bar Mu's or 8 Pulls Ups
10 Cal Row If you brake MU
Tuesday 11.09.18
2 x
12 Seated Band Row + 12 OH Ext Rot
45 Second KB Arm Bar
30 Sec High Plank Hold
Chin Ups
Load if possible
Ring Dips or Box Dips
3 x
12 Barbell Roll Outs
40 Unbroken Du's
3 x
100ft Front Rack Carry
10-15 Cal Row/Bike/Ski Erg
3 x
20 Hollow Rocks
40 Unbroken Du's
Wednesday 12.09.18
6 Min Amrap
10 Wall Squats
10 RDL
5 Broad Jumps
Back Squat
12 Mins To Find A Heavy 3
Cluster 2,2,2 x 3 - 10 sec rest
@ 75% of Heavy 3
50 Thrusters @ 40/25
Every Break
5 Burpees To Target
100 Sit Ups
Every Break
5 Burpees To Target
Thursday 13.09.18
2 x
30 Sec HS Hold
20 Banded Oysters ES
30 Sec Lat Stretch EA
Strict + Push Press
3 + 6
1 - 10 Alternating Leg Raises
2 - 20 KB Swings
3 - 6-10 High Box Jumps
Friday 14.09.18
6 Min Amrap
10 SA KB Cleans ES
10 Reverse Lunges ES
12 Mins To Find A Heavy 3
Deadstop reps
Cluster 2,2,2 x 3 - 10 sec rest
@ 75% of Heavy 3
4 Rounds for form
10 Front Foot Raised Lunges EL
Dual Front Rack Hold 30 Secs
Dual OH Hold 30 Seconds
Row 100m FAFP