Week 41 - Cluster W2


Monday 08.10.18


6 Min Amrap 

5 Kang Squats - add load

20 Robot Planks


Back Squat

Heavy 5


Cluster 4,4,4 x 3 @ - 15 sec rest

@72.5% of heavy 5 


12 Min AMRAP 

5-10 Strict Pull Ups 

10 RDL

20 Hollow Hold Flutter Kicks 

50 DU's 

Tuesday 09.10.18


2 x

10 SL Hip Bridge Press

3 Turkish Get Ups Each Arm 


Strict + Push Press

5 + 10 


3 Rounds 

18 Min TC

30 KB Hang Clean and Jerks 

30 Burpees 

30 Goblet Squats 

Wednesday 10.10.18


5 Min Amrap 

10 KB Swings 

5 Box Jumps 

10 Sit Ups 



Heavy 5 - Deadstop 


Cluster 4,4,4 x 3 - 15 sec rest

@72.5% of heavy 5 


16 Min EMOM 

Alternating Between 

1 - 

5 pull-ups

10 push-up

15 squats

2 - 

10 cal row

3-7 burpee over rower

Thursday 11.10.18


2 Rounds 

10 SA Push Press ES

15 Hollow Rocks 

30 Sec high tempo row


Floor Press



Move with purpose 

50ft Front Rack + OH Carry EA

20-18-16-14-10 Toes To Bar 

Once Complete 

50 HSPU for time 

Friday 12.10.18


6 Min Amrap 

20 SA Goblet Lat Lunge 

5 Burpee Broad Jumps 


Front Squat 

Heavy 5


Cluster 4,4,4 x 3 - 15 sec rest

@72.5% of heavy 5 


2 Rounds 

6 KB Split Squats EL

10 KB RDL 

6 Jumping Squats 

3 Rounds 

100ft Box Push 

Run 200m 

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong