20131204 Wednesday
A) 3 rounds - 10 ball slam 10 ball wood choppers (5each side)
B) Ring work and midline work - ring hold complexes, handstand holds etc.
C) WoD
Fight Gone Bad
Strength is a choice…choose to be strong
A) 4 min AMRAP run 200m 10 burpee
B) Back Squats
2x4@80% 2x4@85% 2@90% 2@95%
C) WoD
Press Ups
KB Swings
Sit Ups
Pull Ups
Strength is a choice…choose to be strong
A) 2 rounds
30 DU
10 Wall Balls
1 length burpee broad jumps
B) Cleans
N. Clean Tekkers
I. 15 mins to find max clean for the day
C) WoD
Box Jumps
Strength is a choice…choose to be strong
A) Ladder Drills
I. 15 Minutes to find max effort Spit Jerk
N. Split Jerk Tekkers
C) WoD
Time Cap 20 Mins
For time:
30 Box jump
30 Jumping pull-ups
30 Kettlebell swings
Walking Lunge, 30 steps
30 Knees to elbows
30 Press Ups
30 Back extensions
30 Wall ball shots
30 Burpees30 Double unders
Strength is a choice…choose to be strong
A) 3 x 200m
B) Back Squat (15 mins)
N. 5x5
I. 1X8@65%, 1X6@75%, 1X4@85%, 1X4@90% – rest 2 minutes.
C) WoD
3 Rounds
10 Push Press
20 Sit Ups
10 Pull Ups
Strength is a choice…choose to be strong
A)4 Min Time Cap - Run 450M AMRAP Cindy
B) Gymnastic Skills
C) WoD
3 rounds for time of:
50 Double-Unders
20 OH Lunges 50KG
25 Burpees
Strength is a choice…choose to be strong
A) Cone Touch
B) Snatch 15 Minutes
N. 5x5 Snatch Tekkers
I . Find 3 position max for the day (High Hang, Hang, Deck)
C) WoD
20 KB C&J
8 T2B
rest 2 mins
20 KB Lunges
8 Press Ups
Strength is a choice…choose to be strong
A) In Pairs
50 DU
40 DU
30 DU
While one partner skips the other Planks
B) Deadlift
N. 5,5,5,5,5
I. 3@85% 1@90% 1@95% 1@101+%
C) WoD
5 burpee box jumps
10 PC 60/50/40
15 sit ups
Strength is a choice…choose to be strong
A)4 Min TC Run 400m then AMRAP TGU
B) Front Squat (15 mins)
N. 5x5
I. 6@70% 6@75% 4@80% 4@85% 2 %90
C) WoD
3 rounds
30 Wall balls
15 Pull ups
Compare to 20130925
Strength is a choice…choose to be strong
A) Team Relays
B) KB Skills
Clean and Press
Singles and Double
C) WoD
Ladder work out 8 mins
Clean and Jerk
Strength is a choice…choose to be strong
A) tabata DU
B) Deadlift
N. 5,5,5,5,5
I. 3@80% 3@85% 1@90% 1@95%
C) WoD
Push Press
Box Jump
Strength is a choice…choose to be strong
A) Accumulate
1 Minute Plank
5 Roll Outs
1 Minute L sit
5 Roll Out
B) Strict Press
C) WoD
5x200m Sprints 1:2 rest
Strength is a choice…choose to be strong
A) 3x100m + 30 Squats
B) Hang Power Clean
N. 5x5
I. 15 mins to find 3 RM for the day
C) WoD
1000 meter row
50 Thruster
30 pull-ups
Strength is a choice…choose to be strong
A) AMRAP 3 mins 5 Burpees 2 Strict Pull Ups
B) 15mins to find 3 RM Push Press for the day
C) WoD
3 Rounds
16 KB Swing 24/20
8 T2B
200 m run
Strength is a choice…choose to be strong
A) In Pairs -
4 rounds JYD then 20* Pelvic raises
3 rounds JYD then 20* Pelvic raises
2 rounds JYD then 20* Pelvic raises
*20/15 kg
B) Strength
N. Back Squat 5x5
I.Testing - Back Squat 3@85% 1@90% 1@95% 1@101+%
C) WoD
AMRAP in 7 minutes of:
7 Ground to Overhead 70/45kg
49 Double Unders
Strength is a choice…choose to be strong
A) 4 Mins TC In Pairs - Run 2 x 200m each then AMRAP Burpees
B) KB Skills
1. Swing Walk
2. KB Clean
C) WoD
8 minute AMRAP
6 Power Clean 60/50/30
12 Deadlift
24 Air Squats
Strength is a choice…choose to be strong
A) 5 Mins TC - in 3 Team 100 Air Squats then Row Max distance
B) Oly Lift 15 Mins
N. Hang Snatch Triples
I. Establish 3RM Hang Snatch for the day
C) WoD
G2OH 20/15/10
Box Jump
Strength is a choice…choose to be strong
B) Strength
N. Deadlift 5x5
I. Deadlift 2x5@70% 3@75% 3@80% 3@85%
C) WoD
8 Minute AMRAP
20 KB Swing 28/24/20 M/MM/W
10 Burpees
Strength is a choice…choose to be strong
50 DU
15 weighted hip raises
40 DU
15 weighted hip raises
30 DU
15 weighted hip raises
Then accumulate 1 minute plank 1 side L 1 side R
B) 20 Ring Skills
C) WoD
4 minute AMRAP
10 G2OH
10 Plate Sit Ups
10 OH Lunges
Strength is a choice…choose to be strong
A) 4 Min TC Run 200m then AMRAP
10 Russian twists
10 Ball Slams
1 Wall Climb
B) 15 mins to find max clean for the day
High Hang x1 Hang x2
C) WoD
5 rounds
14 KB Snatch
7 Box jumps overs
21 Squats
Strength is a choice…choose to be strong