Week 42


Monday 16102017


3 x 

12 Half Kneeling Bottom Up Press 

30 Sec Side Plank 


Focus - 


Strict Press

50%x5, 60%x3

70%x1,75%x AMRAP 


Accessory - 


Second Kip Technique 


Conditioning -  



Press Ups 

Sit Ups 




Optional Finisher - 


3 MIns Shoulder Smash ES



Tuesday 17102017 


Activation - 


5 Min EMOM 

10 Front Rack Lunges 

10 Push Press 

Run 100m 


Focus - 


In 10 Mins Build To 

Heavy Thruster

Bar Starts On The Floor 

Rest 2 Mins 

Emom 10 

1 - 7 Thrusters at Fran Weight

2 - 7-10 Pull Ups 


Conditioning -  




Rest 45 Seconds 


Optional Finisher - 


3 Mins Couch Stretch ES


Yoga with Georgina 



Wednesday 18102017 


Activation - 


3 x 

10 Good Mornings 

10 Kb Renegade Row 


Focus - 



50%x5, 60%x3

70%x1,75%x AMRAP 


Accessory - 


1 - 30 sec Hollow Hold 

2 - 30 Sec Wall Facing HS Hold 


Conditioning -  


90 Sec Work , 30 Sec Rest x 5

16 Alt KB Snatch 

AMRAP Walking Lunges 


Optional Finisher - 


3 Min Glute Smash 



Thursday 19102017 


Focus - 


Alternating 3 Min Windows x 12


1 - 

Row or Run 600m 


2 - 

20 Wall Balls 

15 Box Jumps Overs

12 Burpees 


3 - 

20 Kb Swings 

50 Air Squats 

50 Du's


Courtesy of Warrior Programming




Friday 20102017 



Activation - 


3 x 

12 SA Floor Press EA 

10 Ring Row 3-1-3-1


Focus - 






Accessory - 


Pull Up and Push Away In The Kip 


Conditioning -  


10 Min Amrap 

Run 200m 

3 Wall Climbs 


Optional Finisher - 


3 Min Per Side Pec Smash 

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong

Week 41


Monday 09102017 


Focus - 


In Pairs You Go I Go 


5 Rounds Each 

In 90 Seconds 

20 Wall Balls 

Amrap DU's 

Score is Total Du's 


Rest 5 Mins 


5 Rounds Each 

In 90 Seconds 

Row 18/14 Cals 

Amrap Box Jump Overs 

Score is Total BJO



Tuesday 10102017 


Activation - 


3 x 

30 Sec Plank Walk 

15 Scap Push Ups 

10 Weighted Glute Bridge 


Focus - 


Floor Press

50%x5, 60%x3

70%x1,75%x AMRAP


Accessory - 


5-7 First Kip 


Conditioning -  


Every 2 Mins x 8 (Alt R then L)

5 KB Strict Press

10 KB Push Press 

15 Kb swings 

In Remaining Time 

Burpee Box Overs 


Optional Finisher - 


2 Min Lat Foam Roll

2 Min Coach Stretch 



Wednesday 11102017 

Activation - 


Barbell Warm Up 

Power Clean 2 Sec Pause 

Jerk - 2 Sec Pause 


Focus - 


Build to 80% In 8 Mins

Power Clean and Jerk 

2 Mins Rest 

Use Grace Test Weight + 2.5-5kg

Every 20 Seconds x 10 Mins 

1 Power Clean and Jerk 


Accessory - 


Conditioning -  



4 x 500m

1:1 work to rest


Optional Finisher - 


2 Mins Lying Wall Hamstring Stretch 

2 Mins Lying Adductor Stretch 



Thursday 12102017 


Activation - 



1 - 30 Sec Hollow Hold 

2 - 15 KB Swings 

3 - 5 Broad Jumps


Focus - 



50%x5, 60%x3

70%x1,75%x AMRAP


Accessory - 


20 Sec Wall Facing Hollow Hold 


Conditioning -  


12 Min Amrap 

10 KB Farmers Lunge

5 Box Jumps 

50ft Box Push 

5 Burpees 


Work in pair 


Optional Finisher - 


2 Mins Couch Stretch 

2 Mins Pigeon Pose 



Friday 13102017 


Activation - 


4 Rounds 

10 Bird Dog ES

30 Sec Ring Plank 

30 Sec Side Plank Raises ES


Focus - 


In 20 Mins Complete

3 x 

200m Front Rack Carry 

10 Half Kneeling Press ES

Row 250m


Conditioning -  


Funky Friday Surpirse!! 





Strength is a choice…choose to be strong

Week 40


Monday 02102017 


Activation - 


3 x 

10 Half kneeling KB Press 

10 Side Plank Band Pull ES

Run 100m 


Focus - 


Floor Press 





Accessory - 


Between Sets 

3-8 Strict Press 


Conditioning -  


10 Min Amrap 

Continuous Movement 

8 Kb Row Each EA - 2 Sec Pause 

8 Press Ups - 2-2-0-1

16 Sit Ups 

48 Du's


Optional Finisher - 


2 Min Lat Foam Roll

2 Mins Passive Hang 



Tuesday 03102017 


Activation - 


5 Min Amrap 

10 Wall Squats 

5 SA Kb Thrusters EA

10 Hollow Rocks 


Focus - 


In 10 Mins Build To 

Heavy Thruster

Bar Starts On The Floor 


Rest 2 Mins 


Emom 10 

1 - 5 Thrusters at 50%

2 - 10 Burpees Over Bar 



Conditioning -  



In Pairs 

10 min max cal row 


Optional Finisher - 


90-120 Secs L Sit hold 



Wednesday 04102017 


Activation - 


3 x 

10 SA Ring Row 

2 Wall Climbs 

20 Walking Lunges 


Focus - 


Strict Press





Accessory - 


Between Warm Up 

Sets 20 Secs Beat swings 

Between Working Sets 

3-5 First Kips 

Conditioning -  


9 Min Amrap

2 TGU 

4 KB Clean 

8 KB Push Press 


Optional Finisher - 


2 x 

20 Thoracic Extensions 

1 Min Lat Stretch EA



Thursday 05102017 


Activation - 


EMOM 10 

1 - 12/9 Cal Row 

2 - 8-10 Burpees



Focus - 


For Time working at 75% Effort 

2 Rounds 

Run 400m 

30 Box Jumps

30 Pull Ups 


2 Rounds 

Run 400m 

30 Alternating KB Snatch

30 Goblet Walking Lunges 


2 Rounds 

Row 500m 

50 Du's

50 Sit Ups 


Every 2 Mins 5 Burpees 

Where ever you are - Even Running



Friday 06102017 


Activation - 


3 x 


50ft Ghekko Crawl

50 ft Broad Jumop 


Focus - 







Accessory -


1 - 30 sec Hollow Hold 

2 - 30 Sec Wall Facing HS Hold 


Conditioning -  


Form Form 

150 KB Russian swings 

Every Break 

10 Press Ups 


Optional Finisher - 


2 Mins Lying Hamstring Stretch 

2 Mins Glute Smash 

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong

Week 39

Monday 25092017


Focus - 


EMOM 10 

1- 15-20 Wall Balls 

2 - 10-15 Burpees 


Rest 2 mins 


EMOM 10 

1 - 10-15 Box Jump Overs 

2 - Row 15/12 Cals 


Rest 2 Mins 


EMOM 10 

1- 15 GTOH

2 - 30-50 DU's



Tuesday 26092017


Activation -

3 x

10 Hollow Rocks

10 SL Glute Bridge

10 Tempo Press Ups 2-1-0-1


Focus -

Strict Press




Accessory -

Between Each Set

10 Hollow To Back Ext


Conditioning -

5x5 TGU Each Arm

Row 250m AFAFP Between Sets


Optional Finisher -

2 x

20 Thoracic Extensions

1 Min Lat Stretch EA


Wednesday 27092017 


Activation - 


3 x 

5 Tall Box Jumps

10 Kb Cleans 

Row 45 Sec Moderate Effort 


Focus - 


Build to 80% In 8 Mins

Power Clean and Jerk 


2 Mins Rest 


Use Grace Test Weight


Every 20 Seconds x 10 Mins 

1 Power Clean and Jerk 


Conditioning -  


5 x 200m 

Rest 45 Seconds 


Optional Finisher - 


2 Min Front Rack Stretch 

2 Min Calf Stretch 



Thursday 28092017 


Activation -

3 x

1 min Couch Stretch EL

100ft SA OH Lunge/Farmers Carry

50ft Broad Jump


Focus -

Back Squat





Accessory -

Between Each Set

20 Sec Beat Swing


Conditioning -

3 Rounds

20 Weighted Step Ups @12/16

20 KB Swings

20 Hanging Knee Raises


Optional Finisher -

2 Mins Couch Stretch EL

2 Mins Hamstring Stretch EL


Friday 29092017 


Activation - 


3 x 

30 Sec Passive Hang 

10 Scap Pulls 

1 Min Seated Forward Fold 


Focus - 


Technique Day 


Toes To Bar 

1 - Flexibility 

2 - Motion 

3 - Return 


Conditioning -  



1 - 10-12 Hollow Rocks 

2 - 1 Min High Plank 

3 - Run 100-200m 


Optional Finisher - 


3 MIns PSOAS Release ES

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong

Week 38

Monday 18092017 


Activation - 


3 x

10 Mixed KB Rack OH Lunge EL 

10 Hollow Rocks 

10 Back Extensions


Focus - 


Back Squat 




Accessory - 


Between Each Set 

20 Sec Beat Swing



Conditioning -  


4 Rounds - For Form

12 OH Lunges

24 Step Ups 

36 Sit Ups 


Optional Finisher - 


2 MIns Coach Stretch Each Leg 

2 Mins Pigeon Pose 



Tuesday 19092017 


Activation - 


3 x 

5 Muscle Clean 

3 Hang Power Clean 

3 Front Squat

3 Push/Split Jerk 

Focus - 


Every 3 Mins x x5 Sets 

2PC + 2 FS + 2Jerk 

1,2,3@ 65%

4,5@ 75%


Conditioning -  


In Pairs 


Amrap 12

12 Cal Row 

6 Clusters @42.5/30 

Aim Is unbroken 


Optional Finisher - 


2 Mins Front Rack Stretch 

2 Mins ES Scap Smash



Wednesday 20092017 


Activation - 


2 x 

30 Sec KB Arm Bar 

10 Half Kneeling Sesaw Press EL

10 Pallof Press 


Focus - 


Floor Press




Accessory - 


Between Each Set 

10 Hollow To Back Ext


Conditioning -  


3 Rounds 

20 Alternting KB Push Press 

30 Sec Ring Plank Hold 

20 Russian Twists


Optional Finisher - 


2 Min Lat Foam Roll

2 Mins Passive Hang 



Thursday 21092017 


Focus - 


EMOM 30 

1 - 50 Du's 

2 - 8-12 Burpee Box Overs

3 - Row 12-15/9-12 Cals 



Friday 22092017 


Activation - 


3 x 

10 Kb Swing - Increase Load 

2 Vertical Jump 

3 Broad Jump 


Focus - 






Conditioning -  


‘Fun Friday’


In Pairs 15 Min Amrap 


50 Alternating Burpee Slam Balls 

300ft Box Push - Take ball with you

Run 200m 



Strength is a choice…choose to be strong

Week 37


Monday 11092017 


Activation - 


Reaction Games 


Focus - 


In Pairs 

Every 5 Mins x 8 Complete


1 - 

Run 500m 

Amrap - Alternating rounds

5 Burpees

10 KB Snatches



Run 400m 

Amrap - Alternating rounds

5 Pull Ups 

10 Air Squats 



Tuesday 12092017 


Activation - 


3 x 

2 Wall Climb 

10 Scap Pulls 


Focus - 


Strict Press 

65%x5, 75%x3, 85%x1, 95%x1, Max Out 


Accessory - 


Thruster Warm Up 


Conditioning -  



Thrusters @42.5/30

Pull Ups 



Wednesday 13092017 


Activation - 


5 Min Amrap - Steay Pace

5 Press Ups 

10 Air Squats 

15 Sit Ups 


Focus - 


In Teams of 3 


Rowing KB DT

Row 30 Cals - Time Keeper

12 Deadlifts @20or16/12or8

9 Hang Cleans 




Thursday 14092017 


Activation - 


3 x 

5 Kang Squats 

10 Ring Rows


Focus - 


Back Squat 

10 RM 

Between Each Set 

3-5 Strict Pull Ups 


Conditioning -  


In Pairs 


Wall Balls 

Toes To Bar / Weighted Sit Ups 



Friday 15092017 


Activation - 


2 x 

1 Min Plank 

30 Sec Side Plank ES

30 Walking lunges 


Focus - 


5 Rounds 

100ft Box Push 

100m Front Rack Carry 


Conditioning -  


Fun Friday 


It may or may not be a nice surprise!!!!

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong

Week 36 - Testing

Monday 04092017 



Activation - 


3 x 

5 Sl Landmine RDL EL 

10 Hollow Rocks 

10 Wall Squats 


Focus - 


Back Squat 1RM

65%x5, 75%x3, 85%x1, 95%x1, Max Out 


Accessory - 


Pull Up ME 


Pull Up Max Load


Conditioning -  


800m for time 

Rest 4 Mins 


400m for time 

Rest 3 mins 


200m For Time 


Record Each Time 



Tuesday 05092017 



Ladder Drills 

Depth Jumps 


Focus - 


Max Height Box Jump 3 Attempts 

Rest 5 Mins 

Max Power Clean 


Accessory - 


Conditioning -  




30 Clean and Jerk for time 





Wednesday 06092017 



Activation - 


3 x 

15 Kb Swings 

10 SA RR Each Arm 


Focus - 


Deadlift 1RM

65%x5, 75%x3, 85%x1, 95%x1, Max Out 


Accessory - 


ME HS Hold 


ME L Sit Hold - Rings or Box 


Conditioning -  



3 Rounds for time 

Run 400m 

21 KB swings 

12 Pull Ups 




Thursday 07092017 



Conditioning -  


Emom 30 


1 - 15 Down Ups 

2 - 50 Du's 

3 - 15 Ball Slams 



Friday 08092017 


Activation - 


3 x

30 Sec KB Arm Bar

10-8-6 press Ups 

45 Sec Front Rack Stretch 


Focus - 


Press 1RM

65%x5, 75%x3, 85%x1, 95%x1, Max Out 


Accessory - 


ME Toes To Bar x 2


ME Bar MU x 2


Conditioning -  


Row 500m 

Rest 90 Seconds 

Row 500m

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong

Week 35



This week marks 1 Year since we moved into the new HG3. The year has gone so fast, so much has happened and we have welcomed so many new people but it has been truly amazing all the way. Thank you all for making the gym what it is today and we can't wait for another amazing year to happen. 

Keep up the hard work guys. This week everyone is on the same programming, we are looking to test you in various ways an all will be explained in a short video later on today. 

Hope you have all had an amazing Bank Holiday. See you this week. 


Tuesday 29082017 


Activation - 


2 x 

100 ft SA Walking Bottom Up Hold

50ft Wheel Barrow Walk 

50ft Ghekko Crawl 


Focus - 


Press – 40%x5, 50%x5, 60%x5


Accessory - 


Banded Tricep Ext – 3 x 20

SA Ring Row - 3x12 EA


Conditioning -  


EMOM 15 - Alternating Between 


1 - 8 Burpee Box Overs 

2 - 50 Du's 

3 - 16 Alternating KB Snatch 




Wednesday 30082017 



Activation - 


Barbell Warm Up / Specific Mobility 


Focus - 


Power Clean and Jerk


Conditioning -  




30 C and J @60/40 



Thursday 31082017


Activation - 


3 x 

6 Good Mornings @40/30

3 Broad Jumps

45 Sec Plank 


Focus - 


Deadlift - 40%x5, 50%x5, 60%x5


Accessory - 


Goblet Cossack Squat - 3x10 EL

Med Ball Stir The Pot 1 Min x 3


Conditioning -  


1 Mile Run

For time 



Friday 01092017 



Activation - 


3 x 

20 Dead Bugs - with rope 

10 SA Ring Rows EA

Run 100m


Focus - 


20sec work 20 sec rest x 10


Chin Over The Bar Hold 

L Sit Hold 


Accessory - 


Pull Ups Progressions

Starting the kip 

Beat Swings 


Conditioning -  


In Pairs 

10 Min Amrap - I Go You Go 


10 Cal Row 

10 Ball Slams

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong

Week 34


Monday 21082017 


Activation - 


5 Min EMOM

15 KB Swings 

Remaining Time Plank 


Focus - 


Deadlift – 75%x5, 85%x3, 95%x1+


Accessory - 


SA OH Lunge - 3x20 

Hollow Rocks - 3 x 15


Conditioning -  


In Pairs 11 Min Amrap 

Row 30 Cals 

30 Box Jump Overs 

30 Double KB Clean and Press 


Optional Finisher - 


2 x 

1 Min Side Plank ES

20 Face Pulls 



Tuesday 22082017 


Activation - 


Barbell Warm Up 

- Muscle Clean 

- High Hang Clean 

- Hang Clean 


Focus - 


In 8 MIns 

Build To A Heavy Power Clean

De Load The Bar

In 8 MIns 

Build To Max Squat Clean


Conditioning -  



10 Burpees Over The Bar 


Optional Finisher - 


2 Min Couch Stretch ES

2 Min Cafl Stretch ES



Wednesday 23082017 


Activation - 


3 x 

10 SA Ring Row EA

2 Wall Climbs 


Focus - 


Floor Press – 75%x5, 85%x3, 95%x1+


Accessory - 


High Ring Hold / Box High Hold 3x30 Sec

Band Pull Aparts 3x20



Conditioning -  


5 Rounds 

10 Push Press @40/25

11 KB swings 

12 Box Jumps @24/20


Optional Finisher - 


2 x 

10 Back Extensions 

45 Sec KB Arm Bar EA



Thursday 24082017 


Focus - 


In Pairs - 34 Min Amrap 


Whilst One Runs 400 Meters


50 Ft Box Push 

15 Ball Slams 

15 Weighted Sit Ups 



Friday 25082017 


Activation - 


3 x

10 Barbell Hip Bridge @40/30

30 Sec Side Plank 


Focus - 


Squat - 75%x5, 85%x3, 95%x1+


Accessory - 


Front Rack Weighted Step Ups 3x10 EL 

Back Extensions 3x20


Conditioning -  


Half Cindy 

5 Pull Ups 

10 Press Ups 

15 Squats


Optional Finisher - 


2 x 

1 Min Plank 

1 Min Glute Stretch ES

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong

Week 33

Monday 14082017 



Conditioning -  


In Pairs 

20 Min EMOM

Row 10/7 Cal

AMRAP KB Snatch 


Rest 2 Mins 


10 Min Amrap 

Run 100m 

10 Burpees 



Optional Finisher


3 x 

30 Sec Side Plank ES 

1 Min Couch Stretch ES



Tuesday 15082017 



Activation - 


3 x 

6 Kang Squats 

3 Box Jumps 



Focus - 


Squat – 70%x3, 80%x3, 90%x3+


Accessory - 


KB Death March - 3 x 20 Steps 

Russian Twist - 3 x 20



Conditioning -  



Goblet Squats 

Sit Ups 



Air Squats 

Sit Ups 


Optional Finisher -


3 x

45 Second Hanging Hollow 

30 Sec Calf Stretch ES



Wednesday 16082017 



Activation - 


3 x 

5 Single Leg RDL EL 

Row 150m AFAFP


Focus - 



2 Seated Weighted Jump 

3 Broad Jump 

Run 100m Slowly


Rest 2 mins between rounds 

Record Distance - Compare to week 24


Conditioning -  


Every 4 Mins x 5 

Run 400m 


Optional Finisher - 


2 Min Glute Smash ES

2 Min Banded Ham ES



Thursday 17082017



Activation - 


2 x 

45 Sec SA Bottom Up Hold EA

20 Back Extensions With Band


Focus - 


Press – 75%x5, 85%x3, 95%x1+


Accessory - 


SA KB Floor Press - One Weight Up All Times 3x20

Strict Pull Ups Weighted 5 x 5-10


Conditioning -  




Power Cleans @50/30

Press Ups 



Friday 18082017 



Activation - 


3 x 

10 Banded Plank Rotation 

100ft Wheel Barrow Walk


Focus - 


Gymnastics Technique Session 

Skin The Cats 




Conditioning -  


10 Min Emom 

1 - 10 Toes To Bar 

2 - 30-45 Sec HS Hold

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong

Week 32

Monday 07082017


Activation - 


2 x 

45 Sec KB Bottom Up Hold 

20 Band Pull Downs

1 Min Plank


Focus - 


Press – 70%x3, 80%x3, 90%x3+


Accessory - 


Banded Tricep Ext – 3 x 20

SA Ring Row - 3x12 EA


Conditioning -  


In Pairs 2 Rounds

12 Min TC 

50 Push Press @40/25

50 Synchro Burpee Over The Bar

50 Front Squats 


Optional Finisher


2 mis per side 

Banded Lat Stretch 

Lying Adductor Stretch 



Tuesday 08082017 


Activation - 


Barbell Warm Up 


Focus - 


In 6 Mins 

Run 800m 

ME Burpee Box Jump Overs 

2 Mins Rest 

10 Mins Max Squat Clean 


Accessory - 


Every 30 Seconds for 10 Mins 

1 Squat Clean at 70%


Conditioning -  


5 x 200m 

Rest 1 Min between rounds 


Optional Finisher


2 Mins Per Side 

Couch Stretch 

Lying Hamstring 



Wednesday 09082017 


Activation - 


3 x 

5 Foot Forward Good Morning EL Add Load

5 Box Jumps


Focus - 


Deadlift - 70%x3, 80%x3, 90%x3+


Accessory - 


Goblet Cossack Squat - 3x10 EL

Med Ball Stir The Pot 1 Min x 3



Conditioning -  


Every 90 seconds x 6

12 Ball Slam Burpees



Thursday 10082017 


Focus - 


3 x

In 4 Mins 

Run 400m 

21 KB swings 

12 Pull Ups 


Rest 3 Mins 


3 x

In 4 Mins 

Row 500m 

30 Thrusters @20/15



Friday 11082017 


Activation - 


2 x 

10 Banded Press/10 Banded Fly 

30 Sec Hollow Hold 

30 Side Side Plank ES


Focus - 


Floor Press - 70%x3, 80%x3, 90%x3+


Accessory - 


Push Press 3x12

Chin Ups - 3x5-10


Conditioning -  


15 Min TC

5 Rounds 

50 Du's

20 Wall Balls 

10 Press Ups 


Optional Finisher


2 Mins Per Side 

Banded Pec Stretch 

Scap Smash 

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong

Week 31

Monday 31072017 




4 Mins on 1 Min Off x 6


1 - 

Row 500m 

ME Burpee Over Rower


2 -

Run 400m 


5 Pull Ups 

5 Press Ups 

5 Squats 



Tuesday 01082017


Activation - 


2 x 

10 SA KB Press 

30 Sec Hollow Hold 

30 Side Side Plank ES


Focus - 


Floor Press – 65%x5, 75%x5, 85%x5+


Accessory - 


High Ring Hold / Box High Hold 5x30 Sec

Band Pull Aparts 3x20


Conditioning -  


2 Rounds 

100 Du's 

40 Push Ups 


Optional Finisher


5 MIns 


Lat Foam Roll - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lwVrPdm_I0

Scap Smash - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9bYQUHqhFc



Wednesday 02082017 


Activation - 


3 x

10 Kb Swings 

5 Broad Jumps 



Focus - 


In 6 Mins 

Row 1km or Run 800m 

ME Burpees Over The Bar 

Then in 10 Mins

Build To Max Power Clean and Jerk


Conditioning -  


Every 2 Mins x 5

10 Box Jump Overs 

10 Power Cleans @40/25

20 Sit Ups 


Optional Finisher


3 Mins 

Wall Squat Stretch 




Thursday 03082017 


Activation - 


3 x 

20 X Band Walks 

15 Back Extensions 


Focus - 


Squat - 65%x5, 75%x5, 85%x5+


Accessory - 


Front Rack Weighted Step Ups 3x10 EL 

Back Extensions 3x20


Conditioning -  


12 Mins

5 rounds 

Run 200

20 KB Snatch @20/12 alternating arm 


Optional Finisher


2 mIns per side 

Calf Stretch On Rig 

Couch Stretch - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fg-lwNBzVV8



Friday 04082017 


Activation - 


3 x In Pairs 

20 Skipping Rope Dead Bugs


Focus - 



1 - 15 Ball Slams 

2 - 20 Russian Twists 

3 - 15 Back Extensions 


Conditioning -  




Double Unders 

Sit Ups 


Optional Finisher -


Psoas Release




Strength is a choice…choose to be strong

Week 30


Monday 24072017 


Activation - 


3 x 

10 KB Cross Body Step Up ES

10 Back Extensions


Focus - 


Squat – 40%x5, 50%x5, 60%x5


Accessory - 


KB Death March - 2 x 20 Steps 

Russian Twist - 2 x 20


Conditioning -  


6 Min Amrap 

6 Box Jump Overrs 

12 KB Swings @24/16

24 Du's 

Rest 2 Mins 

6 Min Amrap 

6 Box Jump Overrs 

12 KB Swings @24/16

Run 100m



Tuesday 25072017 


Activation - 


Barbell Warm Up 


Focus - 


Build To a Heavy - 14 Mins 

1 Clean 

1 Hang Clean 

1 Front Squat 


Conditioning -  


5 x

3 Squat Cleans 80%

6 Burpess Over The Bar

3 Bar MU

Rest 90 Secs



Wednesday 26072017 


Activation - 


2 x 

45 Sec KB Bottom Up Hold 

20 Band Pull Downs

1 Min Plank


Focus - 


Press – 65%x5, 75%x5, 85%x5+


Accessory - 


SA KB Floor Press - One Weight Up All Times 3x20

Strict Pull Ups Weighted 5 x 5-10


Conditioning -  


EMOM 14 

30 DU's 

AMRAP KB Push Press 


Alternate With Partner


Score is total reps per pair 


Optional Finisher - 


3 Rounds

20 Face Pulls 

20 Banded Glute Clam 

1 Min Plank 



Thursday 27072017 


Focus - 



Run 200m 

30 Sec Rest 

Run 400m 

45 Sec Rest 

Run 800m 

1 Min Rest 

Run 1 Mile 

2 Min Rest 


Optional Finisher -


2 Mins Per Side 

Couch Stretch 

Calf Stretch 



Friday 28072017 


Activation - 


3 x 

5 Foot Forward Good Morning EL

5 Box Jumps


Focus - 


Deadlift – 65%x5, 75%x5, 85%x5+


Accessory - 


SA OH Lunge - 3x20 

Hollow Rocks - 3x15


Conditioning -  


9 MIn AMRAP @40/25

15 Toes To Bar/Knee Raises

10 Deadlift 

5 Power Cleans 


Optional Finisher -


3 x 

10 Sl Split Squats EL at Body Weight 

20 Sit Ups 




Strength is a choice…choose to be strong

Week 29


Monday 17072017 


Activation - 


6 Min Amrap 

30 Du's / 60 SS

20 KB Swings 

10 Hollow Rocks 


Focus - 


Start The Clock 


Min 0-10



Run 200m 

12 KB Snatch 


Min 12-24


50 Ball Slams, 25 Burpee Box Jump Overs

40 Ball Slams, 20 Burpee Box Jump Overs

30 Ball Slams, 15 Burpee Box Jump Overs

20 Ball Slams, 10 Burpee Box Jump Overs

10 Ball Slams, 5 Burpee Box Jump Overs


Min 26-36



Run 200m 

12 KB Snatch 


Tuesday 18072017 


Activation - 


3 x 

10 Good Mornings 

10 Banded Pull Throughs

Run 100m 


Focus - 


Deadlift - 40%x5, 50%x5, 60%x5


Accessory - 


Bulgarian Split Squat - 3x12 EL

Hollow Rocks - 3 x 15


Conditioning -  


6 Rounds - Rest 30 Sec Between

20 KB Swings 

15 Wall Balls 


Wednesday 19072017 


Activation - 


4 x 

6 Banded Good Mornings 

12 Ball Slams 

6 Box Jumps


Focus - 



2 Seated Weighted Jump 

3 Broad Jump 

Run 100m Slowly


Rest 2 mins between rounds 


Conditioning -  


Every 2 Mins for 16 Mins

Run 200m FAFP


Thursday 20072017 


Activation - 


2 x 

45 Sec Bottom Up KB Hold 

10 RR or 5 Pull Ups 

30 Sec Hollow Hold 


Focus - 


Floor Press - 40%x5, 50%x5, 60%x5


Accessory - 


Seated SA KB Press 3x12

Hanging Leg Raise - 3x12



Conditioning -  


12 MIn Amrap 

12 Pull Ups 

9 KB Deadlifts @20/12

6 KB Hang Power Cleans 



Friday 21072017


Activation - 


1 Go You Go x 6 Rounds 

30 Sec Ring Body Saw


10 Ring Plank Crunches


Focus - 



KB Windmill 


KB Turkish Get Up Each Arm 


Conditioning -  


In Pairs For Reps




1 Min Per Station 

1 - Slam Ball Get Ups 

2 - Tyre Flip Jump Throughs

3 - Box Push 

4 - Front Rack Carry 

5 - Farmers Walk 

6 - Burpee Bar Touch 

7 - Sand Bag Lunges 


Strength is a choice…choose to be strong

Week 28

Monday 10072017 


Activation - 


5 Min Amrap 

KB Alternating Press x 2

Front rack Lunge x2 

Rest 2-3 reps before failure


Focus - 


Floor Press – 75%x5, 85%x3, 95%x1+


Accessory - 


Seated SA KB Press 3x12

Hanging Leg Raise - 3x12


Conditioning -  


3 Rounds 

30 Front Rack KB Lunges 

20 Weighted Sit Ups @15/10

50 Du's between Each Round



Tuesday 11072017 


Activation - 


Ladder/Depth Jump Circuit 


Focus - 


Build To a Heavy - 14 Mins 

Power Clean 

Hang Clean 



Conditioning -  


Chase Me

The idea here is to chase your partner in front, if you catch them they must then try and catch you back up. The row should give you 30-40 seconds to get ahead. It can be done. If the person gets caught. They must complete a 200m run and then get back on it!

In Pairs 

15 Min Amrap 

15/12 Cal Row 

10 KB Swings 

5 Power Cleans @60/40



Wednesday 12072017 


Activation - 


3 x 

10 KB Cross Body Step Up ES

10 Back Extensions


Focus - 


Squat - 75%x5, 85%x3, 95%x1+


Accessory - 


KB Death March - 3 x 20 Steps 

Russian Twist - 3 x 20


Conditioning -  


4x2 Min Amrap 1 min rest 


12 Goblet Squat

10 HR Press Ups 



Thursday 13072017 


Activation - 


Ful Body Flow Mobility 


Conditioning -  


Every 3 Mins for 30 Mins 

1 - Row 500m 

2 - 30 Burpees Over The Bar


Courtesy of Warrior Programming


Do the basics, do them well, fitness will come



Friday 14072017 


Activation - 



12 Kneeling KB Push Press 

20 Band Pull Uparts 



Focus - 


Press – 40%x5, 50%x5, 60%x5


Floor Press – 40%x5, 50%x5, 60%x5

SA Bent Over Row - 3x12 EA


Conditioning -  


12 Min TC


Cash In 100 Du's



Push Press @ 40/25


Sit Ups 


Cash Out 100 Du's




Strength is a choice…choose to be strong

Week 27

Monday 03072017


Focus - 

In Pairs 

In a 10 Min Window 

Row 1500m 

Every min 3 Burpee Plate Jumps


Rest 2 Mins 


8 Min Amrap 

40 GTOH 

40 OH Lunge 

Run 100m 


Rest 2 Mins 


In Pairs 

In a 10 Min Window 

Row 1500m 

Every min 3 Burpee Plate Jumps



Tuesday 04072017


Activation - 



100ft KB Rack/OH Press Walk 

10 SA KB Sit Ups EA


Focus - 


Press – 75%x5, 85%x3, 95%x1+


Accessory - 


Floor Press – 65%x5, 75%x5, 85%x5

Strict Pull Up 3 x ME


Conditioning -  



1 - 40 Du's/120 SS

2 - 8 Burpee Over Box 

3 - Row 15/12 Cals 



Wednesday 05072017 


Activation - 


Barbell Warm Up 


Focus - 


In ten mins build to max Clean 

Then 2 Rounds 


2 Cleans @70% of max


6-11 Pull Ups 


Conditioning -  


3 x 

3 Min EMOM

30 KB Swings 

30 Sit Ups 

Rest 1 Min 



Thursday 06072017 



Activation - 


3 x 

10 Good Mornings 

10 Banded Pull Throughs

Run 100m 


Focus - 


Deadlift – 75%x5, 85%x3, 95%x1+


Accessory - 


Bulgarian Split Squat - 3x12 EL

Hollow Rocks - 3 x 15


Conditioning -  


2 Rounds 

50 Slam Balls 

50 Slam Ball Lunges 

Run 100m 



Friday 07072017 


Activation - 


3 x

45 Sec Passive Hang 

45 Sec Side Plank Rotations ES

10 Inch Worms 


Focus - 


5 x 

L Sit Hold - ME

10 Shoot Throughs


Accessory - 



5-10 T2B


Conditioning -  


10 MIns In Pairs 

Max Cal Row

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong

Week 26

Monday 26062017 


Activation - 


5 Min Amrap 

10 KB swings 

10 Goblet Lunges 

10 Russian Twists With KB 


Focus - 


Deadlift - 70%x3, 80%x3, 90%x3+


Accessory - 


Bulgarian Split Squat - 3x12 EL

Hollow Rocks - 3 x 15



Conditioning -  


In Pairs 

30 Front Rack Lunges 

26/20 Cal Row 

15 Synchro Burpees 

Split the work as you need. 



Tuesday 27062017 


Focus - 



2 Seated Weighted Jump 

4 Broad Jump - note distance

Run 100m Slowly


Rest 2 mins between rounds 


Accessory - 


3 x 12 SL RDL 


Conditioning -  


For Time 

Row 2000m 

Split the work as needed 



Wednesday 28062017


Activation - 



10 SA KB Press Each Side 

10 Inverted Barbell Row



Focus - 


Bench Press - 70%x3, 80%x3, 90%x3+


Accessory - 


Seated SA KB Press 3x12

Hanging Leg Raise - 3x12



Conditioning -  


12 Min Amrap 

5 Strict Pull Ups/Inverted row 

10 Rolling Tricep Extensions 

15 KB Curls 

100m SA KB Walk - Swop Arm at 50m



Thursday 29062017 


Activation - 


Full Body Mobility 


Conditioning -  


In Pairs 

50 SDHP 

Run 200m With 15/20 KG Plate 

50 Cal Row 

Run 200m With 15/20 KG Plate 

50 KB Clusters 


26 Min Amrap 



Friday 30062017 



Activation - 


3 x 

6 Kang Squats @30/20

3 Box Jumps @24/20



Focus - 


Squat – 70%x3, 80%x3, 90%x3+


Accessory - 


KB Death March - 3 x 20 Steps 

Russian Twist - 3 x 20


Conditioning -  


5 Rounds for time 

20 Wall Balls 

15 Pull Ups 

3 Wall Climbs


13 Min TC

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong

Week 25

Monday 19062017 


Activation -


3 x

30 Sec Wall Facing HS Hold

20 Hollow Rocks

30 Walking Lunges


Conditioning -

Aim - Your aim here is to keep consistent times though each round. Wrk as a team to not let the ball drop and break into manageable sets. 


10 Rounds

In Pairs

Row 30 Cals

50 Wall Balls

Every time the wall ball hits the floor 10 Syncro Burpees 


Tuesday 20062017


Activation -

We are looking today to make sure the posterior chain is awake and active with particular attention to the Glute minimus and medias that help us create strength and stability in our squat. 

3 x

12 Kang Squats

12 Banded Glute Clam Shells



Focus -

Squat - 65%x5, 75%x5, 85%x5+


Accessory -

KB Death March - 3 x 20 Steps

Russian Twist - 3 x 20


Conditioning -

Every 2 Mins for 5 Sets

Run 200m

Time and record each run. The aim is no more than 5-10 second drop off. 


Wednesday 20062017 


Activation -

Barbell Warm Up


Focus -

In ten mins build to max Power Clean

Then 2 Rounds


2 Power Cleans @70% of max


5-10 Pull Ups

The aim here to to be as powerful and fast as possible in the cleans and to stay consistent in the pull ups. Don't miss any reps and make sure you hit the same number each time. 


Conditioning -

Row UK 250m Challenge 

Rest 3 Mins

5 Mins Max Burpees 

Selfies and social media - Row UK are stating a new challenge and have asked us to take part. It is to row 250m as fast as possible, take a selfie with your time and then post it to them on social media. They will then be picking winners at random and delivering prizes for the fastest times. 


Thursday 22062017 


Activation -


100ft KB Rack/OH Press Walk

20 Hollow Rocks

20 Back Extensions

Focus -

Press – 70%x3, 80%x3, 90%x3+


Accessory -

Floor Press – 60%x8, 70%x8, 80%x6

SA Bent Over Row - 3x12 EA


Conditioning -

12 Min time cap

5 Rounds

10 SDHP @40/25

15 Push Press

20 Box Jump Overs 


Friday 23062017 


Activation -

2 x

50ft Med Ball Plank Walk

20 Russian Twists


Focus -


1 - 20 Sit Ups

2 - 20 Ball Slams

3 - 20-30 Sec HS Hold


Conditioning -


10 KB thrusters

10 burpees over the DBs rest 1:00


8 KB thrusters

8 burpees over the DBs rest 1:00


6 KB Thrusters

6 burpees over the DBs



Strength is a choice…choose to be strong

Week 24


We are now in a new phase of the strength cycle. We are going to have a holding cycle to solidify technique and loading.  Please stay on the number's that you have used in the previous cycle. Any questions do let me know. 


Monday 12062017


Activation - 


5 Min Amrap 

1 Wall Climb

15 Band Pull Aparts

10 Ball Slams


Focus - 


Press – 65%x5, 75%x5, 85%x5+


Accessory - 


Floor Press – 50%x10, 60%x10, 70%x10

SA Bent Over Row - 3x12 EA



Conditioning -  



Burpee Box Overs @24/20

Pull Ups 


Tuesday 13062017


Activation - 


Ladder Drills 


Focus - 



2 Seated Weighted Jump 

3 Broad Jump 

Run 100m Slowly


Rest 2 mins between rounds 


Conditioning -  


12 MIn Amrap In Pairs

1 Go You Go 

Row 200m 

12 Ball Slams


Wednesday 14062017 


Activation - 


3 x 

12 Good Mornings 

6 Box Jumps 


Focus - 


Deadlift – 65%x5, 75%x5, 85%x5+


Accessory - 


Bulgarian Split Squat - 3x12 EL

Hollow Rocks - 3 x 15


Conditioning -  



KB Swings @24/16

Sit Ups 

Run 200m


Thursday 15062017


Focus - 


In 8 Mins 


Row 12/15 Cals 

12 Double KB Cleans @16/8

12 Front Rack Lunges 


Rest 2 Mins 


In 8 Mins 


Run 200m 

15 Burpee Bar Touch 


Rest 2 Mins 


In 8 Mins AMRAP 

25 Du's 

5 Pull Ups 

5 Press Ups 

10 Squats 


Friday 16062017 


Activation - 


5 Mins 

Turkish Get Ups 


Focus - 


Floor Press – 65%x5, 75%x5, 85%x5+


Accessory - 


Seated SA KB Press 3x12

Hanging Leg Raise - 3x12



Conditioning -  


20 Thrusters @40/25

20 DU's/60 SS

20 Hang Cleans 

20 DU's/60 SS

20 STOH 

20 DU's/60 SS

20 Front Squats 

20 DU's/60 SS

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong

Week 23 - De Load

Monday 05062017


Activation - 


3 x 

12 Good Mornings 

12 Band Pull Aparts

20 Dead Bugs 


Focus - 


Deadlift - 40%x5, 50%x5, 60%x5


Accessory - 


Front Squat - 40%x5, 50%x5, 60%x5


Conditioning -  




3 Rounds 

Run 400m 

21 KB swings 

12 Pull Ups 


Tuesday 06062017 


Activation - 


Barbell Warm Up 

10 Mins 

5 Mins Empty Bar 

5 Mins Light Load 


Focus - 


In 20 Mins

Find your 1 RM Clean and Jerk 


Conditioning -  





Double Unders 

Sit Ups 


Wednesday 07062017 


Activation - 


Every 90 Secs x 5

5 Pull Ups 

10 Press Ups 

15 Squats 


Focus - 


Floor Press - 40%x5, 50%x5, 60%x5


Accessory - 


Every 30 Secs x 20

1 Wall Climb


Conditioning -  



1 - Squats 

2 - Sit Ups 

3 - Box Jumps 

4 - Down Ups 


Thursday 08062017 


Focus - 


Every 2 Mins x 20(5 Rounds)


1 - Run 200m + 12 KB Swings 

2 - Row 18/22 Cals 

3 - 15 GTOH + 10 OH Lunge

4 - 50 Du's + 5 Burpee Box Overs 


Friday 09062017 


Activation - 


3 x

50 ft Glute Band Walk 

50 Ft Walking Lunge 

10 Hollow Rocks 


Focus - 


Squat – 40%x5, 50%x5, 60%x5


Accessory - 


Romanian Deadlift – 5,5,5,


Conditioning -  


‘Running Jackie’


Run 1000m

50 Thrusters @20

30 Pull Ups 


Strength is a choice…choose to be strong