Monday 31072017
4 Mins on 1 Min Off x 6
1 -
Row 500m
ME Burpee Over Rower
2 -
Run 400m
5 Pull Ups
5 Press Ups
5 Squats
Tuesday 01082017
Activation -
2 x
10 SA KB Press
30 Sec Hollow Hold
30 Side Side Plank ES
Focus -
Floor Press – 65%x5, 75%x5, 85%x5+
Accessory -
High Ring Hold / Box High Hold 5x30 Sec
Band Pull Aparts 3x20
Conditioning -
2 Rounds
100 Du's
40 Push Ups
Optional Finisher
5 MIns
Lat Foam Roll -
Scap Smash -
Wednesday 02082017
Activation -
3 x
10 Kb Swings
5 Broad Jumps
Focus -
In 6 Mins
Row 1km or Run 800m
ME Burpees Over The Bar
Then in 10 Mins
Build To Max Power Clean and Jerk
Conditioning -
Every 2 Mins x 5
10 Box Jump Overs
10 Power Cleans @40/25
20 Sit Ups
Optional Finisher
3 Mins
Wall Squat Stretch
Thursday 03082017
Activation -
3 x
20 X Band Walks
15 Back Extensions
Focus -
Squat - 65%x5, 75%x5, 85%x5+
Accessory -
Front Rack Weighted Step Ups 3x10 EL
Back Extensions 3x20
Conditioning -
12 Mins
5 rounds
Run 200
20 KB Snatch @20/12 alternating arm
Optional Finisher
2 mIns per side
Calf Stretch On Rig
Couch Stretch -
Friday 04082017
Activation -
3 x In Pairs
20 Skipping Rope Dead Bugs
Focus -
1 - 15 Ball Slams
2 - 20 Russian Twists
3 - 15 Back Extensions
Conditioning -
Double Unders
Sit Ups
Optional Finisher -
Psoas Release