Week 42


Monday 16102017


3 x 

12 Half Kneeling Bottom Up Press 

30 Sec Side Plank 


Focus - 


Strict Press

50%x5, 60%x3

70%x1,75%x AMRAP 


Accessory - 


Second Kip Technique 


Conditioning -  



Press Ups 

Sit Ups 




Optional Finisher - 


3 MIns Shoulder Smash ES



Tuesday 17102017 


Activation - 


5 Min EMOM 

10 Front Rack Lunges 

10 Push Press 

Run 100m 


Focus - 


In 10 Mins Build To 

Heavy Thruster

Bar Starts On The Floor 

Rest 2 Mins 

Emom 10 

1 - 7 Thrusters at Fran Weight

2 - 7-10 Pull Ups 


Conditioning -  




Rest 45 Seconds 


Optional Finisher - 


3 Mins Couch Stretch ES


Yoga with Georgina 



Wednesday 18102017 


Activation - 


3 x 

10 Good Mornings 

10 Kb Renegade Row 


Focus - 



50%x5, 60%x3

70%x1,75%x AMRAP 


Accessory - 


1 - 30 sec Hollow Hold 

2 - 30 Sec Wall Facing HS Hold 


Conditioning -  


90 Sec Work , 30 Sec Rest x 5

16 Alt KB Snatch 

AMRAP Walking Lunges 


Optional Finisher - 


3 Min Glute Smash 



Thursday 19102017 


Focus - 


Alternating 3 Min Windows x 12


1 - 

Row or Run 600m 


2 - 

20 Wall Balls 

15 Box Jumps Overs

12 Burpees 


3 - 

20 Kb Swings 

50 Air Squats 

50 Du's


Courtesy of Warrior Programming




Friday 20102017 



Activation - 


3 x 

12 SA Floor Press EA 

10 Ring Row 3-1-3-1


Focus - 






Accessory - 


Pull Up and Push Away In The Kip 


Conditioning -  


10 Min Amrap 

Run 200m 

3 Wall Climbs 


Optional Finisher - 


3 Min Per Side Pec Smash 

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong