Week 43

Monday 231017


Focus - 


In Pairs One Work One Rest 

Bar @ 45/25


Emom 2 

35 Double Unders 

8 Burpees Over The Bar

Max Deadlifts in Remaining Time 


Rest 30 Secs 


Emom 2 

35 Double UNders 

8 Burpees Over The Bar

Max Power Cleans in Remaining Time 


Rest 30 Secs 


Emom 2 

35 Double Unders 

8 Burpees Over The Bar

Max STOH in Remaining Time 


Rest 2 Mins 


Max Cal Row In 10 Mins 


Rest 2 Mins 


Emom 2 

35 Double UNders 

8 Burpees Over The Bar

Max Deadlifts in Remaining Time 


Rest 30 Secs 


Emom 2 

35 Double UNders 

8 Burpees Over The Bar

Max Power Cleans in Remaining Time 


Rest 30 Secs 


Emom 2 

35 Double Unders 

8 Burpees Over The Bar

Max STOH in Remaining Time 



Tuesday 241017


Activation - 


3 x 

6 Kang Squats @30/20kg

3 Burpee Vertical Jump 

If slow from burpee - Just vertical Jump


Focus - 


Back Squat 




Accessory - 


Second Kip Technique 


Conditioning -  


12 Min Amrap 

12 Front Foot Raised Reverse Lunge

12 Ball Slams 

6 Box Jumps @30/24


Steady Pace - Don't Explode!!


Optional Finisher - 


3 Mins Coach Stretch ES



Wednesday 251017


Activation - 


Power Warm up 

Ladders and Depth Jumps




Focus - 


Build to 85% In 8 Mins

Power Clean and Jerk 

2 Mins Rest 

Use Grace Test Weight + 2.5-5kg

Every 15 Seconds x 10 Mins 

1 Power Clean and Jerk 


Conditioning -  



Sale Sharks 

6 x 30 sec on 30 sec off

Max Metres


Optional Finisher - 


3 Mins Pigeon Pose



Thursday 261017 


Activation - 


2 x

45 Sec KB Arm Bar 

10 Hollow Rocks 

50 Ft Bear Crawl


Focus - 


Strict Press 




Accessory - 


Pull Up and Push Away In The Kip 


Conditioning -  


In Pairs IGYG - 4 Rounds Each 

5 KB Strict Press 

5 KB Push Press 

50 Ft Box Push 

5 Burpees 

50 Ft Box Push 


Optional Finisher - 


2 Mins Scap/Lat Smash Per Side




Friday 271017 


Activation - 


3 x 

10 Renegade Rows 

50ft Bottom Up KB Lunges EA

30 HS Hold 


Focus - 


5 Rounds 

1 Min Chinese Plank 

200ft Front Rack Carry 


Conditioning -  


In Pairs 

220 Wall Balls 

Ball Must Not Touch The Floor 

If it does 10 Synchro Burpees


Optional Finisher - 


Recovery Position 3 mins

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong