Week 27

Monday 03072017


Focus - 

In Pairs 

In a 10 Min Window 

Row 1500m 

Every min 3 Burpee Plate Jumps


Rest 2 Mins 


8 Min Amrap 

40 GTOH 

40 OH Lunge 

Run 100m 


Rest 2 Mins 


In Pairs 

In a 10 Min Window 

Row 1500m 

Every min 3 Burpee Plate Jumps



Tuesday 04072017


Activation - 



100ft KB Rack/OH Press Walk 

10 SA KB Sit Ups EA


Focus - 


Press – 75%x5, 85%x3, 95%x1+


Accessory - 


Floor Press – 65%x5, 75%x5, 85%x5

Strict Pull Up 3 x ME


Conditioning -  



1 - 40 Du's/120 SS

2 - 8 Burpee Over Box 

3 - Row 15/12 Cals 



Wednesday 05072017 


Activation - 


Barbell Warm Up 


Focus - 


In ten mins build to max Clean 

Then 2 Rounds 


2 Cleans @70% of max


6-11 Pull Ups 


Conditioning -  


3 x 

3 Min EMOM

30 KB Swings 

30 Sit Ups 

Rest 1 Min 



Thursday 06072017 



Activation - 


3 x 

10 Good Mornings 

10 Banded Pull Throughs

Run 100m 


Focus - 


Deadlift – 75%x5, 85%x3, 95%x1+


Accessory - 


Bulgarian Split Squat - 3x12 EL

Hollow Rocks - 3 x 15


Conditioning -  


2 Rounds 

50 Slam Balls 

50 Slam Ball Lunges 

Run 100m 



Friday 07072017 


Activation - 


3 x

45 Sec Passive Hang 

45 Sec Side Plank Rotations ES

10 Inch Worms 


Focus - 


5 x 

L Sit Hold - ME

10 Shoot Throughs


Accessory - 



5-10 T2B


Conditioning -  


10 MIns In Pairs 

Max Cal Row

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong