Week 26

Monday 26062017 


Activation - 


5 Min Amrap 

10 KB swings 

10 Goblet Lunges 

10 Russian Twists With KB 


Focus - 


Deadlift - 70%x3, 80%x3, 90%x3+


Accessory - 


Bulgarian Split Squat - 3x12 EL

Hollow Rocks - 3 x 15



Conditioning -  


In Pairs 

30 Front Rack Lunges 

26/20 Cal Row 

15 Synchro Burpees 

Split the work as you need. 



Tuesday 27062017 


Focus - 



2 Seated Weighted Jump 

4 Broad Jump - note distance

Run 100m Slowly


Rest 2 mins between rounds 


Accessory - 


3 x 12 SL RDL 


Conditioning -  


For Time 

Row 2000m 

Split the work as needed 



Wednesday 28062017


Activation - 



10 SA KB Press Each Side 

10 Inverted Barbell Row



Focus - 


Bench Press - 70%x3, 80%x3, 90%x3+


Accessory - 


Seated SA KB Press 3x12

Hanging Leg Raise - 3x12



Conditioning -  


12 Min Amrap 

5 Strict Pull Ups/Inverted row 

10 Rolling Tricep Extensions 

15 KB Curls 

100m SA KB Walk - Swop Arm at 50m



Thursday 29062017 


Activation - 


Full Body Mobility 


Conditioning -  


In Pairs 

50 SDHP 

Run 200m With 15/20 KG Plate 

50 Cal Row 

Run 200m With 15/20 KG Plate 

50 KB Clusters 


26 Min Amrap 



Friday 30062017 



Activation - 


3 x 

6 Kang Squats @30/20

3 Box Jumps @24/20



Focus - 


Squat – 70%x3, 80%x3, 90%x3+


Accessory - 


KB Death March - 3 x 20 Steps 

Russian Twist - 3 x 20


Conditioning -  


5 Rounds for time 

20 Wall Balls 

15 Pull Ups 

3 Wall Climbs


13 Min TC

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong