Week 25

Monday 19062017 


Activation -


3 x

30 Sec Wall Facing HS Hold

20 Hollow Rocks

30 Walking Lunges


Conditioning -

Aim - Your aim here is to keep consistent times though each round. Wrk as a team to not let the ball drop and break into manageable sets. 


10 Rounds

In Pairs

Row 30 Cals

50 Wall Balls

Every time the wall ball hits the floor 10 Syncro Burpees 


Tuesday 20062017


Activation -

We are looking today to make sure the posterior chain is awake and active with particular attention to the Glute minimus and medias that help us create strength and stability in our squat. 

3 x

12 Kang Squats

12 Banded Glute Clam Shells



Focus -

Squat - 65%x5, 75%x5, 85%x5+


Accessory -

KB Death March - 3 x 20 Steps

Russian Twist - 3 x 20


Conditioning -

Every 2 Mins for 5 Sets

Run 200m

Time and record each run. The aim is no more than 5-10 second drop off. 


Wednesday 20062017 


Activation -

Barbell Warm Up


Focus -

In ten mins build to max Power Clean

Then 2 Rounds


2 Power Cleans @70% of max


5-10 Pull Ups

The aim here to to be as powerful and fast as possible in the cleans and to stay consistent in the pull ups. Don't miss any reps and make sure you hit the same number each time. 


Conditioning -

Row UK 250m Challenge 

Rest 3 Mins

5 Mins Max Burpees 

Selfies and social media - Row UK are stating a new challenge and have asked us to take part. It is to row 250m as fast as possible, take a selfie with your time and then post it to them on social media. They will then be picking winners at random and delivering prizes for the fastest times. 


Thursday 22062017 


Activation -


100ft KB Rack/OH Press Walk

20 Hollow Rocks

20 Back Extensions

Focus -

Press – 70%x3, 80%x3, 90%x3+


Accessory -

Floor Press – 60%x8, 70%x8, 80%x6

SA Bent Over Row - 3x12 EA


Conditioning -

12 Min time cap

5 Rounds

10 SDHP @40/25

15 Push Press

20 Box Jump Overs 


Friday 23062017 


Activation -

2 x

50ft Med Ball Plank Walk

20 Russian Twists


Focus -


1 - 20 Sit Ups

2 - 20 Ball Slams

3 - 20-30 Sec HS Hold


Conditioning -


10 KB thrusters

10 burpees over the DBs rest 1:00


8 KB thrusters

8 burpees over the DBs rest 1:00


6 KB Thrusters

6 burpees over the DBs



Strength is a choice…choose to be strong