Week 38

Monday 18092017 


Activation - 


3 x

10 Mixed KB Rack OH Lunge EL 

10 Hollow Rocks 

10 Back Extensions


Focus - 


Back Squat 




Accessory - 


Between Each Set 

20 Sec Beat Swing



Conditioning -  


4 Rounds - For Form

12 OH Lunges

24 Step Ups 

36 Sit Ups 


Optional Finisher - 


2 MIns Coach Stretch Each Leg 

2 Mins Pigeon Pose 



Tuesday 19092017 


Activation - 


3 x 

5 Muscle Clean 

3 Hang Power Clean 

3 Front Squat

3 Push/Split Jerk 

Focus - 


Every 3 Mins x x5 Sets 

2PC + 2 FS + 2Jerk 

1,2,3@ 65%

4,5@ 75%


Conditioning -  


In Pairs 


Amrap 12

12 Cal Row 

6 Clusters @42.5/30 

Aim Is unbroken 


Optional Finisher - 


2 Mins Front Rack Stretch 

2 Mins ES Scap Smash



Wednesday 20092017 


Activation - 


2 x 

30 Sec KB Arm Bar 

10 Half Kneeling Sesaw Press EL

10 Pallof Press 


Focus - 


Floor Press




Accessory - 


Between Each Set 

10 Hollow To Back Ext


Conditioning -  


3 Rounds 

20 Alternting KB Push Press 

30 Sec Ring Plank Hold 

20 Russian Twists


Optional Finisher - 


2 Min Lat Foam Roll

2 Mins Passive Hang 



Thursday 21092017 


Focus - 


EMOM 30 

1 - 50 Du's 

2 - 8-12 Burpee Box Overs

3 - Row 12-15/9-12 Cals 



Friday 22092017 


Activation - 


3 x 

10 Kb Swing - Increase Load 

2 Vertical Jump 

3 Broad Jump 


Focus - 






Conditioning -  


‘Fun Friday’


In Pairs 15 Min Amrap 


50 Alternating Burpee Slam Balls 

300ft Box Push - Take ball with you

Run 200m 



Strength is a choice…choose to be strong