Week 39

Monday 25092017


Focus - 


EMOM 10 

1- 15-20 Wall Balls 

2 - 10-15 Burpees 


Rest 2 mins 


EMOM 10 

1 - 10-15 Box Jump Overs 

2 - Row 15/12 Cals 


Rest 2 Mins 


EMOM 10 

1- 15 GTOH

2 - 30-50 DU's



Tuesday 26092017


Activation -

3 x

10 Hollow Rocks

10 SL Glute Bridge

10 Tempo Press Ups 2-1-0-1


Focus -

Strict Press




Accessory -

Between Each Set

10 Hollow To Back Ext


Conditioning -

5x5 TGU Each Arm

Row 250m AFAFP Between Sets


Optional Finisher -

2 x

20 Thoracic Extensions

1 Min Lat Stretch EA


Wednesday 27092017 


Activation - 


3 x 

5 Tall Box Jumps

10 Kb Cleans 

Row 45 Sec Moderate Effort 


Focus - 


Build to 80% In 8 Mins

Power Clean and Jerk 


2 Mins Rest 


Use Grace Test Weight


Every 20 Seconds x 10 Mins 

1 Power Clean and Jerk 


Conditioning -  


5 x 200m 

Rest 45 Seconds 


Optional Finisher - 


2 Min Front Rack Stretch 

2 Min Calf Stretch 



Thursday 28092017 


Activation -

3 x

1 min Couch Stretch EL

100ft SA OH Lunge/Farmers Carry

50ft Broad Jump


Focus -

Back Squat





Accessory -

Between Each Set

20 Sec Beat Swing


Conditioning -

3 Rounds

20 Weighted Step Ups @12/16

20 KB Swings

20 Hanging Knee Raises


Optional Finisher -

2 Mins Couch Stretch EL

2 Mins Hamstring Stretch EL


Friday 29092017 


Activation - 


3 x 

30 Sec Passive Hang 

10 Scap Pulls 

1 Min Seated Forward Fold 


Focus - 


Technique Day 


Toes To Bar 

1 - Flexibility 

2 - Motion 

3 - Return 


Conditioning -  



1 - 10-12 Hollow Rocks 

2 - 1 Min High Plank 

3 - Run 100-200m 


Optional Finisher - 


3 MIns PSOAS Release ES

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong