Week 40


Monday 02102017 


Activation - 


3 x 

10 Half kneeling KB Press 

10 Side Plank Band Pull ES

Run 100m 


Focus - 


Floor Press 





Accessory - 


Between Sets 

3-8 Strict Press 


Conditioning -  


10 Min Amrap 

Continuous Movement 

8 Kb Row Each EA - 2 Sec Pause 

8 Press Ups - 2-2-0-1

16 Sit Ups 

48 Du's


Optional Finisher - 


2 Min Lat Foam Roll

2 Mins Passive Hang 



Tuesday 03102017 


Activation - 


5 Min Amrap 

10 Wall Squats 

5 SA Kb Thrusters EA

10 Hollow Rocks 


Focus - 


In 10 Mins Build To 

Heavy Thruster

Bar Starts On The Floor 


Rest 2 Mins 


Emom 10 

1 - 5 Thrusters at 50%

2 - 10 Burpees Over Bar 



Conditioning -  



In Pairs 

10 min max cal row 


Optional Finisher - 


90-120 Secs L Sit hold 



Wednesday 04102017 


Activation - 


3 x 

10 SA Ring Row 

2 Wall Climbs 

20 Walking Lunges 


Focus - 


Strict Press





Accessory - 


Between Warm Up 

Sets 20 Secs Beat swings 

Between Working Sets 

3-5 First Kips 

Conditioning -  


9 Min Amrap

2 TGU 

4 KB Clean 

8 KB Push Press 


Optional Finisher - 


2 x 

20 Thoracic Extensions 

1 Min Lat Stretch EA



Thursday 05102017 


Activation - 


EMOM 10 

1 - 12/9 Cal Row 

2 - 8-10 Burpees



Focus - 


For Time working at 75% Effort 

2 Rounds 

Run 400m 

30 Box Jumps

30 Pull Ups 


2 Rounds 

Run 400m 

30 Alternating KB Snatch

30 Goblet Walking Lunges 


2 Rounds 

Row 500m 

50 Du's

50 Sit Ups 


Every 2 Mins 5 Burpees 

Where ever you are - Even Running



Friday 06102017 


Activation - 


3 x 


50ft Ghekko Crawl

50 ft Broad Jumop 


Focus - 







Accessory -


1 - 30 sec Hollow Hold 

2 - 30 Sec Wall Facing HS Hold 


Conditioning -  


Form Form 

150 KB Russian swings 

Every Break 

10 Press Ups 


Optional Finisher - 


2 Mins Lying Hamstring Stretch 

2 Mins Glute Smash 

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong