Week 35



This week marks 1 Year since we moved into the new HG3. The year has gone so fast, so much has happened and we have welcomed so many new people but it has been truly amazing all the way. Thank you all for making the gym what it is today and we can't wait for another amazing year to happen. 

Keep up the hard work guys. This week everyone is on the same programming, we are looking to test you in various ways an all will be explained in a short video later on today. 

Hope you have all had an amazing Bank Holiday. See you this week. 


Tuesday 29082017 


Activation - 


2 x 

100 ft SA Walking Bottom Up Hold

50ft Wheel Barrow Walk 

50ft Ghekko Crawl 


Focus - 


Press – 40%x5, 50%x5, 60%x5


Accessory - 


Banded Tricep Ext – 3 x 20

SA Ring Row - 3x12 EA


Conditioning -  


EMOM 15 - Alternating Between 


1 - 8 Burpee Box Overs 

2 - 50 Du's 

3 - 16 Alternating KB Snatch 




Wednesday 30082017 



Activation - 


Barbell Warm Up / Specific Mobility 


Focus - 


Power Clean and Jerk


Conditioning -  




30 C and J @60/40 



Thursday 31082017


Activation - 


3 x 

6 Good Mornings @40/30

3 Broad Jumps

45 Sec Plank 


Focus - 


Deadlift - 40%x5, 50%x5, 60%x5


Accessory - 


Goblet Cossack Squat - 3x10 EL

Med Ball Stir The Pot 1 Min x 3


Conditioning -  


1 Mile Run

For time 



Friday 01092017 



Activation - 


3 x 

20 Dead Bugs - with rope 

10 SA Ring Rows EA

Run 100m


Focus - 


20sec work 20 sec rest x 10


Chin Over The Bar Hold 

L Sit Hold 


Accessory - 


Pull Ups Progressions

Starting the kip 

Beat Swings 


Conditioning -  


In Pairs 

10 Min Amrap - I Go You Go 


10 Cal Row 

10 Ball Slams

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong