20140804 Monday

With less than a week to go before the European Inferno in Cardiff, we have a sneak perview of some of the workouts. If last year's competition was anything to go by this is going to be an awesome weekend. More details can be found at 


A) 4 min TC- 90 DU then AMRAP OH lunges

B) Back squat 4x4

C) Conditioning


KB swing

Box jump

Down n ups

after each round run 200m


Strength is a choice…choose to be strong

20140728 Monday

As you will see, we have had a deep clean of the HG3 box this weekend. Please help us to keep it looking awesome by putting all equipment away in the correct places when you have finished using it. Please also make sure you take all personal belongings home with you, or put them back in the new locker room, and clean up any mess you have made. We have also reopened the members kitchen, so please wash up any items you may use, dry and put away and clean up any protien powders you spill. We all take pride in our training, lets do the same for our awsome box. 

A) Ladder drills

B) Push Press find heavy 3 for the day

C) Conditioning

90 Double Unders

then 3 rounds

30 Kettlebell swings 24/16

15 press ups

10 box jumps

then 90 Double Unders to finish


Strength is a choice…choose to be strong