Tuesday 02/01/18
Shoulder Specific Warm Up
3 x 10 Kneeling KB Press
3 x 5 EL Diagonal KB RDL
3 x 75 Single Skips
Strict Press
Every 30 Seconds x 10
2 @70% or Max Strict Press
Rest 2 Mins
Push Press
Every 30 Seconds x 10
2 @70% of Max Push Press
The aim is to optimise the use of the legs in the push press to drive due to fatigued shoulders. The will develop leg drive and technique for the push jerk in the coming weeks.
For Time - 10 min TC
100 Double Unders
100 KB Swings
100 Double Unders
Every 45 Seconds
3 Burpees
Concentrate on those last 100 Double Unders..... No hanging around on those burpees either, down and up and right back to work!!
Wednesday 03/01/18
OH Squat Technique
Wall Squat
OH Squat
Sots Press
Back Squat 5 x 10 - Every 3 Mins
Start at 50% and Build over 5 sets
Make it heavy but perfect form
Rest 2 Mins
1 - 12 Front Rack KB Lunge
2 - 3 -5 Wall Climbs or 8-12 HSPU
Rest 2 MIns
1 - 12/15 Cal Row
2 - 10-15 Box Jump Overs
Thursday 04/01/18
Full Body Flow Warm Up
Strict Pull Ups
Press Ups - Slow Down Fast Up
7 Min Amrap
Run 400m
10 Pull Ups
15 Sit Ups
10 Burpees
Rest 3 Mins
7 Min Amrap
Run 600m
10 Pull Ups
15 Sit Ups
10 Burpees
Rest 3 Mins
7 Min Amrap
Run 800m
10 Pull Ups
15 Sit Ups
10 Burpees
Friday 05/01/18
6 Min Amrap
10 x Banded Good Mornings
10 x Band Pull Throughs
10 x Hollow Rocks
Deadlift 5 x 10 - Every 3 Mins
Start at 50% and Build over 5 sets
Make it heavy but perfect form
3 Rounds
10 Barbell Bent Over Row
10 Winscereen Wipers - Lying or Hanging
In Pairs 12 Min TC
Row 1000m
In remainig time
100ft Box Push
75ft Box Push
50 Slam Balls - IGYG
50ft Box Push
50 Burpee Box Overs