Week 2 - 2018


Monday 08/01/18 


6 Mins Movement

10 Reverse KB Gob Lunge

30 Sec Side Start Plank ES


Back Squat

2 x 5 @40%

1 x 20 @ 50%

3 x 10 @ 50%


3 x

10 KB Rotation RDL

20 Hollow Rocks


Steady State 10 Mins

50 Du's

10 Down Ups

10 Pull Ups / 5 Mu's (Bar or Ring)


Tuesday 09/01/18


Barbell Warm Up


In 8 Mins

Power Cleans x 3

2 sec pause at the knee

Reload the bar

In 8 Mins

Squat Cleans x 2

2 Sec Pause at the knee


Rest 2 mins



1 Squat Clean at 70% Above

2 Sec Pause at knee


In Teams - In 12 Mins

Max Cal

Assault Bike and Row

Split team evenly between the two.

Rotate as needed



Wednesday 10/01/18 



1 - Row 12/15 Cals

2 - 12-15 Burpees

3 - Run 200m

4 - Rest 


Thursday 11/01/18


3 x

10 Good Mornings

50ft Spider Man Lunge



2 x 5 @40%

1 x 20 @ 50%

3 x 10 @ 50%


3 x

8 RNT Revers Lunges EL

20 Back Extensions


In Pairs

Row 500m

60 T2B

60 Thursters

Row 500m 


Friday 12/01/18 


10 TGU

100ft Gecko Crawl

100ft Burpee Broad Jump


Push Press

Every 30 Secs x 10

2 Push Press @ 70%

Rest 2 Mins

Every 30 Secs x 10

2 Push Jerk @70%


Rest 3 Mins


1 Round

Run 400m

20 HSPU / Pike HSPU

30 Box Jump

60 KB Swing

30 Box Jump

20 HSPU / Pike HSPU

Run 400m 



Strength is a choice…choose to be strong