Monday 04092017
Activation -
3 x
5 Sl Landmine RDL EL
10 Hollow Rocks
10 Wall Squats
Focus -
Back Squat 1RM
65%x5, 75%x3, 85%x1, 95%x1, Max Out
Accessory -
Pull Up ME
Pull Up Max Load
Conditioning -
800m for time
Rest 4 Mins
400m for time
Rest 3 mins
200m For Time
Record Each Time
Tuesday 05092017
Ladder Drills
Depth Jumps
Focus -
Max Height Box Jump 3 Attempts
Rest 5 Mins
Max Power Clean
Accessory -
Conditioning -
30 Clean and Jerk for time
Wednesday 06092017
Activation -
3 x
15 Kb Swings
10 SA RR Each Arm
Focus -
Deadlift 1RM
65%x5, 75%x3, 85%x1, 95%x1, Max Out
Accessory -
ME HS Hold
ME L Sit Hold - Rings or Box
Conditioning -
3 Rounds for time
Run 400m
21 KB swings
12 Pull Ups
Thursday 07092017
Conditioning -
Emom 30
1 - 15 Down Ups
2 - 50 Du's
3 - 15 Ball Slams
Friday 08092017
Activation -
3 x
30 Sec KB Arm Bar
10-8-6 press Ups
45 Sec Front Rack Stretch
Focus -
Press 1RM
65%x5, 75%x3, 85%x1, 95%x1, Max Out
Accessory -
ME Toes To Bar x 2
ME Bar MU x 2
Conditioning -
Row 500m
Rest 90 Seconds
Row 500m