20140721 Monday

Mobility is something we all need to work on to provide better function, not only in the gym but in every day life. If you want some extra help with mobility why not speak to the CrossFit HG3 coaching team, we will be happy to give you some suggestions.



Coach Knoxy working with his magic bands

CrossFit Class

A) 4 min TC

90 DU

then AMRAP

KB snatch

B) Front Rack Lunges 6x4 (total) 

superset with max strict pull ups

C) Conditioning

7 rounds  

10 jumping back squats  20/15

10 lateral bar jump burpees

Rest 30 seconds between rounds- go all out each round

Barbell Club 8pm

Week3 Session C

snatch 5x5 75%

clean 5x5 74%

snatch pull

clean pull



Andy Ruddick

Rudds is Co-owner of director of training at CrossFit HG3. He is a Level 2 Olympic Weightlifting Coach, Crossfit Trainer and Personal Trainer. He also runs HG3 Kids programme from their Strength and Conditioning facility in Pannal, Harrogate.

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong