20140128 Tuesday


Mix Up Tuesday

Partner WoD

When Grace met Murph with Mary in 30 Minutes

30 Ground to Overheads 60/40

then Run 1 mile (8x200m)

100 Pull Ups 

200 Push Ups

300 Squats

then Run 1 mile (8x200m)


10 Pistols

15 Pull ups

Record your Rounds on Mary

Scaling options will be given at briefing. 

Paleo Talk at 7pm - bring some warm clothes! 

Andy Ruddick

Rudds is Co-owner of director of training at CrossFit HG3. He is a Level 2 Olympic Weightlifting Coach, Crossfit Trainer and Personal Trainer. He also runs HG3 Kids programme from their Strength and Conditioning facility in Pannal, Harrogate.

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong