20140121 Tuesday Strong Mums

Strong mum poster.jpg

A) 3 min TC 100 skips then ascend the following ladder 2,4,6…



Sit Up

B) Back Squat

3@63% 3@70% 3@77% 3@85% 3@93% 

C) Conditioning 

3 rounds

10 KB Swings  

10 OHLunges 

10 sit ups   

Andy Ruddick

Rudds is Co-owner of director of training at CrossFit HG3. He is a Level 2 Olympic Weightlifting Coach, Crossfit Trainer and Personal Trainer. He also runs HG3 Kids programme from their Strength and Conditioning facility in Pannal, Harrogate.

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong