Week 19

Monday 08052017


Activation -

3 x

12 Kang Squats

10 Hollow Rocks


Focus -

Squat - 65%x5, 75%x5, 85%x5+


Accessory -

Romanian Deadlift - 50%x10, 60%x10, 70%x10


Conditioning -

442 Burpees for time!

Ha... you wish!!

8 Min Amrap

24 KB swings

12 Box Jump Overs

6 Burpees


Tuesday 09052017


Activation -


2 x

45 Sec Work 15 Sec Rest

1 - Single Leg Latteral Jumps

2 - Hand to elbow plank transition

3 - Squat Jumps or Jumping Lunge

Focus -

7 x

50ft Box Push Sprint

Run 200m

Rest 2-3m

Must be all out effort


Conditioning -

21 KB Clean and Press

21 Sit Up

50 Du's

15 KB Clean and Press

15 Sit Up

50 Du's

9 KB Clean and Press

9 Sit Up

50 Du's


Wednesday 10052017 


Activation -


2 Min L 2 Min R

TGU to 5 Floor Press


Focus -

Press – 70%x3, 80%x3, 90%x3+


Accessory -

Floor Press – 60%x8, 70%x8, 80%x6

Between Each Set 5 Pull Up or 10 Ring Rows


Conditioning -

Every Min for 12 Mins

Even - 12 Thrusters @40/25

Odd - 12 Burpees 


Thursday 11052017 


Conditioning - 

In Pairs

I Go You Go

14 Rounds

15 Cal Row

9 Deadlifts @50/35

6 Hang Power Cleans


40 Min Time Cap 


Friday 12052017 


Activation -

3 x

12 Good Mornings

10 Standing Glute Abduction EL

10 Hollow Rocks


Focus -

Deadlift - 70%x3, 80%x3, 90%x3+


Accessory -

Front Squat - 60%x8, 70%x8, 80%x6


Conditioning -

12 MIn Amrap

14 KB Step Ups

28 Ball Slams

Run 100m 

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong