Monday 15052017
Activation -
8 Min Amrap
10 KB Swings
10 Goblet Lunges
Run 100m
Focus -
30 Min EMOM
1 - 12/15 Cal Row
2 - 15 Ball Slams
3 - 10 Burpee Bar Touch
Tuesday 16052017
Activation -
2 x EA
10 Bottom UP KB Press
55ft Bottom Up Carry
10 Hollow Rocks
Focus -
Floor Press - 70%x3, 80%x3, 90%x3+
Accessory -
10 Mins To Complete
5 x
10 Bent Over Row EA
20 Band Pull Aparts
Conditioning -
8 Mim Time Cap
30 Wall Balls
15 Pull Ups
30 Wall Balls
15 Pull Ups
30 Wall Balls
Wednesday 16052017
Activation -
3 x Increase load over sets
5 HH Clean
5 Hang clean
5 Front Squat
5 Push Jerk
Focus -
8 Mins To Build to 80%
1 Clean + 1 Power Clean + 1 Jerk
Conditioning -
For Time
Row 1000m
Thursday 17052017
Activation -
3 x
12 Kang Squats
10 Hollow Rocks
Focus -
Squat – 70%x3, 80%x3, 90%x3+
Accessory -
Romanian Deadlift – 8,8,6
Conditioning -
Deadlifts @80/50
HSPU or Hand Release Push Ups
Friday 18052017
Activation -
3 x 2 min Rest 1 Min
30 Shoulder Taps
AMRAP Russian Twists @9/6
Focus -
Every 2 Mins Alternating for 10 Sets
1 - 30-45 Sec L Sit
2 - 60 Sec Chinese Plank
Conditioning -
6 Rounds For Time
10 Slam Balls
10 Squats With Slam Ball