Monday 09052016
Activation –
3 Rounds
10m Bear Crawl
10 Back Extensions
10 SA KB Press EA
Strength -
Strict Press
1-1-1-1-1 (,70,77,85,93,101+)
Active Recovery, Stretch Lower
Conditioning –
3 Unbroken Rounds With Double KB's
6 KB Press Ups
6 KB Bent Over Row
6 KB Swings
6 KB Cleans
6 KB Front Rack Lunge
6 KB Push Press
Rest as Needed Between Rounds
Coaching Notes –
Make sure in the bear crawl that the shoulder are tight and that you keep the hips high. Slow this down and get it right.
In the strength use your rest to stretch your lower body, hamstrings, hipflexors, glutes, calves etc. Use your time well. 1 Min per side.
This KB complex will be tough so make sure you rest well in between. No more then 2 mins though!! We shall demonstrate and go through all movements before hand so you are all dialed in.
Tuesday 10052016
Every 3 Mins for 21 Mins
MIn 0-1
5 Deadlifts @100/70
Min 1-3 - AMRAP
5 Pull Ups
5 Press Ups
5 Squats
Coaching Notes –
This is a tough session. Make sure that you are solid on the deadlifts as they should be pretty light for most of you. Go hard in the 2 min amrap and start the next amrapwhere you left If you get to 3 pull starts start on the 4th pull up in the next round.
Rowing WOD –
Part A)
4 x 2000m w/ 5:00 rest btw
Set 1: Rate 20
Set 2: Rate 22
Set 3: Rate 20 (faster than set 1)
Set 4: Rate 22 (faster than set 1)
Part B)
500m at 2k pace
Rest 3:00
500m at 2k pace
Wednesday 11052016
Activation –
5 Mins
10 Dead Bugs
10 SL Step Ups
3 Broad Jumps
Strength –
Back Squat - No Pause
55-63-70-77-85-93 % of 1RM- Not off 90%
Conditioning -
EMOM 9 Mins
Min 0-3 @40/25
5 Thrusters
3 Burpees
MIn 3-6 @ 50/30
4 Thrusters
4 Burpees Over the bar
Min 6-9 @60/35
3 Thrusters
5 Burpee Double Bar Hop
Coaching Notes –
No we go back to normal squats. The pause squats should have given you some control and time under tension. Concentrate now on exploding out of the bottom position and really being tight on the way down. Work of your actual 1RM for these reps.
Bo we are at the upper level of our percentages there will be no accessory work between sets.
This workout is pretty fun!! Increase the load in the thrusters by a load you know you can do. The loads given are a guide line. The double bar hops, go down into a burpee, jump over the bar and then back over and do another burpee. You should always do the burpees on the same side.
Thursday 12052016
Activation –
Snatch Technique
1 - OH Squat
2 - Slow Snatch Balance
3 - Snatch Balance
4 - High Hang Snatch
5 - Hang Snatch
Skill –
Snatch Complex Work
EMOM 12 Mins - Moderate Load
1 High Hang Snatch
1 Hang Snatch
1 OH Squat
Conditioning –
10 Mins Turkish Get Ups
KB Cannot Touch The Floor
Coaching Notes –
In the snatch technique start to build your confidence with this movement. Look for stability at the bottom of the squat and strong shoulders.
For the complex please use a moderate load. Nothing that cant be done with good form and lose of tension in any position. Your arms should not be in play here. If they are it is too heavy.
Rowing WOD –
2000m for time
Friday 13052014
Activation –
3 Rounds
10 Good Mornings - Barbell
10 Ring Rows
10 Hollow Rocks
Strength -
Deadlift - Touch and Go Reps
55-63-70-77-85-93 % or 1RM
Conditioning -
3 Rounds
Run 400m
10 Burpess Box Jump Overs
Coaching Notes –
Good morning are amazing for firing your hamstringsand midline up. Be sure to keep the back flat at all times, slowly load into the hamstrings and fire out of them.
Back to normal touch and go reps for the deadlifts guys. Attack these hard and you will be strong as hell.