Monday 16052016
Activation –
3 Rounds
2 Wall Climbs
10 Hollow Rocks
10 Back Extensions
Strength –
Strict Press 5-5-5-3-3-3
55-63-70-77-85-93 %
Coach Stretch Between Sets
Conditioning -
Push Press @25/40
KB Swings
Box Jumps
Coaching Notes –
Today we continue the strict press with a bit more volume before we re test again. Some great PB’s last week guys so keep it going. In between each set we would like you to stretch your hips. Hit the coach stretch for 30-45 secs each side between your press sets.
A nice quick wod to finish. Make sure you have your legs when you go into the box jumps as they will be tired. Be sure to make sure you hit the push press unbroken.
Tuesday 17052016
In 7 Mins
104 Wall Balls
52 Pull Ups
Rest 3 mins
In 15 Mins
4 Rounds
28 Pistols
15 Power Cleans @35/50
Coaching Notes –
This is one of the CrossFit Games Regional workouts. It looks pretty tasty so lets have a crack!! Enjoy!!
Wednesday 18052016
Activation –
6 Mins
10 Good Mornings
3 Broad Jumps
30 Sec Plank
Strength –
Deadlift 3-3-3-1-1-1
63-70-77-85-93-101 %
Lat Stretch Between Sets
Conditioning –
5 Rounds
20 OH Lunge
Each Time plate drops 5 Burpees
Coaching Notes –
Deadlifts are looking amazing at the moment guys so its time to test that max again. Really work on driving the floor away and staying as tight as possible in the midline.
This WOD Is hard and the challenge is to see how far you can go without breaking the reps. Each time the plate drops and you stop moving it’s 5 burpess for each drop at the end of the 5 rounds. Your time stops when you finish the burpees.
Thursday 19052016
Activation –
1- OH Squat
2 - Sot Press
3 - Snatch balance
3 Sec Hold At Bottom
Snatch Complex –
EMOM 10 Mins
2 Hang Snatch
1 OH Squat
Conditioning –
5x200m Sprint
Coaching Notes –
You guys have been working so hard on the lifting the last few weeks and it is coming together already for the Snatch. So good to see you all wanting to get to more lifting sessions. Keep it up.
Lets work on being patient from the knee position now. Be sure not to rush getting underneath the bar, make sure the bar comes to the hip and you fully extend. Don’t feel you need to get under it too early.
Go hard on the runs guys. We would like you to aim for no more than 5 seconds drop off over the 5 sets.
Friday 20052016
Activation –
5 MIns
20 Lateral Lunges
10 Ball Slams Rotation Throws
Strength –
Back Squat 3-3-3-1-1-1
63-70-77-85-93-101 %
Front Rack Stretch Between Sets
Conditioning -
Tabata – 8 rds, 20sec on, 10 sec off.
Rest 1 Min
Air Squat
Rest 1 Min
Down Ups
Coaching Notes –
Lets smash some back squat PB’s! The pause squat Singles will have given you a good feeling and confidence that you have more in the tank. Stay tight, stay strong and drive the floor away hard. Make sure you have a spotter when needed.
This conditioning will be fun. Set the rower to 20 sec work 10 sec rest and see how many metres you can row. You have 1 min change over into the next movement!! So goodbye to your legs guys!! You didn’t need them anyway did you??