Monday 05122016
Activation -
3 x
20 Latteral Lunge
10 Dead bugs
10 Squat Jumps
Focus -
Back Squat
12 Mins To Find Heavy 5
Then 5x4@70%
Accessory -
KB Step Ups @16/12
Conditioning -
Burpee Ball Slam
Tuesday 06122016
Activation -
2 x rest 10 sec between each movement
5 Muscle Clean
5 High Hang Power Clean
5 High Hang Clean
5 Hang Clean
Focus -
10 Mins to Build to HHPC @ 65% of max clean
2 HHPC @65%
Conditioning -
‘Sprint Helen’
3 Rounds
Run 100
21 KB Swings @24/16
12 Pull Ups
Wednesday 07122016
Activation -
3 x
2 Widths Bear Crawl
2 Widths Walking Lunge
2 Widths Broad Jump
Focus -
4 Rounds - 1 Min To Complete
1 - 12/9 Cal Row
2 - 12 Weighted Sit Ups - Slam Ball
3 - 12 Ball Over Shoulder
4 - 12 HR Press Ups
5 - 60ft Box Push
6 - Rest
Thursday 08122016
Activation -
3 x
10 KB Swings
10 KB Lunges
10 Back Extension
Focus -
12 Mins To Find Heavy 5
Then 5x4@70%
Accessory -
3 x 12 Good Mornings @40/30
3 x 3 Box Jumps @24/20
Conditioning -
42 - SS/Du’s
21 - KB Snatch @16/12
15 - Sit Ups
30 - SS/Du’s
15 - KB Snatch
12 - Sit Ups
15 - SS/Du’s
12 - KB Snatch
9 - Sit Ups
Friday 09122016
Activation -
3 x
15 Hip Bridge
45 Sec Side Plank ES
Focus -
Every 2 Mins for 20 mins
1 - 1 Min Chinese Plank
2 - 15-20 Hollow Rocks
Conditioning -
In Pairs I Go You Go
10x10 Russian Twists Each
@9/6 Slam Ball
Finisher -
4 Mins Prowler