Monday 12122016
Activation -
3x60ft Each
Partner Wheel Barrow Walks
Focus -
5 x 6 Turkish Get Ups
Each Rep Must have 2 Sec Pause at Each Stage
OH Walk 30ft each Rep
Conditioning -
5 Rounds
In 2 Mins Complete
18 Front Rack KB Lunges @16/8
12 Burpees Over The Bar
18 Sit Ups
Tuesday 13122016
Activation -
30 Sec Arm Bar
5 Bottom Up Press EA
20 Plyo Lunges
Focus -
Push Press
12 Mins to find Heavy 5
The 5x4 @70%
Accessory -
3x10 SA KB Press
3x10 Inverted Row
Conditioning -
Every 3 Mins for 3 Rounds
10 Press Ups
30 Air Squats
Wednesday 14122016
Activation -
2 x
10 Upright Row
10 Front Squats
10 Strict Press
Focus -
10 Mins
Hang Power Clean Technique
2 Hang Power Clean @65%
Conditioning -
1 - 40 Du's/ 90 SS
2 - 10 Thrusters @40/25
Thursday 15122016
Focus -
In Pairs
Row 5km
One Person Must Be Running 200m
With Slam Ball - Swop Every 200m Run
Friday 16122016
Activation -
3 x
10 Good Mornings @20/15
10 Wall Squats
5 Box Jumps
Focus -
Back Squat
12 Mins To Find Heavy 3
Then 5x4@70%
Accessory -
3 x
10 Goblet Squats @20/16
5 Box Jumps @240/20
Conditioning -
7 Min Amrap
30 Walking Lunges
10 Pull Ups