Week 11 - 2018

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Monday 03/12/18


Specific Movement Prep



In 14 mins

Complete 2 Rounds

100 Double Unders

20 OH Squats

100 Double Unders

12 Ring Muscle Ups

100 Double Unders

20 DB Snatch

100 Double Unders

12 Bar Muscle Ups


Scaling options will be given. 


Tuesday 03/13/18


Every 2 Mins x 6 Sets

1 - Row 18/15 Cals + 10 Burpees Over Rower

2 - Run 200m + 12 KB Snatch

3 - 50 Du's + 1 Round Of Cindy


Wednesday 03/14/18


3 x

5 Good Mornings

10 Reverse Lunges

30 Sec Side Plank Rotations ES

Add Load Over Sets



2 x 5 @40%

1 x 20 @ 50%

3 x 10 @ 50%

Add 5-10kg from last week


1x10 @ 20RM weight

3 x 10 @ 80% of above


12 min amrap

10 Front Rack Step Ups Each Leg


10 Toes To Bar

3 Min Amrap

6 KB Swings

6 Burpees


Thursday 03/15/18


6 Min Amrap

30 sec KB armbar

10 KB Floor Press

10 Hollow Rocks


Push Press

Every 30 Secs x 10

3 Push Press

Rest 2 Mins

Every 30 Secs x 10

3 Push Jerk


12 Min TC

5 Rounds AFAP

Run 100m

8-12 HSPU or 3 Wall Climbs

Into 5 Rounds

Run 100m

10 Box Jump Overs


Friday 03/16/18


3 x

6 Kang Squats

6 Box Jumps

6 Burpees


Back Squat

2 x 5 @40%

1 x 20 @ 50%

3 x 10 @ 50%

Add 5-10kg from last week


1x10 @ 20RM weight

3 x 10 @ 80% of above


9 Min Amrap

5 Power Cleans

5 Front Squats

10 Burpees Over the Bar


3 x

20 Banded Mountain Climbers

20 Russian Twists

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong