Monday 12/02/18
6 Min Work
5 SL RDL - add load over sets
10 X Band Walks R and L
10 Hollow Rocks
Deadlift - Week 6
2 x 5 @40%
1 x 20 @ 50%
3 x 10 @ 50%
Add 5-10kg from last week
1x10 @ 20RM weight
3 x 10 @ 80% of above
12 Mins to Complete 4 Rounds
20 KB Swings
10 KB Push Press R
10 KB Push Press L
15 T2B or 15 V Ups
3 Rounds
12 Russian Twists
12 PVC Pipe Back Ext
Tuesday 13/02/18
6 min Windows Alternate Between x 3 each
1 -
Row 500m
30 Du's
20 Thrusters @ Empty Bar
20 Burpee Bar Touch
2 -
2 Rounds
Run 200m
20 KB swings
10 Pull Ups
Wednesday 14/02/18
3 x
10 Lateral Goblet Lunges
30Sec HS Hold
50 Ft Broad Jump
Back Squat - Week 6
2 x 5 @40%
1 x 20 @ 50%
3 x 10 @ 50%
Add 5-10kg from last week
1x10 @ 20RM weight
3 x 10 @ 80% of above
12 Min AMRAP
12 KB Farmers Reverse Lunge
100ft Box Push - Sprint these
Rest 2 Mins
3 Rounds
30 Sec Side Plank R
30 Sec Side Plank L
Aim is to not break for the entire 3 rounds.
Thursday 15/02/18
5 Mins
Do not let the KB hit the floor
2 Sec pause in each position
5 Sets - Go every 2.30
Build Load Over Sets
2 Strict Press
3 Push Press
3 Rounds
12 SA Arnold Press
15-20 Unbroken Hollow Rocks
In Pairs
12 MIns
80 Burpees Over The Rower
In Remaining TIme Max Cal Row
Score Is Cals Rowed
Friday 16/02/18
3 x
2 Double KB Cleans
2 Double KB Push Press
6 Front Rack Lunges
In 14 Mins Build to a Heavy
2 Touch and Go Clean
1 Jerk
In 14 Mins
Power Cleans - increase load
Chest To Bar Pull Ups
or Bar Mu's
Rest 3 Mins
Every 2 Mins x 3
Run 200m