Week 15


Im going to drip feed you the programming this week!! HAHA!!


Monday 10042017


Activation -

3 x

10 Good Morning to Reverse Lunge EL

10 Windmills ES

Run 100m - Heels to Bum


Focus -

Deadlift – 75%x5, 85%x3, 95%x1+

Accessory -

Front Squat - 65%x5, 75%x5, 85%x5


Conditioning -

In Pairs 12 Min Window

Row 1000m


Climb The Ladder

2,4,6,8,10 etc

KB Swings @24/16

Synchro Burpees


Tuesday 11042017


Activation -


5 Mim Amrap

10 KB Swings

2 Rounds of 3 Cones Fast as Possible 


Focus -

10 x

2 High Box Jumps

Rest 90 Secs Between

Add Height as needed


Conditioning -

Every 2 min x 5

10 Ball Slams

100m Sprint


75 Hollow Rocks 


Wednesday 11042017 


Activation -

3 x

10 Alternating Kneeling KB Press

10 Double KB Reverse Lunge

10 Back Extensions


Focus -

Floor Press – 75%x5, 85%x3, 95%x1+


Accessory -

Every 15 Seconds x 20

1 Wall Climb


Conditioning -

Every 90 Secs x 10


5 Pull Ups

10 Press Ups

15 Squats 


Thursday 13042017 


35 Min AMRAP

In Pairs

Row 150 Cals

150 Wall balls

150 KB Snatches

150 Burpees 


Friday 14042017 


Activation -

3 x

2 x Clock Lunge With KB

20 Shoulder Taps

10 Wall Squats


Focus -

Squat - 75%x5, 85%x3, 95%x1+


Accessory -

Romanian Deadlift - 5,5,5


Conditioning -

Every 2 Mins x 5

Run 200m


1- KB Swings

2 - Sit Ups

3 - Box Jumps

4 - Sit Ups

5 - KB Swings 

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong