Huge Congratulations to Sam and Gemma for an amazing performance at Just Row this weekend. All the effort, training and sweat was well worth it. Proud of you both!
Monday 24042017
Activation -
3 x
50 ft Gekko Crawl
20 Shoulder Taps
15 Glute Bridge
Focus -
Floor Press - 40%x5, 50%x5, 60%x5
Accessory -
Hand Stand Hold
20-30 sec wall facing handstand hold
Conditioning -
In Pairs
5 Min Amrap
5 Double KB Clean and Press @16/12
Swop every 5 Reps
Rest 2 Mins
3 Mins
Max Rep Syncro Burpees
Tuesday 25042017
Activation -
Ladder Drills
Focus -
6 x
50ft Box Push Sprint
Run 200m
Rest 2-3m
Must be all out effort
Accessory -
Conditioning -
Every 3 Mins x 3
40 Slam Balls
30 Sit Ups
20 Press Ups
Wednesday 26042017
Activation -
5 MIn Amrap
TGU + 5 OH Lunges
Focus -
Squat – 40%x5, 50%x5, 60%x5
Accessory -
Romanian Deadlift – 5,5,5
Please record load
Conditioning -
8 MIn Amrap
12 KB Snatch @20/12
12 KB Step Ups
48 Du's
Thursday 27042017
Activation -
3 x
10 Good Mornings
10 Push Press
10 Front Rack Lunges
Focus -
12 MIn Amap
6 Thrusters @30/15
12 Down Ups
Run 100m
Rest 2 MIns
10 Min Amrap
4 Thrusters @40/25
10 Down Ups
Run 100m
Rest 2 mins
8 Min Amrap
2 Thrusters @50/35
8 Down Ups
Run 100m
Friday 28042017
Activation -
3 x
10 Bottom Up KB Press EA
1 Back Burner
5 Tempo Press Ups
Focus -
Press – 65%x5, 75%x5, 85%x5+
Accessory -
Floor Press – 50%x10, 60%x10, 70%x10
Conditioning -
In Pairs
Row 1000m
50 Push Press @40/25
30 Pull Ups
Row 500m
50 Push Press @40/25
30 Pull Ups