Monday 06032017
Activation -
3 x
100 Single Skips
30ft Ghekko Crawl
Focus -
Every 3 Mins x 3
1 - Run 400m
2 - Row 500m
3 - 25 Burpees
Tuesday 07032017
3 x
12 Good Mornings
10 Wall Squats
8 Hollow Rocks
Focus -
Deadlift - 40%x5, 50%x5, 60%x5
Accessory -
Front Squat - 40%x5, 50%x5, 60%x5
Conditioning -
10 Min Time Cap
100 Ball Slams
100 Sit Ups
Wednesday 08032017
3 x
10 Glute Bridge
1 Depth Jump Circuit
30ft Bear Crawl
Focus -
15 Mins to build to
1 PC + 2 Clean + 1 Jerk
Can Be Split or Push Jerk
Accessory -
Conditioning -
1 Clean and Jerk @70% of max complex
Thursday 09032017
2 x
1 Min KB Arm Bar
10 KB Pull Overs
Focus -
Floor Press - 40%x5, 50%x5, 60%x5
Accessory -
2 Wall Climbs
Conditioning -
5 Rounds
5-10 Chin Ups
5-10 Deficit Press Ups
10 Reverse Curl To Press
Run 100m
Friday 10032017
Activation -
2 x
10 Banded Wood Chops ES
10 Hollow Rocks
30 Ft Wheel Barrow Walk
Focus -
20 on 20 off x 8
Chin Over ar Hold
Hollow Hold
Accessory -
Conditioning -
Every 2 Mins x 5
10 Hanging Knee Raise
20 KB Snatches