Week 12

Monday 20032017


Activation - 


Team Burpee Ladder


Focus - 


Eva - 40 Min TC

5 Rounds

Run 800m

30 KB Swings

30 Pull Ups


Tuesday 21032017


Activation - 


3 x

1 Min Smack Game

30 Sec Handstand Hold


Focus - 


Floor Press – 65%x5, 75%x5, 85%x5+


Accessory - 



2 Wall Climb


Conditioning -  


10 Min Amrap 


10 Back Extension Flys @ 1.25 or 2.5kg

10 Barbell Curls @20/15

10 Barbell of KB Skull Crushers


Wednesday 22032017


Activation - 


Barbell Warm Up 

Pause Variations 


Focus - 


10 Mins To Build To 

Power Clean and Power Jerk 

2 Sec Pause in clean and jerk


Accessory - 


10 Min EMOM 

2 Power Clean + 1 Jerk @75%

2 Sec Pause in the jerk 


Conditioning -  


7 Min Amrap 

42 DU's/84 SS

7 Hand Release Push Ups 

14 KB Snatches


Thursday 23032017


Activation - 


3 Mins Breathing Patterning

Foot Work Drils 

Glute Band Walks 


Focus - 


Squat - 65%x5, 75%x5, 85%x5+


Accessory - 


Romanian Deadlift -10, 10, 10


Conditioning -  


4 Rounds

20 Front Rack KB Lunges

20 Burpees



Friday 24032017 


Activation - 


3 x 

1 Min Pairs Hand Ball 

50ft Wheel Barrow Walk 


Focus - 


5 x

15 Barbell Window Wipers

1 Min Chinese Plank


Accessory - 


30 Med Ball Dead Bugs


Conditioning -  


8 Min Amrap 

Run 100m 

2 Wall Climbs


Strength is a choice…choose to be strong